And the public have a cheek to call us

O.K guy’s cool it or I will lock this thread
I have far too many other things to be dealing with right now which doesn’t include babysitting you lot

I don’t think all Liverpudlians … on their way to work every day!


Now I KNOW you’re only joking! :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Us tykes are just coming up from t’pit in a morning, eebagum you lot don’t know your born…when I were a lad…


Typical Huns. :laughing:

That added a lot to the discussion. Just your typical redneck southern irish view that anybody wearing blue is a “hun”. Get a life you eejit.

I’m not from the Republic of Ireland. I’m not a Tim either. Obviously failed to spot the emoticon indicating a joke. I suggest you lighten up.

Scotland, Falkirk, Dundee, etc also wear blue, but I don’t call them Huns. :wink:

Typical Huns. :laughing:

No respect! :unamused: And they say its good for Scottish football :blush:

everybody is too busy slagging each other off like kids, rather than stick together.

It’s not just truckers, it’s any internet forum on any subject anywhere in cyberworld.
People rant and rave at each other because they don’t expect to ever come face to face with that person. A bit like people ■■■■■■ and blinding at each other from within the comfort of their vehicle - tends to change a little when one person steps out :laughing:

I felt sorry for the staff,who were going round picking this crap up,when they could be better employed doing other things.

Like cleaning the showers


I felt sorry for the staff,who were going round picking this crap up,when they could be better employed doing other things.

Like cleaning the showers

What? Services staff cleaning showers? They’ll get cleaned when Beelzebub brings on the end of the world! (or the place gets demolished for a refurb…)

Seen the cleaner in Truckhaven? the younge one, must be early twentys or late teens, what a darlin :laughing:

P.S I’m only 22, so I’m not a dirty old man lol

P.S I’m only 22, so I’m not a dirty old man lol

ya got something to look forward to

What happened in Manchester was a disgrace. Some Russians were stabbed in the general fracas. Word in the media has it that the Russians will be giving Chelsea and Man Utd fans a warm welcome in Moscow in retaliation for that.

What on Earth has gone wrong with football? Why can’t people just enjoy the game - or not, depending upon the result I guess, and behave like civilised human beings.

This isn’t a Scottish or English thing, it just seems that football attracts the filth from the gutter of society. The mob in Manchaster should have been tear-gassed and given a salvo or two of rubber bullets.

gnasty gnome:

I don’t think all Liverpudlians … on their way to work every day!


Now I KNOW you’re only joking! :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Oi !!! I’m a scouser and I’ve got a job, granted I haven’t got a fab four poster :wink: But back on track, I know Southwaite isn’t one of the cleanest MSA’s, but it looked like a third world country by the time the “fans” had passed through and left their mark. When I pulled onto the main car park, I was greeted by a long queue of “gentlemen” relieving themselves against a fence because they couldn’t be bothered waiting in the queue for the toilet. However, what made me chuckle was when said gentlemen spotted the battenburg, and not experienced HATO’s in Scotland, thought we were the police and zipped up mid flow. There were a few wet legs reboarding the transport south :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses:

i spoke to a jock some time back, i asked him. “how come when i’m up in glasgow your all dead nice and i can’t put my hand in my pocket, but when your in blackpool you just cause trouble?”
so he explained how it is “when we get to carlisle, we drop our brains off, then we head south” he said. :laughing:

“when we get to carlisle, we drop our brains off, then we head south” he said. :laughing:

they must do that to fit in with the southerners :laughing:

Dr Dubya:

everybody is too busy slagging each other off like kids, rather than stick together.

It’s not just truckers, it’s any internet forum on any subject anywhere in cyberworld.
People rant and rave at each other because they don’t expect to ever come face to face with that person. A bit like people ■■■■■■ and blinding at each other from within the comfort of their vehicle - tends to change a little when one person steps out :laughing:

That is so true mate, people will make all the hand jestures and shout all the cheek of the day, but will they pull over when you want to challenge them - no!! I chased a guy so long one day he parked outside the gates of a police station and wouldnt get out. Lucky for him.

P.S I’m only 22, so I’m not a dirty old man lol

So are you suggesting there’s something wrong with being a dirty old man. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i travel the m6 six days aweek
and i could not get cup of coffe or use the toilet
i started in boltoneast couldnt drive in lorry park
forton had half mile q burton on kendal was closed
as was tebay just closing southwaite asi passed
could not get parked in golden fleece
eventually got my coffe in the moss
but not without a struggle to get parked
where russel the who works there said he did not move
from the till for 5 hours he was that busy

I thought it was quite ammusing the other day when people were going on about gypsies and the mess they make, when fans seen to do whatever they like because they’re only fans, bless-em :exclamation: