Agency owe me, any suggestions

I keep ringing the agency they keep saying they’ll get back to me but never do im not sure what to do any suggestions thanks in advance

If it is that important to you why are you just ringing them.
Go and see them ffs! :unamused: , confront them face to face, what is more easier for them than to just fob you off on the phone, until next time you ring, and next time…and so on.
I have found in any walk of life it is better to turn up in person, confront them and let them see that you will not be ■■■■■■ about, I ain’t saying turn up with a baseball bat, but a slightly menacing look combined with politeness and civility has always worked for me.
Too many of these ■■■■■■ agencies think they can treat drivers like ■■■■ on their shoes, and that is for one reason only, because too many drivers allow them to, so man up, stop ■■■■ ing about, and confront the ■■■■■■■ s.


You know full well why they don’t.

Its because it costs more to have some on the books, ie holiday/sick pay/NI etc

You’re an intelligent person, you should stop asking silly questions :unamused:

Try engaging your brain yourself.

If the agency are paying their drivers on PAYE £10 an hour and the agency are charging their drivers out at £15 an hour, a haulier can pay their own drivers £10 an hour as well and be £2.30/hr better off than paying the agency. Yet they don’t. And then they wonder why they’re continuing to pay out £15 an hour.

Employers are not that confident that the current boom will keep going. It id difficult and expensive to reduce a permanent workforce, while agency drivers can be told on Friday that they are not needed on Monday. Then if the work does come in, one phone call gets them back on Tuesday. Back in the bad old days, if a driver talked back at the boss - he got his cards. These days the same applies to an agency driver - back talk the boss and he phones the agency: “Don’t send Connor here anymore.”

Apart from this there are a lot of costs with employing anyone. NI (@ 13.8%), holiday pay (28 days), admin costs (HR, Payroll). These could easily add 15 to 20% to the wage cost. The rate the agency charge will also include VAT which the employer can recover. It’s not unknown for a large employer to get a rebate if the usage goes above some agreed amount.

And we won’t mention brown envelopes.


I keep ringing the agency they keep saying they’ll get back to me but never do im not sure what to do any suggestions thanks in advance

If it is that important to you why are you just ringing them.
Go and see them ffs! :unamused: , confront them face to face, what is more easier for them than to just fob you off on the phone, until next time you ring, and next time…and so on.
I have found in any walk of life it is better to turn up in person, confront them and let them see that you will not be ■■■■■■ about, I ain’t saying turn up with a baseball bat, but a slightly menacing look
combined with politeness and civility has always worked for me.
Too many of these [zb] agencies think they can treat drivers like [zb] on their shoes, and that is for one reason only, because too many drivers allow them to, so man up, stop [zb] ing about, and confront the [zb] s.

I have thought about going to see them but there quite far from. Where I work/live but Ill have to i done a printout today so I have all the proof

Apart from this there are a lot of costs with employing anyone. NI (@ 13.8%), holiday pay (28 days), admin costs (HR, Payroll). These could easily add 15 to 20% to the wage cost.

I’ve included those.

The rate the agency charge will also include VAT which the employer can recover.

In my example, on top of the £15/hr, not included in it. As it is a nil sum (they reclaim what they’ve paid out in VAT) I’ve not included it for the reason that it makes absolutely no difference unless the company isn’t VAT registered.