another hijacking


I remember when I used to do trade plates and was offered a bump on the head and a wedge in my pocket to deliver a new unregistered truck to Ireland.

I remained bump free .

Same here, shipping drugs over,
I was approached in Monty’s Bar in Zeebrugge by a dubious looking pair…politely declined, (and watched my back walking back to truck :smiling_imp: )
I’ve been known to do a couple of dodgy things in my time, but did not want ANY part of that crap,… look at Limeyphil. :bulb:

what happened to limey phil?thought he hadnt been on in ages!

what happened to limey phil?thought he hadnt been on in ages! … -1-8181979

I remember when I used to do trade plates and was offered a bump on the head and a wedge in my pocket to deliver a new unregistered truck to Ireland.

I remained bump free .

We’ve all seen the video :wink: Were these guys in lycra too?

Probably yes, looked like they were smuggling fruit and veg though.