Not a good advert for your trainer…
Not good…I would be asking the trainer to reveal his source regarding this major upcoming change & also some kind of documentary evidence to substantiate his ‘prediction’!!!
Scary really - Driver CPC trainers should be sure they have their facts right before announcing such important, wholesale changes to EU Law.
BTW - it’s news to me, this apparent change■■?
A driver backed the trainer up by saying “yeah I get infringements for that”
One driver couldn’t understand why he was getting infringements for not having sufficient rest periods but he said " I don’t understand it, I always make sure I have 11 off even if I’ve done a 14 hour shift !"
When I tried to explain that it’s a 24 hour period from the start of your shift that you need to get your rest in, so even if you go over 13 hours by just 1 minute then it’s a reduced rest regardless of the actual length of rest. He just laughed and said “that’s nonsense”
So maybe there is need for some kind of periodic training but something that has been thought about and that actually works !!
Am I right in thinking that you don’t need to do a course to a be able to become as DCPC trainer??You are correct, I believe JAUPT like you to have had previous experience in instruction, you could have been an instructor in knitting or making cup cakes just as long as you have experience in instruction.
Hmm that would be good I just cant get mine right
Fatboy slimslow:
I’m currently on a CPC course and we’ve been told the the 3 reduced daily rests is per fortnight not per week. Apparently this is coming in force in September but if your pulled after doing this course they will fine you !! Now I’ve not heard of this coming into effect, anyone know any details ■■seeing as the TACHO regs have only changed three times in this country! 1974, 1984 and 2003 off the top of my head the blokes talking BS! you can have FOUR 9 hours off BETWEEN weekly rest periods IF one day you’ve a SPLIT DAILY REST WITH A THREE HOUR UNINTERRUPTED REST! just goes to show DCPC IS NOT NEEDED!
so, what about the rules changes in 2007?