17 and already having chest 'troubles'!

8 legger:

Well thankfully I’m starting to lose weight as a lot of folk have been getting on at me for it and it’s been getting on my nerves so I’ve started doing something about it. I do go out for walks because as you say there are some fantastic roads, and I’m one for looking at the scenery. I’ve always been a big lad so I won’t be one to get stick thin but so long as I can get too 15 - 16 stone I’ll be happy as thats where I got too last time as I have done it before as I did lose 3 stone in 3 months as I was 18 stone the first time, so I know it can be done. I go to the gym when I can afford to go because it is something I enjoy. But we’ve had to get the back garden sorted for the summer, and with the back garden being a big garden there’s been a lot of work.

So I’ve lost quite a bit of weight with that, and with being the only one in the house being physically capable of doing the heavy lifting I’ve done 95% of it. I’ve not weighed myself but I can tell I’ve lost weight because my gut doesn’t look as big :grimacing:

Hopefully my hospital appointment next week won’t be too bad. I’ll be sure to keep posted. But hopefully when I get this weight shifted my chest won’t hurt so much!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Jonny :sunglasses:

I’m not going to tell you what to do however 15-16 stone is really still to much, if you cannot keep your weight under control at the age of 17 you will pay for it big time when you’re older, and as you’ve said that heart problems run deep into your family it should be all the motivation and more that you need to get out get active and get down to below 14 stone.

I’m a big lad that carries weight quite well, as in no one will really notice a stone come and go, however its no excuse when I put the weight back on and become fat again I get annoyed with my self and change it.

Good luck with the weight loss and sorry if i’ve stepped over the line but please aim to get around or below 14 stone, you’ll feel better for it and you’ll thank yourself in 20 years time when you know people going in for heart ops and have all sorts of other weight related problem and your fine getting on with life.

No need to be sorry mate. I rather people be honest and tell it how it is then sugar coat it. :slight_smile: I understand that 15-16 is still a bit high but it’s my ideal weight at this moment in time. I don’t want to over step my mark. If I can get to 15 and half stone then I will decide from there if to go further. It’s just my ‘safe’ weight loss limit at the moment because I don’t want to lose too much weight with the way I’m built. I use to do a lot of weight lifting when I was in school as I had the opportunity to do so.

If I don’t get my apprenticeship with volvo or daf on the mechanics, if i get the results from college I need then I will be staying on at college. I’ve been asked to join the rugby team next year for the reason of me being built like a brick ■■■■ house :open_mouth: And there’s a fitness suite being added into the college so another great opportunity if I stay on.

I’ll certainly be letting folk know about the weight loss etc :grimacing: :grimacing:

And again thanks for being honest and not sugar coating it :grimacing: :grimacing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Good luck with the weight loss, and good luck with getting an apprenticeship.

Well I went to the hospital yesterday but It wasn’t about my chest, that’s another bit of fun to come yet. I won’t say what I went to hospital for as :laughing: it’s not something I wish to discuss on an online forum :laughing:

But I’ve found out just how much weight I’ve lost within a matter of weeks.

3 weeks ago I weighed a good 19 stone 7. I know I hear the You fat ■■■■■■■ chants :laughing: :laughing:

Yesterday I weighed in at 18 stone 1 :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: So I’ve lost a good chunk in a matter of weeks and that’s still having most of my old habbits ish although I have cut down a lot and including a ■■■■ up in the mix. I don’t think that’s bad going to say the least.

I am now convinced all doctors are vampires in disguise because yesterday was another blood sample taken :imp: :imp: :imp:

The nurse looked at me and said along the lines of I can tell you don’t like blood tests and in a spit of the moment sounding like the most sarcastic of pillocks saying 'No I love them so much I decided to get my blood taken twice in one month :imp: :imp: ’ Thankfully it was only 1 tube of blood they wanted this time and not 6!

Lets see where this takes me and hopefully if I can snag this job on monday, I will be in a rather ‘busy’ role repairing pallets on a temporary basis so that will get me more active :grimacing: :grimacing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

My name is Phil McCullough and I am working on a new landmark TV documentary series helping obese people lose weight over the period of a year.

We are looking for people who want to lose at least 10stone in weight. They get a dedicated team of personal trainers, nutritionists and round-the-clock medical supervision for a whole year to help them change their life.


One of the UK’s major broadcasters has a new weight-loss TV programme that will take transformation to a whole new level.

Eyeworks TV are looking for men and women for a TV series, following them for 1 year as we help dramatically transform their bodies and their lives with the help of our dedicated team — including personal trainers, nutritionists and round the clock medical supervision.

This will be an exercise and diet based-weight loss system that will help you change your life. This could be the year to get your weight off and your life back!
If you or someone you know would like to find out more, contact us confidentially at:
Applicants must be 18 or over and UK Residents. Â

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My name is Phil McCullough and I am working on a new landmark TV documentary series helping obese people lose weight over the period of a year.
I don’t trust people who work for TV companies, which means I won’t trust you. You do what they ask and in the process make you look like a ■■■■ and before you ask I’ve done a bit of Tv work myself so I know what I would be getting into. So unless you give me a reason why I should trust you, I won’t :wink:
We are looking for people who want to lose at least 10stone in weight. They get a dedicated team of personal trainers, nutritionists and round-the-clock medical supervision for a whole year to help them change their life.
I don’t want to lose 10 stone. I might be a fat ■■■■ but I’m not that fat. Infact I’ve lost quite a bit of weight. I’m no longer at 19 stone, I’m in the 17 stone 11 - 18 stone 1 mark depending if I’ve ate or dressed. Also I don’t fancy having a personal trainer yelling at me telling me I’m fat and I need to do one more crunch. Also my health is sort of improving and I’ve found out the problems with my chest are being caused by stress no surprise with the ■■■■ I’ve had to deal with at home and college.


No I’m not struggling with obesity, infact I wouldn’t class myself as obese plus people are noticing a difference in my weight. I eat less and healthier also I have a gym at college so that helps also :unamused: :unamused:

One of the UK’s major broadcasters has a new weight-loss TV programme that will take transformation to a whole new level.
And make people that’s obese look even fatter with what they eat and how much they eat. Also these things generally add more drama than it actually is which is pointless in my opinion

Eyeworks TV are looking for men and women for a TV series, following them for 1 year as we help dramatically transform their bodies and their lives with the help of our dedicated team — including personal trainers, nutritionists and round the clock medical supervision.

I’m sure my college would have something to say about that, and I doubt it would be positive :unamused: Plus I don’t fancy telling my mates the reason I’m being followed and filmed is because I’m a fat ■■■■ who needs to lose weight :unamused: :unamused: No thanks.

This will be an exercise and diet based-weight loss system that will help you change your life. This could be the year to get your weight off and your life back!
I’m getting my life back, my health is improving slightly. My weight is dropping. My mental state is improving and I’m more confident in myself. All on my own accord off my own back. Thanks for the offer though assuming it’s not a load of ■■■■■■■■ anyway :unamused:

If you or someone you know would like to find out more, contact us confidentially at:
Can’t help you there :unamused:
Applicants must be 18 or over and UK Residents.
I’m 18 and a Uk resident, still not interested though. :slight_smile: Â


Jonny :sunglasses:

So…thats a definite maybe?

So…thats a definite maybe?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: If he can prove it’s not just another money making scheme then I’m up for it. Plus I won’t work for free. :grimacing: :grimacing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Have a ook at this was done by my mate


She does the fitness camp thing has gone from a size 24 to a 14 this year

Good luck in loosing the weight

I have had several ECG & never got the results straight away alway gone to my Dr.

I won’t lie I use to be a 44 inch waist at my biggest, but I fit comfortable in 38 inch jeans. Still got a fair bit to go but I’m getting there. :slight_smile:

Hopefully I’ll get the results back on friday for this 24 hour ECG I did last week with any luck when I go for my heart scan on friday.


Jonny :slight_smile:

Hi I hope your feeling better. I don’t think you were moaning, months of chest pain would get anyone down & so far you haven’t been given a reason. Chest pain is very common & not always serious, stress, panic attacks are 2. You mention the gym & gardening which would be straining the muscle if it needs to be rested but also, muscle weighs more than fat. As well as your weight take into account how much body fat you have. You are young to be having problems & your family history should be a warning but you can lose weight sensibly & still go out & enjoy yourself. If your making yourself miserable to lose weight you won’t stick at it. Best wishes. :slight_smile:

Thank you mate, and the chest pains were worrying and still are as sometimes I did struggle to breathe but I always put it down to my weight. I have a feeling my pains may have been caused by stress as I won’t deny I’ve been put through a lot of crap this last year and I’m still going through a lot. I can’t think of it being caused by the gym or gardening as I don’t put myself through too much and I don’t push myself that hard but I wouldn’t rule it out :slight_smile: Don’t get me wrong I still go out and enjoy myself :laughing: :laughing: But i just do it every so often not all the time :slight_smile: :smiley: I still live happy and I am losing weight but I’ll be damned if I’m going to be miserable about it!!! :smiley: :smiley:


Jonny :sunglasses: