Advanced warning ; Woobly box season is looming


Ive just been talking to a fella who is looking forward to the next bank holiday,because he is going to his caravan in North Wales.
He tells me that its a ’ static ’ caravan,and he pays £3800.00 per year to have it at this particular site.

I cant quite work out who is more insane. The person who connects their vehicle to a fibreglass potty shed,and takes it to chavsville,or the person who has a larger plywood version, who pays to have it in chavsville all year round??

Theres no shame in not being able to afford a proper holiday.


What a judgemental dimwit.

(Static) Caravan dwellers aren’t chavs. Such a viewpoint suggests a narrow mind and a delusion of grandeur.

Buck up.

Speaking as someone that has slagged off caravanners on here before, and truckers with caravans .
It’s the hitching up to a trailer and having to drive…just like work/busman’s holiday thing I object to, but when the kids were younger we had a few cheap static van hols and they were great, Skipsea springs to mind, Ayr and Rhyll…and none of the ■■■■■■■ in a bucket thing either, as they were flush toilets, so maybe the real caravanners among us would not appreciate it not getting the true ‘caravan experience’ of the sound of urine hitting steel:lol:

I cant quite work out who is more insane. The person who connects their vehicle to a fibreglass potty shed,and takes it to chavsville,or the person who has a larger plywood version, who pays to have it in chavsville all year round??

I know somebody who lived in a static caravan for several years.

He was only allowed to live in the static caravan for ten months a year, so in January and February he used to go to South Africa, and he reckoned that not having to pay Council Tax paid for his two months in the sun every Winter. What’s not to like?

The worst scenario, in my opinion, is to have to hand over two-thirds of your wages to the bank every month to live in a pile of bricks which will collapse in value as soon as interest rates start to rise.

Don’t get me wrong mate-I still think you are a nutter if you enjoy dragging your toilet around Britain with you.


The only thing I tow is a drawbar trailer.

Caravans don’t personally appeal.

However, live and let live.

It’s not something that normally provokes a response, however the superior tone of yer first post got me goat so I felt compelled to respond.


I am superior. I have joined the class1 club with other colleagues on here.

I am superior. I have joined the class1 club with other colleagues on here.

Ok then.


Just as well that a lot of you ‘‘so superior’’ class one nutters don’t tow a caravan if your HGV driving standards are any thing to go by ! Also the doors are narrow which would prevent most of your bloody big heads (Ooooh look at me, I steer a big motor) from getting in.

See you guys on the M4 next week, if you can catch me! btw don’t have to reverse it got a “motamova” how sad is that :exclamation: :laughing:

The van I have now has a motormover fitted, it’s coming off as it’s worth a few quid to an ex trucker who never could handle reversing a truck let alone the caravan he may possibly buy :slight_smile:


See you guys on the M4 next week, if you can catch me! btw don’t have to reverse it got a “motamova” how sad is that :exclamation: :laughing:

The van I have now has a motormover fitted, it’s coming off as it’s worth a few quid to an ex trucker who never could handle reversing a truck let alone the caravan he may possibly buy :slight_smile:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Sure setting a good example and proving to the general motorist that what they thought about lorry drivers was correct.

Personally I haven’t got a wobbly box but am thinking of getting one in the next few year mainly so we can have weekens away in the stunning areas of the UK such as the Scottish Highlands, Yorkshire Dales, the Peak District and the Brecons in Wales. Being able to pitch up in stunning countryside or surrounded by high peaks and mountains ready to explore appels to me.
Oh and I do love the 2 weeks abroad in a hotel way of doing holidays either the cheap and cheerful ■■■■ up that is Benidorm or the 2 weeks in all inclusive hotels in places such as Sri Lanka and Antuiga when going to watch England play cricket.
It’s not fair to judge somebody who lives in a static or spends weekends in a field in a wobbly box as a chav. Some people prefer the simple things in life and others may just like spending weekends away in this country just as much as their cruise holidays or 5 star holidays in the Seychelles.
If you get the weather over here there ain’t many places as fine as the UK to spend a holiday, you just have to venture away from the likes of Blackpool, Cleethorpes and Skeggy to appreciate it.

Last week i went into pererborough service area for my 45 it was fairly empty cuz it was a saturday. As i was coming in there was a car with a trailer parked across 4 spaces…there was loads of spaces to park for me but i parked right in front of him just to teach him a lesson that you dont park like a c…t by doing that some other drivers were laughing but unfortunatelly the bloke in a car didnt think it was funny. lol

Sorry but you are the c…t pal. It is drivers like you with a childish attitude that get the decent drivers a bad name.
Standards from cars with caravans are no worse than a lot of truck drivers I am afraid.

I don’t think they are that cheap unless your buying some right dodgy old one, doubt its a cheap holiday compared to a week in a resort in Spain or somewhere.

Caravan never appealed cause nowhere to put it but a campervan does appeal, especially likes of this weekend, nice sunny weather could just head somewhere up north nice wee break or down to the lakes better than doing the usual down the local pub.

Think with a lot of caravan incidents its down to newbie caravan drivers, guys who never towed one before and think can still hammer it about like a car. Not uncommon to see some guy usually in his 30’s caravan smashed to pieces side of the M6 or M5 standing scratching his head, feel like shouting its not a mystery 90mph towing a caravan aint a good idea.

A lot of HGV drivers own touring caravans. Difference is, whilst some folks are sitting home at weekends whinging about everything that moves (literally!), others are walking along beaches. :wink:

To be fair we enjoy a holiday camping and I get jealous of the wobbleboxes when they pull up on site.

Perhaps its a natural progression but our next car will be bought with van towing in mind, so knowing me I will buy something totally innapropriate.

Havent had a decent holiday abroad in years due to financial circumstances but looking forward to one next year as 2 weeks in the sun is hard to beat for me but having a van as well would allow inpromptu getaways to see new parts of Britain and the best of both worlds.

Being the atypical chav family we have enjoyed some great ‘Sun newspaper’ cheap holidays in the big statics.

Oh and while im in confession mode, I also flash wobbleboxes in.

I was following a wobbly kebab trailer up the A14 the other night. Looked like he’d got 500 gallons of cooking oil in the arse end of it… :neutral_face:

I flash wobble boxes in too Dipper. Why not? If pulling a van makes them feel part of the club then what harm does it do? Some of the hugely enthusiastic thank you’s I receive from them brighten my day too.

the maoster:
I flash wobble boxes in too Dipper. Why not? If pulling a van makes them feel part of the club then what harm does it do? Some of the hugely enthusiastic thank you’s I receive from them brighten my day too.

Now that’s the right attitude guys.If more drivers tried to help each other out instead of all the dangerous childish games they play.
An eye for an eye on not a good thing.

To tell the truth Albion my opinion is that a lot of this driving malarky and relationships between road users (of ALL types) is down to perceptions. We all know that caravanners don’t pull caravans all the time obviously, so just maybe if I help one or two out on the road then just maybe sometime in the future they’ll remember the time they were helped out by a lorry driver and reciprocate when I need it.

the maoster:
To tell the truth Albion my opinion is that a lot of this driving malarky and relationships between road users (of ALL types) is down to perceptions. We all know that caravanners don’t pull caravans all the time obviously, so just maybe if I help one or two out on the road then just maybe sometime in the future they’ll remember the time they were helped out by a lorry driver and reciprocate when I need it.

I flash all caravans in but the only ones I don’t get any thanks off are the ones being pulled by a Ford Transit on Irish plates :wink:
I flash anything in that’s long even things such as cars pulling trailers with other cars on etc. it doesn’t take that much of an effort. I don’t know about anyone else but I tend to get flashed in more by foreign registered trucks than UK ones these days :unamused:

Either of you drive for Yearsleys or Malcoms??

They seem a polite bunch when I’m towing the van.

Always been flashed back in by EVERY truck I passed…