Agency drivers working at Tesco run DC's



I personally find I can’t go past 2 laybys without the need to stop :wink:

Do you get roped in on debrief by some stupid clerk who asks whey you stopped here here & here…?:):slight_smile:

No because nights aren’t as ■■■■ like that :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

they are in livingston. every single stop is checked

Thought Tesco was mainly USDAW… :question:

In NI its Unite. :wink:

Anybody able to give me answers rather than the usual mutterings :question: :question: :neutral_face:

There are ALOT of worse places to work in NI driving a truck I can tell you, at least you can get a “livable” £10hour there on nights via agency. :confused:

Big Truck:

Thought Tesco was mainly USDAW… :question:

In NI its Unite. :wink:

Anybody able to give me answers rather than the usual mutterings :question: :question: :neutral_face:

There are ALOT of worse places to work in NI driving a truck I can tell you, at least you can get a “livable” £10hour there on nights via agency. :confused:

I never saw your location until you mentioned it :wink:
But yes I agree that there are worse places to drive a truck than for Tesco, I’m on £10.95 ph (found out we had a 1.5% pay rise at the start of August) plus night allowance…

they are in livingston. every single stop is checked

You can’t ■■■■ whilst on the job in tesco without being pulled in, even those doing time @ her majesty’s pleasure have more freedom…

ive been doing class 2 agency work for tescos and tbh i have not had any problems so far only done a handful of shifts with them.

Tosco drivers really do my ■■■■ in… I came across one on the A52 (D/C NSL) at 25mph, flat road no hazards ahead about 0200am

Couldnt pass as I was less than a mile from my exit (M1) and didnt want to wake him up…

Obviously I offered him some coffee beans as I passed him on the slip road

Tosco drivers really do my ■■■■ in… I came across one on the A52 (D/C NSL) at 25mph, flat road no hazards ahead about 0200am

Couldnt pass as I was less than a mile from my exit (M1) and didnt want to wake him up…

Obviously I offered him some coffee beans as I passed him on the slip road

Can’t over take someone doing 25mph on a dual carriageway coz you junc is just under a mile away :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

selby newcomer:

Tosco drivers really do my ■■■■ in… I came across one on the A52 (D/C NSL) at 25mph, flat road no hazards ahead about 0200am

Couldnt pass as I was less than a mile from my exit (M1) and didnt want to wake him up…

Obviously I offered him some coffee beans as I passed him on the slip road

Can’t over take someone doing 25mph on a dual carriageway coz you junc is just under a mile away :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Didn’t use the word “Just”, it was about 300 yards away… :unamused:

Wouldn’t have attempted an overtake if it was less than half a mile… I had a full load on so my acceleration wouldnt have been too good either


selby newcomer:

Tosco drivers really do my ■■■■ in… I came across one on the A52 (D/C NSL) at 25mph, flat road no hazards ahead about 0200am

Couldnt pass as I was less than a mile from my exit (M1) and didnt want to wake him up…

Obviously I offered him some coffee beans as I passed him on the slip road

Can’t over take someone doing 25mph on a dual carriageway coz you junc is just under a mile away :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Didn’t use the word “Just”, it was about 300 yards away… :unamused:

Wouldn’t have attempted an overtake if it was less than half a mile… I had a full load on so my acceleration wouldnt have been too good either

But you didn’t say less than half a mile away either :unamused:

So your slating a driver for slowing down as he approaches a slip road he’s coming off at and then have the front to call him a ■■■■■■ :unamused: :unamused: and you don’t want to over take on a DC but you say you overtook him on a slip road fully loaded as well :unamused: :unamused:

selby newcomer:


selby newcomer:

Tosco drivers really do my ■■■■ in… I came across one on the A52 (D/C NSL) at 25mph, flat road no hazards ahead about 0200am

Couldnt pass as I was less than a mile from my exit (M1) and didnt want to wake him up…

Obviously I offered him some coffee beans as I passed him on the slip road

Can’t over take someone doing 25mph on a dual carriageway coz you junc is just under a mile away :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Didn’t use the word “Just”, it was about 300 yards away… :unamused:

Wouldn’t have attempted an overtake if it was less than half a mile… I had a full load on so my acceleration wouldnt have been too good either

But you didn’t say less than half a mile away either :unamused:

