55 hrs basic ?.

Ex Haulier:
If you like long hours and low pay, then i’m sorry but your a muppet.

Bit harsh but all feedback welcome.

If a firm is paying overtime after 40 hrs then I have no problem with a bloke banging in the overtime.
My mate works for £8 an hour straight through does 65-75 hour every week by using poa.
Then the firm take an hour a day off him for dinner,but sometimes he has it on break while tipping so in effect he is working for free then.
Iv no problem doing the hours if it’s paid,it’s when its expected to do a 15 HR day on flat rate that I think is wrong.

Not quite 55 hours but I get guaranteed 10 hours a day, I also get time and a half for anything over 10 hours per day, NOT 50 hours, which imo. makes a big difference. I also receive time and a half for Saturday (guranteed 10). No ideas about Sundays though as I have far better things to do.

Oh btw, I’m agency too!

55 hour basic just about the norm on containers if not a little low…!!! Deben contracts states you are employed to work to tachograph legislation that’s a minimum of 13 duty hours 11 rest hours 65 hour basic…!!!

the maoster:
Oh btw, I’m agency too!

:open_mouth: Nooooooo I thought you was one of us. :wink:


the maoster:
Oh btw, I’m agency too!

:open_mouth: Nooooooo I thought you was one of us. :wink:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: . Come to the darkside David. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

the maoster:


the maoster:
Oh btw, I’m agency too!

:open_mouth: Nooooooo I thought you was one of us. :wink:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: . Come to the darkside David. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I have been known to dabble in the dark arts of agency driving, I was even once given a promotion and allowed to wear the madonna bluetooth earpeice and walk with a limp.

However what put me off was earning too much money for so few hours and having to constantly wear me hi viz, even at bedtime.

Perhaps I will one day return to the agency as Darth_Dipper.

In the words of my agency mentor ‘Master Skoda’: “For that rate get out of bed I will not”. :slight_smile:

Investors in People is a purely office based paperwork exercise & as such has nothing to do with how the workforce are treated. When I worked in drainage we had it on the sides of our vehicles, with a bit of creative knife & marker pen work it was changed to Investors in ■■■, which is a bit nearer the mark.

A large (public sector) organisation where I worked for over 25 years came up with the strapline “People who care about people.” in the mid 1980s. Many of my colleagues changed this to “People? Who cares about people?”