Animals on roads

DSCN0358.jpgWe use them too, stone protection.


Star down under.:
It’s not just a towel rail. :smiley:
Handy at minimising damage from horses, cattle, feral pigs and kangaroos < 8’, but offers limited protection from camels and wombats.

You need some mesh over that windscreen mate.
Think of the pigeons.

I wouldn’t personally.
But say you ran.over a pheasant. Or maybe even a.rabbit.
You stopped and the said.animal was dead.but in.a.decent condition
Could you legally take the carcass home
.make a stew with it?

I wouldn’t personally.
But say you ran.over a pheasant. Or maybe even a.rabbit.
You stopped and the said.animal was dead.but in.a.decent condition
Could you legally take the carcass home
.make a stew with it?

Why tf would you worry about the legality.
If you’re hungry take it home and cook the ■■■■ thing.
Job done.

I wouldn’t personally.
But say you ran.over a pheasant. Or maybe even a.rabbit.
You stopped and the said.animal was dead.but in.a.decent condition
Could you legally take the carcass home
.make a stew with it?

There are roadkill recipe books and websites.
Maybe get Santa to give you one ?

I ran over Hare once, so stopped to see if I could do anything to help it but it was dead.
The bloke that was following saw what had happened, so he stopped and produced a bottle of liquid and tipped some into the Hares mouth. Within a couple of seconds it came back to life and ran off.
“Kin ell what was in that bottle mate”? says I
Hair restorer, says he.

The old ones are the best

I go the majority of my driving for work and personal in Eastern England and muntjac deer are a serious menace. I was on the A14 this weekend - dead muntjac all the way along. There are millions of them now. In Norfolk they are a nuisance in people’s gardens, eating stuff, digging, and making a barking noise all night.

I am grateful that I haven’t hit one (yet) - had one skid under the wheels and escape by a whisker. They are reputed to cause a lot of car accidents.

I go the majority of my driving for work and personal in Eastern England and muntjac deer are a serious menace. I was on the A14 this weekend - dead muntjac all the way along. There are millions of them now. In Norfolk they are a nuisance in people’s gardens, eating stuff, digging, and making a barking noise all night.

I am grateful that I haven’t hit one (yet) - had one skid under the wheels and escape by a whisker. They are reputed to cause a lot of car accidents.

and that’s just the locals :unamused:

Was with the wife one night we hit a badger. I stopped she got out and said look at this poor thing what can we do. I said put it up your skirt to keep it warm. She said " but it’s all hairy, wet, bloody and smelly’ I replied I’m sure the state the badgers I he wont mind. Hence broken nose


I go the majority of my driving for work and personal in Eastern England and muntjac deer are a serious menace. I was on the A14 this weekend - dead muntjac all the way along. There are millions of them now. In Norfolk they are a nuisance in people’s gardens, eating stuff, digging, and making a barking noise all night.

I am grateful that I haven’t hit one (yet) - had one skid under the wheels and escape by a whisker. They are reputed to cause a lot of car accidents.

and that’s just the locals :unamused:


On a motorcycle had an Owl headbutt me at 50 Mph - it survived, my £45 visor didn’t.

Had a Stag run out in front of me in Essex one early morning and totaled my windscreen as it went thru it and damaged the doorposts, one of his hoofs smacked me in the jaw and the B’stard made off. The car was a £6k write-off. I went looking for it, he was fine and ran off seeing me. The only time I thought of the price of Venison at a Butcher shop.

In Australia on a motorbike, narrowly missed a few sunbathing Browns (poisonous snakes) on the Stuart Hwy, clipped a wombat at 50k’s near Wollongong and nearly came off the road, the Emu’s are ■■■■■■■ suicidal, 5 of them ran towards me!

Hit a Cat on a Country Road in Scotland at 5 am, stopped went back to check, miles from any houses - it was dead! It was a Scots Wildcat, so I moved it to the side of the road.

UK Law states you should report ANY collision with an animal to the Police, except a Cat!

P.s. I’m an animal-loving vegetarian, but that Stag was pushing it! If I had a rifle, it would have been very quickly strapped to my roof.

I’ve had deer just standing in the middle of the road in the dead of night on A26 near Uckfield that because I’d seen them in my full beam, and there was nothing else about - I could approach slowly, and not end up running them down when they stand mezmerized in the lights.

There are whole herds of deer hanging around the new dual carraigeway section of the A11 approaching the first Thetford roundabout Eastbound.
Sometimes they are ALL in the middle of the road, so you’d have to be an animal hating git just to approach that lot at 50mph, ploughing through them I guess.
One of the drivers doing the run I was doing that night on a previous occasion, had apparently hit one, and ran into a field, damaging the truck… He kept his job though.

I’ve had an Owl fly into my cab canopy driving up the M1, also in the middle of night. All I could see in my mirror - was feathers going everywhere, with the poor old thing totally obliterated.

I only killed a fox once, driving down the M2 towards Faversham in a RM 17tonner, he ran out in front, I changed lanes to lane 2, he went back to the hard shoulder, then at the very last moment - dashed right across in front of me, like OP “thud thud” and I was left thinking “how better could I have played that?”

I guess I am an aminal lover me, with four pets (9 at one point) and I absolutely hate it when some furry creature dies under my wheels… I lost my last cat I think to a boy racer up my street, but can’t prove it of course, not that “Proof” would have made any difference.

I went over an already-dead Badger carcass one one occasion, and I thought I was going to be tipped over, the bump was so great…

By far the creatures I’ve lost count of though - are rabbits and pigeons, which seem to just run out under my front wheels for no reason at all.
Impossible to anticipate, or you’d be driving at 1mph every time you saw them all lined up on the grass verges, or the pigeons pecking at grit in the gutter…

Had a Stag run out in front of me in Essex one early morning and totaled my windscreen as it went thru it

P.s. I’m an animal-loving vegetarian, but that Stag was pushing it! If I had a rifle, it would have been very quickly strapped to my roof.


Had a Stag run out in front of me in Essex one early morning and totaled my windscreen as it went thru it

P.s. I’m an animal-loving vegetarian, but that Stag was pushing it! If I had a rifle, it would have been very quickly strapped to my roof.

I’m Ex-Army, everything I have shot and killed with an SA80 or Challenger Tank has never got up and walked away :sunglasses:

saw a herd of elk get obliterated one night on the transcanada ,they made it over the west bound (my direction) but instead o stopping on the wide centre they carried on . watched as cars and trucks send them flying ,caused thousands in damage if i mind correctly. Hit a deer early one morning went u nder wagon ,ripped of cross fuel line,brake chamber and exploded under axles /trailer. I can say that a mix o splattered deer /diesel /rain ruins clothes and stinks for weeks in your hair as i went under to stop the loss o 1200ltrs o diesel and tie up chamber and wind of brakes(as stuck on road).Twas a bank holiday so would have sat for a day so it was man up n get ere done . :smiley: The next 8hrs drive to yrd in just a pair o shorts sitting on bin bags on seat was different. two weeks later smacked another .bounce ,bounce smack at 2am on a back o beyond rd on a overnight mail run.Didnt even leave a mark on the motor.


I hate stupid pigeons
Am sure they must be blind or suicidal as lost count of the number of.times had to break as one almost flies into my windscreen

Seriously,why would you brake to avoid killing a poxy pigeon ?

Why wouldn’t you?



I hate stupid pigeons
Am sure they must be blind or suicidal as lost count of the number of.times had to break as one almost flies into my windscreen

Seriously,why would you brake to avoid killing a poxy pigeon ?

Why wouldn’t you?


pigeons lives matter…poor wee flying rats…i hate it when i see any animal getting creamed.
im not so fussed when i see some humans getting their good news,but i hate it for animals and other creatures.

i think there is a point being missed on this subject, its not so much you try to avoid the collision it’s just a natural reaction as a driver, and as a driver i had a badger write off the front of my car many years ago as much as i was ■■■■■■ off about my car i felt worse about the dead beast… :frowning:

I hit a badger in my own car in the early hours a while back. It took the front corner off despite my violent swervings to avoid it. After checking the damage I was that incensed that in a display of childish petulance and rubber smoke I spun around in the road and headed back to either run it over again or find its family and run them all over but it had gone!

Turns out natural engineering trumps German engineering. :imp:



I hate stupid pigeons
Am sure they must be blind or suicidal as lost count of the number of.times had to break as one almost flies into my windscreen

Seriously,why would you brake to avoid killing a poxy pigeon ?

Why wouldn’t you?

Because the chances are, that there will be a pillock tailgating me and I would end up with my back doors smashed in.
If it was an animal or a bird of prey I would do my best to avoid it but a pigeon . . no chance

Coming back…

From a shift about 5 in the morning many years ago, I collided with a deer. As soon as I realised what had happened, I said to myself ‘that’s £500 gone’.

I was correct almost to the penny.