So your slating a driver for slowing down as he approaches a slip road he’s coming off at and then have the front to call him a [zb] :unamused: :unamused: and you don’t want to over take on a DC but you say you overtook him on a slip road fully loaded as well :unamused: :unamused:

No, I didnt put that much thought in my first post, I meant half a mile… ZB me…

He was driving that slow anyway, I passed him on the left as I was turning left he was in the right(3rd) lane turning right…

The slip road was down hill too…

Do you want a diagram so TNCSI can give a verdict too■■? ■■■■ Me…

Big Truck:

Thought Tesco was mainly USDAW… :question:

In NI its Unite. :wink:

Anybody able to give me answers rather than the usual mutterings :question: :question: :neutral_face:

There are ALOT of worse places to work in NI driving a truck I can tell you, at least you can get a “livable” £10hour there on nights via agency. :confused:

You’ve made the common mistake in this place of asking a sensible question and expecting a sensible answer. As you can see, all you get is a lot of wittering old biddies ■■■■■■■■ at each other. Ah well…

Big Truck:

Thought Tesco was mainly USDAW… :question:

In NI its Unite. :wink:

Anybody able to give me answers rather than the usual mutterings :question: :question:

There are ALOT of worse places to work in NI driving a truck I can tell you, at least you can get a “livable” £10hour there on nights via agency. :confused:

I’d seen an ad recently from an agency advertising for drivers at Boucher Rd. I’ve never done agency work before but was quite interested so I phoned them up and was told to go and register when I’m back home next week ( …away for two weeks tramping at a time)

Is it worth doing ‘Big Truck’ ? I’ve always worked on euro/uk for most of my driving life but recently I thought about spending a bit more time at home with the mrs. I’d be flexible with shifts, etc but my only concern would be getting enough hours in every week to earn a half decent wage.

Like I said I’d have no idea at all regarding agency work and just wondered what the craic is :slight_smile:

The ‘craic’:slight_smile: Is stay away from tesco, plenty others better to work for…!

The ‘craic’:slight_smile: Is stay away from tesco, plenty others better to work for…!

Not in NORTHERN IRELAND there isn’t :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused:

let it go you’ve had your say on “Tosco” enough times already :exclamation: :exclamation: :neutral_face:


Big Truck:

Thought Tesco was mainly USDAW… :question:

In NI its Unite. :wink:

Anybody able to give me answers rather than the usual mutterings :question: :question:

There are ALOT of worse places to work in NI driving a truck I can tell you, at least you can get a “livable” £10hour there on nights via agency. :confused:

I’d seen an ad recently from an agency advertising for drivers at Boucher Rd. I’ve never done agency work before but was quite interested so I phoned them up and was told to go and register when I’m back home next week ( …away for two weeks tramping at a time)

Is it worth doing ‘Big Truck’ ? I’ve always worked on euro/uk for most of my driving life but recently I thought about spending a bit more time at home with the mrs. I’d be flexible with shifts, etc but my only concern would be getting enough hours in every week to earn a half decent wage.

Like I said I’d have no idea at all regarding agency work and just wondered what the craic is :slight_smile:

Its not too bad all in all as long as your “flexible” about shifts it is possible to get a regular 5+week (9 to 11hours long deduct 1hour for breaks :cry: ) but you do have to deal with the odd cancelled one every now and again.
I stick to nightshift and if I get a late notice cancellation I can usually fill it with a shift direct with McCulla. :sunglasses:

Your won’t get to drive a R580 with all the toys but the Volvo FM410s all arrived new in Jan this year and the ten Axors are just over 17months old.
Any defects are dealt with in a matter of HOURS not days. :sunglasses:

All a decent bunch in the traffic office and PLENTY of craic/banter among the drivers. :wink:
Canteen with free decent tea/coffee and cheap grub is open virtually 24/7@ Boucher Rd too. :slight_smile:
“Big Tony” the chef on nights looks after the drivers WELL and is sound as a pound. :wink:

I would sign up with Grafton as Janice could put you through the DFDS (Sainsburys) assessment too and you can get shifts@ Westbank Rd in docks to fill any “gaps”. :wink:

Put it this way in the last year I’ve been offered starts with all the M’s:
McCulla/Mulgrew/McBurney/Montgomery and last but not least MorganMcLernon and turned them all down to stick with Tesco, not much sense in working longer hours for 25% LESS per hour :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:

