£2m of cocaine seized in lorry

tango boy:


tango boy:

tango boy:


tango boy:
Im going to Poole tomorrow :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

I am actually going to Poole tomorrow. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well, Bournemouth but same, same…

If all goes well i will be there by 1pm :wink:

1.05pm i arrived, not a bad guess eh■■? :laughing:

That is a good guess. On Tuesday evening last week I had a bit of an argument with my gaffer, nothing serious but he wanted to know how soon I could get to Falkirk (of course he had me on other runs in between) anyway I predicted on Tuesday evening that I would be in Falkirk between 1:10am and 1:25am on Thursday morning and I rolled up there at 1:17am :slight_smile: I was so pleased with myself that i sent him a picture message of the sign at that precise moment :laughing:

What was his reply■■? :smiley:

“why did it take you so f-----g long?!” :grimacing:


tango boy:


tango boy:

tango boy:


tango boy:
Im going to Poole tomorrow :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

I am actually going to Poole tomorrow. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well, Bournemouth but same, same…

If all goes well i will be there by 1pm :wink:

1.05pm i arrived, not a bad guess eh■■? :laughing:

That is a good guess. On Tuesday evening last week I had a bit of an argument with my gaffer, nothing serious but he wanted to know how soon I could get to Falkirk (of course he had me on other runs in between) anyway I predicted on Tuesday evening that I would be in Falkirk between 1:10am and 1:25am on Thursday morning and I rolled up there at 1:17am :slight_smile: I was so pleased with myself that i sent him a picture message of the sign at that precise moment :laughing:

What was his reply■■? :smiley:

“why did it take you so f-----g long?!” :grimacing:

REALLY :open_mouth: Read what Farnborough boy’s put, he did drops inbetween ffs :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It was said as a joke mate :unamused: That’s the response any of use normally get off the TM/Planners even if we do jobs “in between” don’t we??

What you doing driving your motor at quarter past one in the morning. I’m up for tramping but I wouldn’t work between say 11pm & 4am, I am a bit of a tart though…

It was said as a joke mate :unamused: That’s the response any of use normally get off the TM/Planners even if we do jobs “in between” don’t we??

Roger d :blush: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

tango boy:

It was said as a joke mate :unamused: That’s the response any of use normally get off the TM/Planners even if we do jobs “in between” don’t we??

Roger d :blush: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

:wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: