Agency Rates

Thanks for the replies.

Being accused of extracting the urine is a bit puzzling. The business is moving the way of zero hours contracts and temporary drivers, its the way of the world. I just want to see if i can show flexibility and benefit from it. Would take a job if there were any but its not an option. Guess my take is that this is the way the industry is moving, you can either moan about it or try to go woth the flow. I prefer to row down stream than up.

Looks like i will have to look at the insurance issues.

If an agent charges on average 39%, guess i need to be in the 20% range on top of there employed rate. Which gets me to roughly what i get off the agent, which makes me wonder how an agent makes a living.

When winseer comes on :laughing: listen to what he says! :sunglasses: £ 18 minimum is a starting point! :smiley: DON’T TAKE OUT ANY INSURANCE UNDER AND CIRCUMSTANCES! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

what with agency’s & company’s taking the Pee outta drivers for for long enough it’s a bit rich to say
you as a driver is taking the pee outta who ? good luck to you I say

The future can only keep going in a straight line if there are no outside influences coming in - ever - come what may. Perhaps firms are more stuck in a rut here than we working drivers are? :bulb: