After market diesel tanks in Germany

I think that you might have been misinformed on your last ADR course mate, because I’ve just checked back ADR 2007, 2005, 2003 and 2001.
I can tell you that in ADR, the 1,500 liter limit has not been altered anytime since at least 2001.
It’s still the same in the current ADR 2009.

:bulb: As jimboy124’s post absolutely proves, other laws also apply at the same time. :smiley:

thanks for the heads-up, it still takes a while for the new laws to reach the outskirts of the EC :grimacing:


I think that you might have been misinformed on your last ADR course mate, because I’ve just checked back ADR 2007, 2005, 2003 and 2001.
I can tell you that in ADR, the 1,500 liter limit has not been altered anytime since at least 2001.
It’s still the same in the current ADR 2009.

:bulb: As jimboy124’s post absolutely proves, other laws also apply at the same time. :smiley:

thanks for the heads-up, it still takes a while for the new laws to reach the outskirts of the EC :grimacing:

Hi milodon, Cheers for that mate. :smiley:

It just seemed strange at first sight, so I did a little historical research.
TBF to your ADR instructor, it might have been a slip of the tongue. Let’s just say that I’ve sometimes suffered a slip of the tongue when teaching, so I do know that it’s quite possible. :wink: :blush:

the tank is fitted to the nearside of the truck and is gravity fed to the engine . The tanks also have taps underneath to turn either of them off .

This is a long shot

Gravity fed tanks are no longer allowed to be fitted to trucks in germany

a second tank has to feed the main tank with a FITTED electrical or mechanical fuel pump

and the Zoll might of classed the tank as a belly tank

Just a thought Pete , The driver has been prosicuted for tax evasion on the amount of fuel that was in the extra tank, now if that tank was empty would he have been fined for having that tank fitted to the truck ?
If what your saying is true surely he would of been fined for that as well ■■

Jimboy you are getting understandbly ,confused over how the German system works

The driver is not being fined or prosecuted,he has to pay a tax notification (steuerbescheid)the excess fuel tax,
as i have written before the tax office hands it to the public prosecuter and they decide if anybody is to be find

if you have got illegey fitted tanks then you are commiting an offence against the Stzo (construction and use ) rules which is a problem for the Police ,the zoll are only intrested in the fuel in the tank.If they had thought that the actuel fuel tank was or could have caused any danger to the puplic or inviroment they would have called the Police

My advice would be until this is sorted, in Germany drain the tank, turn the tap off for the tank, stick a sign on the tank “Do not use in Germany”


Thanks geoff I completely understand the problem now . DHL are now aware of this problem and they will try and rectify it by either giving the driver a different vehicle to drive or completely remove the tank in question .

Regards jim

This is the letter DHL will be responding with

Sehr geehrter Herr Kottler,

hiermit lege ich Einspruch gegen den Steuerbescheid StrL 0657/2010-F 2204
vom 14.06.2010 ein.
Weiterhin beantrage ich die Vollziehung des Bescheides bis zur endgültigen
Entscheidung auszusetzen.

Zur Begründung führe ich folgendes an :
Wegen der besonderen Situation, daß in GB sehr unterschiedliche
Rahmenkonfigurationen bei Sattelzugmaschinen zum Einsatz kommen
(2-Achser,3-Achser,verschiedene Radstände), werden Tanks üblicherweise im
Zuge der Hinterbandmontage beim Importeur bzw. örtlichen Händler montiert.
Maßgeblich ist hierbei der Kundenwunsch des Gesamttankvolumens. Es handelt
sich hier um eine Montage vor der Zulassung, also im Neuzustand (serienmäßig).
Diese Tanks weichen in Form und Halterung teilweise deutlich von den in D
bekannten Mustern ab. Es handelt sich aber um Produkte , die auch als einziger
ungeteilter Tank Verwendung finden und natürlich baumustergeprüft sind.
Nach meinem Dafürhalten ist hier der Sachverhalt eines zweigeteilten Haupttanks,
der unmittelbar und direkt zum Betrieb des Fahrzeugs dient und serienmäßig also
bei Merecedes Benz im Neuzustand des Fahrzeugs montiert wurde, gegeben.
Die gleiche Tankgröße bei allen Zugmaschinen eines Types anzunehmen geht an
der Realität vorbei, dazu sind die Anforderungen bezüglich Reichweite oder
Nutzlast und auch die Gegebenheiten bezüglich des Rahmenlayouts in Europa
zu verschieden.

Ich bitte meine Argumente dahingehend zu überprüfen, daß, hier eine Verbringung
von Dieselkraftstoff vorliegt, die durch den Transport im zweigeteilten Hauptbehälter
von der Energiesteuer befreit ist.
Sollte eine Bestätigung von Mercedes Benz zum Sachverhalt oder Zeitpunkt der
Hinterbandmontage nötig sein, werde ich diese gern beibringen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jason B. Francis

I’ve sent this text to Jason, it’s everything in we talked about.
Hope it works.

Regards Wolfram ,

That is good , and let us hope that they see sense as the amount of trucks
in the UK with this type of tanks is great, all the best and please do let us know
as the answer may help other who fall into this category,