Agency driver yesterday!

Worked as a consultant? No, I haven’t. What I do currently is work as a responsible employer and in a previous life worked as an agency driver and in between worked as a few other things.

You’ve got it wrong, my friend - a taxi back to the office is simply not enough after rising at the crack of sparrows, preparing food, travelling and getting stood down whilst collecting zero pounds. :frowning: . Firms who want to control driver agencies like this and agencies who are happy to work like this are not worth working for as a driver…simples…they are to be avoided. If we as drivers avoid them they cease to exist or they are forced to change their operating policies, either way works in the long run. Agencies need reliable drivers and their clients need agencies, to allow the flexibility they crave, it’s the modern way. As an agency driver I need a reliable employer. Some agencies are very good, others are simply crap; my best advice gleaned from bitter experience is to avoid the latter by asking questions upfront.

I should’ve added that I’d expect him to be paid at least something. The point I was making, as I’m sure you’re aware, was that neither should they have left him to make his own way back.

I agree with what you say about responsible agencies BTW; I was fortunate enough to work for one which was worthy of that title. If that had been their job I would have been aware that the driver didn’t have his own wheels, so would’ve made sure he could get himself there or else I’d have had to make arrangements; either a taxi or, if feasible, pick him up and deliver him there meself. Given that he didn’t know the shift was cancelled till he got there, sounds to me like the client cocked up, not the agency (they’re not perfect either) so there could well have been some redress there; but as I said above the client holds the whip hand and if they don’t want to pay they won’t.

To answer the OP, this does seem like an extreme case. Having your own wheels (even if its only a scooter or pushbike) has been an integral part of being a successful agency driver all the time I’ve been doing it, and it is very difficult to get consistent work if you have to rely on lifts , public transport or Shanks’ pony. If the lad had to commute that far then his agency took a huge gamble sending him. Perhaps we haven’t had the full story?

Similar happened to me last year. Was asked to do a night trunk Hillington (Glasgow) to Manchester and back. Arrived at the yard 30 mins before shift and got a call from the agency to be told it was cancelled. I had to fight with them to get ONE HOURS pay to cover my petrol, as I had to drive 25 miles each way.

Name and shame? Yeh, why not, I probably won’t be driving an HGV any time soon! It was Jark, Glasgow. Only good thing about them was going to see Lizanne in the office every now and again :smiley: .

marc poli is with them. Need i say more? I lasted 2 weeks with mark and told them not to bother phoning me again


Similar happened to me last year. Was asked to do a night trunk Hillington (Glasgow) to Manchester and back. Arrived at the yard 30 mins before shift and got a call from the agency to be told it was cancelled. I had to fight with them to get ONE HOURS pay to cover my petrol, as I had to drive 25 miles each way.

Name and shame? Yeh, why not, I probably won’t be driving an HGV any time soon! It was Jark, Glasgow. Only good thing about them was going to see Lizanne in the office every now and again :smiley: .

marc poli is with them. Need i say more? I lasted 2 weeks with mark and told them not to bother phoning me again

Interesting, not a fan of Marc then, why?

Agencies are there own worst enemies sometimes. Less than 12 hours notice of cancelation, you pay 8 hours, simple.

If you treat the drivers like dirt, you won’t retain them anyway.

Sam Millar:


Similar happened to me last year. Was asked to do a night trunk Hillington (Glasgow) to Manchester and back. Arrived at the yard 30 mins before shift and got a call from the agency to be told it was cancelled. I had to fight with them to get ONE HOURS pay to cover my petrol, as I had to drive 25 miles each way.

Name and shame? Yeh, why not, I probably won’t be driving an HGV any time soon! It was Jark, Glasgow. Only good thing about them was going to see Lizanne in the office every now and again :smiley: .

marc poli is with them. Need i say more? I lasted 2 weeks with mark and told them not to bother phoning me again

Interesting, not a fan of Marc then, why?

he is full of promises that he cant keep. I left the Iceland contract with ADR to do the same contract through mark. I got 4 shifts then a week with another company doing split shifts which i got paid less for then nothing at all so i wound up back with ADR after learning a valuable lesson ie do not be a part of marc polis dreams

There are of course ways of making sure, that over time, it costs these people many times what the owe you. Skilfully done they’ll never have an inkling.

Should still get paid 8 hours as well as all your expences as long as you have recipets.

This is the reason i wont work for these parasites aka agencies,happened to me once when i was at the transport desk after coming 25 miles at 4am in the morning,i let rip at them i can tell you,never even offered me an hour,they just said its in the contract… Never worked agencies again after 6 years of them taking the pi55,am now happily employed at a fantastic small firm here in Peterhead getting 11 an hour and 13 squids o/t… Feel so sorry for this guy but in this day and age this is common and he should always expect the expected from these pish agencis.

8 hours pay for that.

And I’d haunt them until they paid it…you can (legally) make life very awkward for agencies that treat drivers like that. :imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I know both Agencies I am with WILL NOT sign you up unless you have transport!

I use my motorbike to get to jobs, and considering im in Leeds most days (70 mile round trip) its not ideal, but does the job!

I feel sorry for the driver (if indeed it is true and not some RDC waiting room bullpoo). BUT he’s now learned a valuable lesson… unless there going to guarantee some sort of redress for last min cancellations, then tell em to go away in short jerky movements!


I know both Agencies I am with WILL NOT sign you up unless you have transport!

I use my motorbike to get to jobs, and considering im in Leeds most days (70 mile round trip) its not ideal, but does the job!

I feel sorry for the driver (if indeed it is true and not some RDC waiting room bullpoo). BUT he’s now learned a valuable lesson… unless there going to guarantee some sort of redress for last min cancellations, then tell em to go away in short jerky movements!


Is that why this particular agency is called “Jark” by any chance?

Cancelled at the last minute? Jarked Off
Not getting any work this week? Jarked Out
Got a cushy job tonight? Get your jarket - you’ve pulled.

:smiley: :smiley:


I know both Agencies I am with WILL NOT sign you up unless you have transport!

I use my motorbike to get to jobs, and considering im in Leeds most days (70 mile round trip) its not ideal, but does the job!

I feel sorry for the driver (if indeed it is true and not some RDC waiting room bullpoo). BUT he’s now learned a valuable lesson… unless there going to guarantee some sort of redress for last min cancellations, then tell em to go away in short jerky movements!


Is that why this particular agency is called “Jark” by any chance?

Cancelled at the last minute? Jarked Off
Not getting any work this week? Jarked Out
Got a cushy job tonight? Get your jarket - you’ve pulled.

:smiley: :smiley:

LOL! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: nice one Wins!