Your only problem is I don’t think it would pay travelling up from Co.Tyrone each day for a shift unless you live about Dungannon and run her on the “cherry” :exclamation: :wink:


Big Truck:

Thought Tesco was mainly USDAW… :question:

In NI its Unite. :wink:

Anybody able to give me answers rather than the usual mutterings :question: :question: :neutral_face:

There are ALOT of worse places to work in NI driving a truck I can tell you, at least you can get a “livable” £10hour there on nights via agency. :confused:

I never saw your location until you mentioned it :wink:
But yes I agree that there are worse places to drive a truck than for Tesco, I’m on £10.95 ph (found out we had a 1.5% pay rise at the start of August) plus night allowance…

Take it your working under an AWR Reg10 Derogation :question:

You know any agency in your DC not working under a Reg10 :question:

Would be nice to find a loophole to enable a legal way to implement the AWR Regulation5 and enjoy the 40%/hour pay rise :question: :question: :wink:
(not mentioning a Sunday or even a public holiday shift :open_mouth: )

Bump :exclamation:

Big Truck:


Big Truck:

Thought Tesco was mainly USDAW… :question:

In NI its Unite. :wink:

Anybody able to give me answers rather than the usual mutterings :question: :question: :neutral_face:

There are ALOT of worse places to work in NI driving a truck I can tell you, at least you can get a “livable” £10hour there on nights via agency. :confused:

I never saw your location until you mentioned it :wink:
But yes I agree that there are worse places to drive a truck than for Tesco, I’m on £10.95 ph (found out we had a 1.5% pay rise at the start of August) plus night allowance…

Take it your working under an AWR Reg10 Derogation :question:

You know any agency in your DC not working under a Reg10 :question:

Would be nice to find a loophole to enable a legal way to implement the AWR Regulation5 and enjoy the 40%/hour pay rise :question: :question: :wink:
(not mentioning a Sunday or even a public holiday shift :open_mouth: )

There is a way to implement the AWR… Don’t opt out of it…

Everyone moans that they have to opt out of something to improve pay and conditions for drivers…

Why not grow some balls and don’t opt out, or do as many do and charge what you want as a Ltd company… I did the latter and have not been stood down a single night and not earned less than 1000 over the last 8 weeks (apart from 1 week I had 5 days off, still made 580 in 2 days - weekend)


Big Truck:


Big Truck:

Thought Tesco was mainly USDAW… :question:

In NI its Unite. :wink:

Anybody able to give me answers rather than the usual mutterings :question: :question: :neutral_face:

There are ALOT of worse places to work in NI driving a truck I can tell you, at least you can get a “livable” £10hour there on nights via agency. :confused:

I never saw your location until you mentioned it :wink:
But yes I agree that there are worse places to drive a truck than for Tesco, I’m on £10.95 ph (found out we had a 1.5% pay rise at the start of August) plus night allowance…

Take it your working under an AWR Reg10 Derogation :question:

You know any agency in your DC not working under a Reg10 :question:

Would be nice to find a loophole to enable a legal way to implement the AWR Regulation5 and enjoy the 40%/hour pay rise :question: :question: :wink:
(not mentioning a Sunday or even a public holiday shift :open_mouth: )

There is a way to implement the AWR… Don’t opt out of it…

Everyone moans that they have to opt out of something to improve pay and conditions for drivers…

Why not grow some balls and don’t opt out, or do as many do and charge what you want as a Ltd company… I did the latter and have not been stood down a single night and not earned less than 1000 over the last 8 weeks (apart from 1 week I had 5 days off, still made 580 in 2 days - weekend)

I haven’t opted out of anything :exclamation: :exclamation:

The umbrella company “Employ-E/Legitas” was closed down by HMRC in April due to dodgey tax schemes, I had signed an AWR Reg10 derogation with them.

I am no longer an employee of theirs as we all moved back to PAYE under Grafton(rather QUICKLY :open_mouth: ) and were given new contracts to sign containing the AWR reg10 derogation.
I HAVE NOT signed the new contract yet have since the end of April continued to work the usual 5shifts per week. :sunglasses:

Now with the absolute backing of Unite the Union its now being taken further under “AWR reg5”,
so watch this space :exclamation: :exclamation: :wink: