He was heading south in lane one when he started to drift into lane 2, at that point the rear near side end of his trailer was coming up in the air and the truck was being forced towards the barrier. It then suddenly swerved back across towards lane one and flipped over. The cab went onto the grass verge and dug in, the back end was across two lanes, so it looks like they dragged it round a bit.
At not one point did the trailer ever look like it was going to come back down on it’s wheels. The poor lad must of ■■■■■ him self, just glad he is OK.
The wind was very strong and the gust that got him nearly had my decker on the hard shoulder, and I’d slowed down to less than 40MPH.
I was coming north and was about a 100yrds away from him when it started to lift the trailer and about level when it came to a stop on it’s side.
def down to strong winds I passed northbound just before six very very gusty. the wrecker was on scene when I passed but it still took them all day to sort it out them lads know how to top there wages.
selby newcomer:
I passed this on my way to Prudhoe this morning, how did he end up facing northbound on the southbound carriageway??
I’m thinking the wrecker might have dragged it round that way to give them more room at the back of the trailer to trans ship the load.
I passed at about 6.20am, im sure there was no wrecker on the scene at that stage
Bugger. I thought I had figured out what happened and was going to become an elite member of the Trucknet CSI.
I must have passed earlier than I thought I did, because someone up above said they passed before 6 and the wrecker was there, either that or I was half asleep
I saw this happen. I was northbound and it was about half mile ahead of me. He seemed to swerve to the central res then head back toward the shoulder, digging in to the embankment and over he went. Pretty sure there was nothing he could have done.
Glad he’s ok though cos I felt guilty as f**k for not stopping but it would have ment crossing six lane of motorway to get to him and there was already one truck stopped by the time I passed and a second pulling up. I did call triple 9 thought.
Thinking about it, I might have this on dashcam. Have to have a look back.