70 Hours Guaranteed

So how does that all fit in with an average 48 hour week - not to mention the possibility that it may well be overnighting as well!

I’ve always argued that if we choose to adopt bent practices in the name of “Times are 'ard”, then it will become the industry standard expected of all of us. Wot is anyone doing that kind of hours for anyway? - Low pay that pays minimum debt interest?
Just go low-field, and use the low basic pay to walk away from all of that. Better to default debts owed to a bunch of millionaires than kill someone next Friday morning rush hour…

…Running half asleep over a cyclist near you!..

The only other industry I know of that involves abusing their staff in this way is Junior Doctors in the NHS… How many have died, and have yet to die because of half-asleep doctors on 80+ hour weeks?

When someone dies, no one in authority at said firm goes to jail. THAT’S the problem with any bent system, and the reason there’s nothing to stop it carrying on being bent. Legal murder, incorporated into the system. Only the fool on the ground who’s been pushed into aiding and abetting the company gets to take the fall… :frowning:


How can you work 70hours per week when the maximum you can work is 60

You may still be paid for 70hrs though. Breaks may be paid, but do not count towards working time.

Can opt out of 60 hrs week don’t think it applies to drivers anyway.
But do your 2 x 15 a week that’s 30 then 3 x 13 makes 39 making 69 hrs …in other words max your hours out plus run back Saturday morning.
That’s your 70 hrs no thank you

Under EU rules, which applies to most drivers
“* weekly working time must not exceed an average of 48 hours per week over the reference period - a maximum working time of 60 hours can be performed in any single week providing the average 48-hour limit is not exceeded.”
"There is no ‘opt-out’ for individuals wishing to work longer than an average 48-hour week, but breaks and ‘periods of availability’ do not count as working time.

That is without taking any breaks at all. That is clearly illegal.

Time spent on break or POA is not working time.
Only time booked as working counts as working time.

Many companies pay for breaks etc.
Some pay all breaks, some not the first, some none. They pay for time in attendance in some form. Not just (under the rules) actual work.
Paying breaks may give over 60hrs pay, but to actually work for over 60hrs is illegal.
Being “at work” in the way we speak, is not always “working” under the law.

If you work 2 x 15 hr shifts that is legal .
and you get paid by hour with paid breaks that’s 30 hours pay straight off do 13 hours rest of week and you more less have your 70 hrs

70hrs… ■■■■ that.

Or talking bull5hit

Its possible if you were double-manned (lots of time on POA) but obviously you’d need to share the driving, otherwise one of you won’t get any POA and be over.

I’m a long retired old hand and as it was in my day who wants to work 70 hours a week.Clearly quite a few.And some wonder why young uns don’t want the job.

Lots of driving jobs involve long periods of hanging around, so POA or break can be booked, depending on the exact circumstances.
Probably very rare, but: If there is a known period of 4hrs break inside a “shift” then that could enable a 15hr paid shift every day.
75hrs pay in 5 days.

But not 75hrs work.