went to the docs 3 weeks ago for similar complaints, eg tired all the time and lack of sleep.
Assumed that lack of sleep was down to starting between 3-6am variable each day.
diagnosis… depression.
Daren’t have this on medical record so got doc to put "aches and paons (in medical language) on sick note.
Anyway back to docs tomorrow for result of blood tests etc
Got to say I have enjoyed the 3 weeks off work , but worried about the next stage
An update…
Blood tests came back all OK. Did a questionaire which you have to rate between 0-3 how likely you are to nod off doing certain things and with what severity/frequency. Depending on the score, it suggests what it may be.
Been told to stop driving. Doctor referring me to sleep specialist. Will have to go in for an overnight observation but it’s going to be a few weeks before that happens so I’ve a few weeks without earning. Hope it’s sunny.
Good thing is that they’ve put down I’ve had to stop work which should bump me up the list a bit and the time off will give me the opportunity to address the weight issue.
Decided to look at non driving jobs. Saw a PC Repair Tech vacancy so have just fired off a letter for that.
An update…Blood tests came back all OK. Did a questionaire which you have to rate between 0-3 how likely you are to nod off doing certain things and with what severity/frequency. Depending on the score, it suggests what it may be.
Been told to stop driving. Doctor referring me to sleep specialist. Will have to go in for an overnight observation but it’s going to be a few weeks before that happens so I’ve a few weeks without earning. Hope it’s sunny.
Good thing is that they’ve put down I’ve had to stop work which should bump me up the list a bit and the time off will give me the opportunity to address the weight issue.
Decided to look at non driving jobs. Saw a PC Repair Tech vacancy so have just fired off a letter for that.
Good luck with it. I’m hoping you get sorted out and you come back all nice and stuff, it’ll be like a new Conor !!!
Stranger things have happened.
good luck with it conor, i hope everything goes how you want it.
Same as Conor, blood tests OK but now awaiting appointment for sleep assesment.
Now in seventh week off work and getting another sick note today for a further 4
At least the waether is getting warmer
For the last nearly 40 years since I left the army,every time I’ve had a medical and presented the sample,the doctor would tell me I am diabetic!Over the years,I’ve been to hospital for a glucose test,which involves fasting from the previous evening,then drinking a measure of pure glucose,then having a blood sample taken every hour for about 4 hours.This is to determine how quickly your body processes sugar.The end result every time has been classed as a Low Glucose Tolerance.The test can be done quicker today,as when I went for my HGV medical a couple of months ago,sure enough,the sample showed a high sugar level,but when the doc pricked my finger and put a spot of blood into his tiny machine,the answer came up as OK.He put the results of the urine test on the form,and the blood test and added,THIS MAN IS NOT DIABETIC!I have not taken sugar in my drinks for about 30 years,I only have the ocassional shandy but I do like the odd cream cake now and again.But,if I don’t have a cuppa and a biscuit mid morning,I get hypo glyceama,which manifests itself as an acute loss of energy and the shakes,which is a shortage of sugar.So it is a fine line to tread,but the doc is quite happy that my condition is diet controlled.However,my mother had diabetes at the time she died,(although that was not what she died of).I have been told that my condition COULD turn into diabetes later in life.
With regard to SA,I saw that programme on BBC2 last year that was out to scare motorists by saying that a large percentage of truck drivers were actually asleep as most of them suffered with SA!.They did show the case of a class 1 driver who,even driving a day shift,within half an hour,was all over the road as in his own words,“I am fighting sleep”!
After a session at a sleep clinic,he finished up using the breathing device and was “Cured”?
At the end of the programme,the conclusion was that either you have SA or not!
There was no suggestion of degrees of severity!.
Now when someone suffers with SA,snoring is not the problem,it’s the temporary cessation of breathing that is the problem!
Since I gave up full time employment 4 years ago,I must admit I’ve put on a couple of stones,even doing a lot of voluntary gardening and other activities.On information supplied by my wife,I snore enough to wake the dead when I’m asleep on my back,and I have stopped breathing a couple of times.But when she elbows me into turning on my side,not so much snoring,and no cessation of sleep.
Now according to how bad your SA is,I’ve heard that some sufferers stop breathing up to 400 times a night!
Sorry to here this Conor
I have just spent the last 4 mth on the sick was advised to stop drivin, I collapsed and had a slight fit back in march, like you I was not sleepin very well, wet to Dr who refered me to the hospital I have had ECG, EEG, CT Scans MRI scans Blood tests all came back fine
They have put it down to stress just waiting for the Dr to write to my boss ( he needs a letter from my consultant )
Although I am waitin for more tests and results yet another EEG had a tracker ( mini EEG had with me for 24 hrs ) and a echocardiogram so may have to wait a bit longer
P S have you looked in the Family room at the DVLA site for medical issues
Did do a sleep deprivation EEG where I had to stay awake for 48 hrs thanks to all the trucknet members for there help in this you know who you are
any updates on this - was it sleep apnoea you had?