Caused by giving 3 tugs, lol
Caused by giving 3 tugs, lol
Dipper Dave I’m not saying that physically climbing under a trailer to check the pin is wrong, I’m just saying that getting wet and getting crap over the back of your jacket to look at something isn’t really necessary. But to be fair, do whatever makes you feel better after all it’s your arse on the line.
I know I was just being naughty, I don’t really check me brake lights, apart from when its dark and I can do it whilst having a brew…
I don’t really check me brake lights, apart from when its dark and I can do it whilst having a brew…
You’re not the dogging trucker in the mask are you■■?
Amazing how much opinion and riding over someone dipping their head under a trailer causes. Must be a slow news day/week
‘… never trust anyone else … a quick poke nose with a torch … its good common sense…’
The political reality is that the UK as a diverse society no longer has much in ‘…common…’ - other than all being raced to the bottom by the homogenised ambition of the EU
Without being a pedantic ring-piece, my suggestion is that thoroughly checking the pin on hooking-up and taking over a combination is simply good, professional practice