big boots:
is this the geodis driver
Mind you, that video pretty much sums up your everyday van driver !!!
big boots:
is this the geodis driver
Mind you, that video pretty much sums up your everyday van driver !!!
or not.Hope this links OK, scroll down to the pics of the Geodis lorry.
How disappointed I was to see that Jeffrey Archer’s house is flooded. All I need to hear now is that his pet rabbit has died and he can’t sell the hutch.
Nows a good time to get the unemployed to earn their hand outs is it not …
Nows a good time to get the unemployed to earn their hand outs is it not …
Yes, indeed. I imagine the single most effective way to deal with the many problems of flooding is to throw a load of people who just happen not to have jobs at the problem. They might not be qualified in any way to deal with flooding related problems, but as long as Ian Duncan Smith is happy, that’s the main thing.
Rhythm Thief:
Nows a good time to get the unemployed to earn their hand outs is it not …Yes, indeed. I imagine the single most effective way to deal with the many problems of flooding is to throw a load of people who just happen not to have jobs at the problem. They might not be qualified in any way to deal with flooding related problems, but as long as Ian Duncan Smith is happy, that’s the main thing.
I can just see it "TOO qualified to fill sand bags "
I’d rather see Ian Duncan Smith filling sand bags for £70 a week. In fact, I’d rather see Ian Duncan Smith accidentally left in a flooded house with no one there to rescue him, or do anything except point and laugh at his attempts to swim to safety. I despise that man.
Rhythm Thief:
Nows a good time to get the unemployed to earn their hand outs is it not …Yes, indeed. I imagine the single most effective way to deal with the many problems of flooding is to throw a load of people.
If they laid tightly together, they could act as human sandbags.
Id have done the same as the rather get her more wet as she has decided to go a wander in to my most not to stop as it knacker the truck
Dear me…A clown drives like an idiot and just look at some of the idiotic replies.
The mentality of some is frightening.
Maybe there should be an IQ test before letting drivers in a truck!
Dear me…A clown drives like an idiot and just look at some of the idiotic replies.
The mentality of some is frightening.
Maybe there should be an IQ test before letting drivers in a truck!
Not really, none of us know where he came from or where the woman was prior to the picture. He’d have been more stupid to have stopped - keeping moving creates a wave to help keep water out of the air intake and avoid stalling the engine. Stopping would have possibly disabled the lorry causing an even bigger hazard.
If you build on the floodplain of a river, you will get this from time to time.It’s the risk you take. High in the Pennines we get wind, snow and all manner of other weather phenomena. Last year we had snow over six feet high blocking roads all over the shop. They didn’t give a toss down south as it didn’t affect them.
But if you live high up, you have to expect it. I have sympathy for the folk, but unfortunately if you build a house in the arctic it’s cold. In the desert it’s hot. High in the mountains it’s windy and it snows a fair bit. On a floodplain, it floods.
It ain’t rocket science!!
This. I wholeheartedly concur
Personally I don’t see what he’s done wrong. What on earth is that woman doing just stood there like a lemon? What would be the better course of action? Stop? Probably causing the lorry to ■■■■ up water? She could have moved out the way but no, she decided to stop and watch the bow wave approach. I know which one I think is the most stupid.
Why do people need “rescuing” with the aid of a dinghy when the water is ankle deep
Because it’s dangerous to walk through flood water. You can’t see if any man hole covers have been forced up and if you fall down one of those your pretty much dead. That’s why you see the firefighters prodding the ground with the sticks.
Why do people need “rescuing” with the aid of a dinghy when the water is ankle deepBecause it’s dangerous to walk through flood water. You can’t see if any man hole covers have been forced up and if you fall down one of those your pretty much dead. That’s why you see the firefighters prodding the ground with the sticks.
never thought of that,■■■■
Where is the intake for that Daf then ? ,I would not drive through with my trucks . I get them dirty
In actual fact, anybody expressing an opinion (positive or negative) based on that photo is the ‘stupid’ one because we can’t see what’s behind the camera. Photographers are highly skilled in the overdramatising of situations, and for all we know that road may become a lot shallower immediately after that truck’s position, and be bone dry just a few yards further on. Nobody knows how well the driver knows the road etc.
Speculation based on a photo alone is what shows us who the true amateurs are.
Where is the intake for that Daf then ? ,I would not drive through with my trucks .I get them dirty
up the back of the cab I know when 2 walkers crisp guys went through deep blue a while back after a few days the electrics were fubar’d
Dear me…A clown drives like an idiot and just look at some of the idiotic replies.
The mentality of some is frightening.
Maybe there should be an IQ test before letting drivers in a truck!Not really, none of us know where he came from or where the woman was prior to the picture. He’d have been more stupid to have stopped - keeping moving creates a wave to help keep water out of the air intake and avoid stalling the engine. Stopping would have possibly disabled the lorry causing an even bigger hazard.
Maybe from the picture we do not know where he has come from but we can see the water is too deep for driving in.
Any decent driver would check before entering any water he did not know the depth of but I suspect he was one of a few who ignored the signs of ROAD CLOSED.
I’m suprised at all the hatred on this thread coming from the comfort of all the armchairs. This is a national disaster & its turned into anti-truck,anti-#south,etc; …more bilge water on this thread than in the Thames. IMO?
That poor old lady up to her waist in freezing water & then up to her neck! & then the clever # think its funny? Lucky if she’s still alive!
Knights of the Road? Thats history!