AA Recovery Drivers

thing is im through f1 agency & if i give em crap at the contact centre end i get distace loads, they are very vindictive!! so if theres 3 of us on , lets say nightshift , 2 will do nothing all night & i will be going hammer & tongs, its only 6 months contract, with the prospect of a permenent job at the end, they can keep that , wouldnt work for these for £100 ph lol, i have a 6 month plan & have made all my arrangements around it so just gonna stick it , unless i get sacked because enough is enough & im fed up now!!!

A couple of years ago I wouldn’t have thought firms like this still existed, not since the days of Thatcher at least. But now :question: :imp: :smiling_imp: Of course in-house reps are going to be ‘guvnors men’. Blair and his cronies didn’t do much by way of reforming TU Law, hardly reversing any of Thatcher’s dictats. In fact there was very little difference between Thatcher and Blair, not so rectionary perhaps, or so brutal, but ‘New Labour’ was not the Labour Party I joined as wide eyed, naieve (spelling?) 17 year old.
In my days as a Shop Steward we’d have loved this one, I believe it comes under ‘Constructive Dismissal’?
I’m with the RAC! Are they any better?


I worked for the AA on recovery about 10 yrs ago and when i first joined it was a superb job. This was just after Centrica had bought the AA.

We used to work 4 days on 4 days off, and most of us used to do 2 of the days off as OT, which was earning us around £18-20k, and it was easy money providing you could put up with the members!

Gradually though things began to change and they altered our shifts to either 5 on 3 off but limited to 8 hr days or Mon-Fri again 8 hr days…this cost us £5k+ a year in lost OT…
They also introduced a “performance management” review system which looked at how effeciently you worked based on jobs per shift etc.

One or 2 of us got a little bit vocal in opposition to these changes, and we started to get all sorts of crap from the control centre and management. For instance, one month i seemed to get nearly all long distance work with virtually no return loads, when it came tomy review i was the least productive driver as due to the distance work i was often only doing 1 job per shift!!
Then they started to send me vehicles that were too big for the truck (it was a lightweight Renault Master derived slide bed) and when i refused to load them i was bollocked by my manager…

Eventually i had enough and left…but if the job was as it was when i started i would go back like a shot.

hi ,i worked on this summer contract last year,got asked to stay for winter .the shifts were chopped and changed for winter contract,nightmare.when things dont go smooth all hell breaks loose specially with the call centre opps.i done lots of things that we were not supposed to do like changing spares rather than recovering or waiting for a mechanic.the training was good but if the management turn on you then your out,i never had one complaint and still got booted,mind you i had enough by then .shifts were crap pay was quite good.oh yeah one other thing ,they send you to recover bikes but the bike frame is absolute nightmare,always tipping up ,so there is a little overview.

“Theres a site called aapeople.co.uk but you need the code for a spark plug”

= 617

well i called it a day, yet again asked to work a extra hour with my extra break, just told em , no way im off lol, my boss actually said its gonna get worsw before it gets better as the holidays are approaching , well not for me its not , :smiley: