Nodding Donkey, pm sent…
Nodding Donkey, pm sent…
daddy pig:
most of us crack on at 56 as much as possibleEr, do we?
Apparently so.
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
No [zb] wonder theres so many snarl ups in the UK if some plod along at 65kph on an A road.
Last time i looked at UK law it was 10% +2mph which is 57mph or 91kph so youre safe to do that without a pull. Its got to be a real faff dawdling along but i suppose those that do this kind of thing get paid hourly and just dont care how long the job takes
There is no law in the UK that says it is 10% +2mph, you can get done here for doing 51 in a 50, it is at the absolute discretion of the copper that pulls you.
There seems to be a lot of drivers out there who are prepared to give 110% to their employer for an hourly rate that’s not much more than minimum wage, mugs that contribute to the wage being kept low for most…
I generally poodle along at 35. Most of the vehicles I drive won’t go much faster. When the queue behind gets to about 15 or 20 I look for somewhere to pull over, unless I did so in the previous 10 to 15 minutes. I think it helps if you allow yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.
…10% plus 2 is no 56 is it!
I don’t get the reference but I can do the math
((10% 50) +2 ) = 57
There is no law in the UK that says it is 10% +2mph, you can get done here for doing 51 in a 50, it is at the absolute discretion of the copper that pulls you.
Fair enough, but who’s truck actually does 56 even when the speedo says you are?
The fastest in our fleet only does 55 according to my Sat-Nav, where most do about 54…
Now that would be some git of a copper!
So when it’s a good clear road I’ll normally crack on, and if it’s not, I’ll probably be well below the speed limit…
I need to make up for being a couple of clicks below on the motorway. And I bore easily…
I normally stick to the limit if I’m in an area I’ve never been before. On the artics we are limited to 56 yet I run at 53/52. I see no point rushing about. It takes about 3 hours to get to Sunderland at 90km’s. Doing it at 84 adds about 5 minutes extra.
blue estate:
There’s some dual carriage ways I wouldn’t do 56mph Like the bit on the A41 in that’s as twisty as a mountain road
there’s a mountain on the A41? not with an V8 R730! there isn’t.
I normally stick to the limit if I’m in an area I’ve never been before. On the artics we are limited to 56 yet I run at 53/52. I see no point rushing about. It takes about 3 hours to get to Sunderland at 90km’s. Doing it at 84 adds about 5 minutes extra.
But not much good if you didn’t want to go to Sunderland in the first place, and who in their right mind would want to go there anyway !!
There is no law in the UK that says it is 10% +2mph, you can get done here for doing 51 in a 50, it is at the absolute discretion of the copper that pulls you.
There seems to be a lot of drivers out there who are prepared to give 110% to their employer for an hourly rate that’s not much more than minimum wage, mugs that contribute to the wage being kept low for most…
Exactly, everybody moaned about the 40 limit, so the limit has gone up from 40 to 50, ffs is that still not fast enough for some
It would not matter if it was put up to 60, and if there were no limiters, you would still get the idiots running flat out.
The old adage…‘You can’t educate pork’ springs to mind.
Ah who cares about all this crap, we’re all heading to the same destination at the same speed anyway, so these poxy journeys we make in our lorries don’t matter a toss in a broader sense.
Can’t believe the amount of drivers that still drive at 40 and they aren’t the trolley dollies either.Yep! That’s me. You’re not going to change anything!
There has not been anything official as in television and radio coverage or anything in the papers. It’s been instigated by transport bodies (RHA/FTA) and employers to get drivers to go faster for the same money thus pushing wages down.
When I get something official from DVLA stating that the speed limit has been increased that’s when I will get my foot down! Until then girlfriends, deal with it!
Guess you were one of the drivers protesting about the cpc. Clearly you need it
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