Ancient brits heading east!

Looks like someone is keeping the Bartons Scammel alive, this was a couple of weeks ago in Bakewell. NMP

Many thanks for posting those, Birdie4x4! I grew in Nottingham as a nipper and I remember well their fascinating fleet of buses. Barton used to rebuild its own buses and there was a an ultra-lowbridge AEC double-decker that they built (I think on a Loline chassis). They were a very innovative lot and I believe they more or less led the way in post-war Continental coach travel, pioneering trips into war-torn Europe in the late '40s and early '50s.

Cheers! Ro.

Barton did indeed have one ultra-low-height 'decker, and you’re right, it was built on a Loline chassis, which makes it a Dennis by default!

Before the advent of low-height bus chassis (usually achieved by a drop-centre axle at the rear), “lowbridge” buses were built to a reduced height by having raised rows of 4 seats together upstairs, and a sunken gangway down the offside:

Lowbridge Crossley interior by Geoff Dowling, on Flickr

Once the low-height chassis started to appear, such as the Bristol Lodekka, Albion Lowlander and then the rear-engined Daimler Fleetline, that lowbridge body style became obsolete. What Barton did was to combine a lowbridge body with a low-height chassis, to achieve an overall height of (I think) 12’5", making it the lowest covered 'decker ever built, I believe. A standard highbridge bus was 14’6" and lowbridge about 13’1".

The Bristol Lodekka was available only to member of the Transport Holding Company, i.e. nationalised bus companies, Bristol itself being state-owned at that time. Dennis Bros came to an agreement to build the Lodekka design under licence for the open market, and that was the Loline.



An ERF NGC European on Middle-East work for Eric Vick in the '70s

A few randoms.

Are the orange white Volvo & Scania Erics Birdales from Maidstone■■?

A couple of Ford Transcontinental’s, a Foden and a DORF.





Not my pics

I remember seeing this Foden on his way home parked up at Londra Camping in Istanbul in 1980.

Photo courtesy of Trucker Ash.

It was pulling this trailer.

Photo courtesy of Trucker Ash.

Ian Mellor from Heywood.



Londra Camping Istanbul I.I.R.C. about 1982ish.

I remember seeing this Foden on his way home parked up at Londra Camping in Istanbul in 1980.

Photo courtesy of Trucker Ash.

It was pulling this trailer.

Photo courtesy of Trucker Ash.

Ian Mellor from Heywood.




Londra Camping Istanbul I.I.R.C. about 1982ish.


Great pics MM! Is that Mark Smith on the bottom right of the Londra photo?

I am afraid that the name Mark Smith doesn’t ring a bell at the moment Ro but from what I do remember going clockwise, the guy wearing the Wombat tee shirt was called Ernie who drove for Tanker Bill.
I don’t know the name of the guy who was sitting next to him on his left but I am certain that the next guy was John Bruce from Astran. The next guy I think was Dirty ■■■■ who drove for a couple of companies doing Middle East work over the years and I think that he was also on for T.I.R. Tanker International Routiers a.k.a. Tanker Bill from London.
I can’t remember the next guy but next to him wearing the glasses was Peter Wall a.k.a. The Plater, from Hick’s in Newport.
Next to Peter was Derick Robbo from Dow Freight, I don’t know the next guy but next to him was Billy Murrey who also drove for Dow. And I can’t remember the name of the next two lads.


Hicks Transport, Newport.


The Mandator looks lonely

> ramone:
> The Mandator looks lonely

Can’t have been there long, still has all it’s wheels

> ramone:
> The Mandator looks lonely

Can’t have been there long, still has all it’s wheels

Driver had only stopped for a pee!








Brilliant pictures.

NMP Atki on Tahir 1977.

Atki on Tahie.jpg

NMP Atki on Tahir 1977.


It was a bit difficult to see why that happened,he had just turned off at the junction to Horosan\Tahir and had only gone a few hundred meters up the road when he slid into the ditch.When I stopped to see if I could help,at the same time a dolmus[Ford transit type minibus]stopped and a ■■■■■■■■ of Turks jumped out to see what was happening.To my surprise one of them came to me and directly started speaking fluent Dutch[I was driving a Dutch truck].When I explained he directly sent people to Horosan to get help.I later left but heard that they helped until the truck was back on the road.Ok, they got paid but still,cant fault them for the helpfullness.

nmp: found on fb I believe. There are other pics of this abandoned ERF on this thread. It used to ply twixt Blighty and Tehran. Nice Italian nuanced pic of Ancient Brits Heading East though!

Different view of an old “middle east” trailer, off fb
