"Alleged offence" no seat belt

I left there after passing my class 1 id only worked there 5 months they toke me on as a new pass to class 2, when i left they were not happy with me did it all properly worked a weeks notice but they were not happy for leaving after just 5 months service but as said id passed class 1 and wanted to get into that work,

I held the logbook for tacho rules they were supposed to check and sign it and take there copy every week but most weeks they just said “dosent matter” so when i left i had the only copy of that weeks logbook and i threw it away because id left the company so you know its no good to me im on digi card now,

If they can prove its me id hold my hands up and pay the fine but i dont want to take the blame for another driver as i genuinly dont think that was me in October when it happened i dont recall been near the area where it happened,

I have no proof of what i was driving but neither does the company.

As good a reason as any for carrying a diary and making simple daily notes such as vehicles driven that day, trailers pulled and anything “out of the ordinary” that may have occurred that day.

You would have been exempt from wearing a seat belt while emptying the bins but not on your way to or from the depot/tip.

Does the exemption only apply to bin lorrys on domestic collections. I’m sure I remember a guy on trade/commercial waste work telling me that the seat belt exemptions didn’t apply to him. He found this out after being done for not wearing his belt by traffic cops.

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You would have been exempt from wearing a seat belt while emptying the bins but not on your way to or from the depot/tip.

Does the exemption only apply to bin lorrys on domestic collections. I’m sure I remember a guy on trade/commercial waste work telling me that the seat belt exemptions didn’t apply to him. He found this out after being done for not wearing his belt by traffic cops.

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Don’t know if it’s changed, but years ago (mid 90’s) I was doing multi drop in a transit and got pulled by plod at some lights for no seatbelt… showed them my delivery sheet: last delivery just behind us and next delivery on it just around the corner, let me go on my way.


You would have been exempt from wearing a seat belt while emptying the bins but not on your way to or from the depot/tip.

Does the exemption only apply to bin lorrys on domestic collections. I’m sure I remember a guy on trade/commercial waste work telling me that the seat belt exemptions didn’t apply to him. He found this out after being done for not wearing his belt by traffic cops.

Not specifically just domestic door to door collections, the exemption applies to “driving a goods vehicle on deliveries that is travelling no more than 50 metres between stops”.

When you don’t need to wear a seat belt

An “alleged offence” simply means that its substance has not yet been proved in a court of law - It certainly does not mean the police have no evidence!

I had a (discussion)with the nice VOSA people a couple of years ago.I drove a bus to a sports event and they said that I had been observed driving without my seat belt.I told them that I had unclipped the seat belt and my trouser belt as soon as I left the road and joined the estate road.I had done this as the journey had taken a long time and I needed to PEE.I minded my manners though and they left me alone with my money.

So in your opinion if there is no logbook as evidence (which there isnt because i threw it away when i left) would that mean they have no way of proving who was driving?

I suspect that somewhere they (the operator) will have records (runsheets, timesheets etc) that show who was allocated that vehicle that day. But by ditching the logbook youve left yourself with even less physical evidence to prove you wasnt driving it

I had a (discussion)with the nice VOSA people a couple of years ago.I drove a bus to a sports event and they said that I had been observed driving without my seat belt.I told them that I had unclipped the seat belt and my trouser belt as soon as I left the road and joined the estate road.I had done this as the journey had taken a long time and I needed to PEE.I minded my manners though and they left me alone with my money.

TTBOMK VOSA (or nowadays DVSA) have no power to ticket you for seatbelt offences anyway.

the maoster:
As good a reason as any for carrying a diary and making simple daily notes such as vehicles driven that day, trailers pulled and anything “out of the ordinary” that may have occurred that day.

Well said. I’ve been keeping a diary for years,a page a day A5 size, log all my work, times,delivery, trailers, containers, seal numbers, notes on out of the ordinary events, including infringements, defects, customer issues, basically if I think it might be of interest at a later date it goes in, and as contemperaneuos notes they hold a reasonable weight in such matters as the OP is discussing, or company disaplinary issues.

To the original posters issue. If you had kept your own record you could have put the to bed straight away, let it be part of the learning curve, there will be plenty out there who’ll try to pin the blame on you for this that and the other, once tm’s get the message that when you say "let me get my diary’ which will give a verbatim account of what you recorded on any particular day, they’ll give up trying to pin the crap on you, and pin to a more deserving culprit.

Lesson learned getting a dairy for 2017, il see what response i get to my letter hopefully who ever was driving they were within 50 meters of stops but i doubt it, either that or a clear video/image of the driver because im 99.9% sure it wasnt me.

I’m not being a smart arse here, but: I would be able to remember straight away that if I was supposed to be wearing a seat belt, I could say that I was without even having to think about it.

I’ve admitted before that when I was driving buses, I refused to wear a seat belt, even with coppers on the bus. It saved me from getting bashed more than once, simply because I wasn’t belted in. It really boils down to routine.