To be fair the above picture is really goodWhat happens when I press CTRL and P■■?
You get one side of a £50 note.
To be fair the above picture is really goodWhat happens when I press CTRL and P■■?
You get one side of a £50 note.
It’s more or less impossible to withdraw £50 notes from your bank now, I tried a couple of years ago. I wanted the cash in my hand to buy a car. “We don’t issue them” they said.
I don’t know why, it’s my money, I’ll have it in whatever denomination I want surely? I’m not sure on the Scottish notes, are they legal tender?
I said why not , its legal tender last time I checked
Technically that is not any reason why they should take them. Legal tender only furnishes your debt, if you’re in a shop you’ve not yet agreed the sale then you’ve no debt yet.
Incidentally, I’ve never had a problem spending them, or Scottish/Irish for that matter. Perhaps the being scouse most people I deal with prefer actual cash to me leaving with the stuff anyway
Also no problem getting them out of the bank - call ahead and tell them how many I want, they get them out of the safe. Its time delayed so you need notice, but again never been refused.
Had the same thing in Burger King. The manager said he could give me the food for free but he couldn’t accept my £50 note.
Because the value of the change will far outweigh what it costs to make the meal.
It makes me laugh how shopkeepers hold even down to fivers up to the light…
Go to somewhere like Germany, and they are paying in loose E500 notes by the wedge at banks, and they barely count them - let alone run a ultra violet pen/give them a genii rub/hold them up to the light etc etc.
That’s a week’s takehome pay for a lot of us over here in a single bit of paper FFS!
Was there a notice clearly visible on display stating that the shop does not accept the money, whether it be English, Scottish or Irish, for whatever reason?
If there is no sign on display, then you are perfectly legally entitled to walk out with the goods for free, as you have offered to pay, and they have refused payment
I have been told this by a shop owner AND a police officer, the shop owner did take the £50 note, but when I queried it, he explained it, and the police officer told the petrol station attendant, I got £40 of free diesel because they refused to accept some scottish money
So, next time anyone refuses to take money, look for the notice
Tried to pay for a mcdonalds one night with a fifty note but it was declines so I offered my debit card. The machine was not working so guess what, yes, free maccy D’s
“The bank of England promises to pay the bearer” whatever denomination said note is, unless it’s a fake note, why would anyone refuse to take them?
Imho they can’t be refused, but any store can refuse to serve you, without giving you a reason.
The trick is to get served first, then proffer a crisp £50 note…
They can’t say “Hey bud, if I’d known you were going to whip that out of your pocket, I wouldn’t have served you” since this sounds too close to discriminating against ‘Bartholomew from Brixton’ because he says he has his named tatooed on his johnson.
Hiya i was watching tele a couple of days ago, this young chap took a 50euro note and some other money to pay
for his honeymoon, the lady in the shop said the note was fake(50euro note is so complecated you can’t forge them)
the lad said it was from a bank and put it back in his pocket. the lady still called the poilce. the police come and took
the chap and his girl away in two policecars,the girl was let go, the lad was jailed for 8 months for having a fake note
on him. his bail was set at £5000 which he could’nt aford. tough story as he seemed a good chap working hard in the
Birmingham fruit market.
Off topic slightly, the reason that 500 euro notes are refused, is that they tend to be the main currency that drug smugglers use during their transactions, it was discovered that they could hide 35,000 euro’s in one cigarette packet, that is also how you very rarely see them compared to the 100 note. I lived in France for nearly seven years and never saw one, this was from a Gendarme.
Reason why they fake 50 pound notes is quite simple, if you have the talent to fake a note and the equipment, you aren’t going to bother with a fiver, tenner or even 20.
Mind you I did hear, because everyone is treating a 50 pound note like it is infected with the plague, the baddies are going for the 20’s now.
Ian G:
Technically that is not any reason why they should take them. Legal tender only furnishes your debt, if you’re in a shop you’ve not yet agreed the sale then you’ve no debt yet.
It’s this, the legal term is IIRC “invitation to treat”. Walking out without paying due to a refusal of tender (Scottish isn’t legal in England anyway) isn’t a legal right you have.
Ian G:
Technically that is not any reason why they should take them. Legal tender only furnishes your debt, if you’re in a shop you’ve not yet agreed the sale then you’ve no debt yet.It’s this, the legal term is IIRC “invitation to treat”. Walking out without paying due to a refusal of tender (Scottish isn’t legal in England anyway) isn’t a legal right you have.
yes it is
Scottish and Bank of Ulster currency is legal tender in all parts of the United Kingdom.
Strictly speaking, no: … qs.aspx#16
IME I’ve never had them accepted in England (had to bank them) anyway
Ian G:
Technically that is not any reason why they should take them. Legal tender only furnishes your debt, if you’re in a shop you’ve not yet agreed the sale then you’ve no debt yet.It’s this, the legal term is IIRC “invitation to treat”. Walking out without paying due to a refusal of tender (Scottish isn’t legal in England anyway) isn’t a legal right you have.
yes it is
Try getting rid of one of these, especially in England. Need to fold them 3 times to get them in your wallet.
Was there a notice clearly visible on display stating that the shop does not accept the money, whether it be English, Scottish or Irish, for whatever reason?If there is no sign on display, then you are perfectly legally entitled to walk out with the goods for free, as you have offered to pay, and they have refused payment
I have been told this by a shop owner AND a police officer, the shop owner did take the £50 note, but when I queried it, he explained it, and the police officer told the petrol station attendant, I got £40 of free diesel because they refused to accept some scottish money
So, next time anyone refuses to take money, look for the notice
This is complete ■■■■■■■■. If you go into a shop and offer to buy something that is on display, the shopkeeper can quite legally refuse to sell it to you. He doesn’t need any reason at all, although if you are a ‘protected’ minority (black, gay, whatever) you might accuse him of illegal prejudice.
its not the 50s to worry about , its the 10s and 20s,
plus could you imagine if we said when selling pallets , sorry dont take 50s lol