Andrew Gormanly -Dratsabasti. RIP

Just makes you realise how fragile and precious life is.

Didn’t know you personally Andy but this has still come as a shock.
R.I.P. pal.

rest in peace andrew :cry: robert and pat

So very sad,R.I.P Andy.

R.I.P Andy. Keep trucking in the sky.

RIP Andy, my thoughts are with the poor family.

My condolences to his family,

he lives on in your hearts and in your memories and no one, not even god, can take that away from you.

Rest in Peace Andy, may your journey to heaven be a safe one

Its with regret to here this said news. I didn’t know you in person but my thought are with your family in this said time, I think i say from all RIP.


When one of us is fallen, we all hurt.

I am deeply saddened by this awful news. My path never knowingly crossed with Andy’s, yet he is one of us and I feel for him and the family he leaves.

RIP good buddy. 10/10 for now, keep yer back doors clean and yer front doors green.

R.I.P. Andy

A sad loss. RIP Andy, and many condolences to family

very sad loss, RIP Andy,

your freindship was much appreciated

My heart felt condolences go to his family, as a fellow lincolnshire lad(yellow belly and proud), and fellow waggon driver. truck it on easy mate.

i met andy and the kids a few times, he’s a nice bloke with some good stories.
it just shows you dont know whats around the corner, and i’m totally shocked by this.
condolencies to his family, rest in peace andy.

condolences to family and friends at your sad and untimely loss. r i p matey

I’m deeply saddend by this news, although our paths may never of crossed, we’ve lost a colleague, a fellow road warrior. May you rest in peace.

i agree

sad sad news r.i.p

Having just come off the phone to his Ex wife after almost an hour, I can tell you that her and Philip and Becca are getting great comfort from the threads on ALL the forums and are heartened to know that Andy had so many friends.

They have asked me to let all of tehe other forums know about the funeral arrangements as soon as they are confirmd and I will do this.

One thing that is confirmed already, is that everyone is welcome and IN TRUCKS if possible.

Time and date, flowers or donations to be confirmed later.


I recieved this via e-mail and thought it appropriate in this thread

I am Andy’s ex wife,I know your forum is being keep up to date as it were by
other people but I would just like to say thankyou on behalf of Philip and
Rebebah for all the support you have shown us all.We have been deeply
touched by all the posts that we have seen, For those of you that don’t know
the children are making a memory book and all the posts from all the forums
will be included, Please if anyone has any anicdotes or stories about Andy
please post them also ,so they can be included.
I would be gratful if you would post this on our childrens behalf.
Thankyou Chandra

Rest in peace and God Bless You Brother

Rest in peace Fella.
My condolences to the family.

Andy was ex forces.

I have posted a link to arrse where a similar condolence thread is ongoing.

RIP Andy … 13593.html