Also from 1st April 2015, tachos fitted to new trucks will accept debit card for automatic payment of fines.
Don’t put ■■■■■■■ ideas into their heads!
Also from 1st April 2015, tachos fitted to new trucks will accept debit card for automatic payment of fines.
Don’t put ■■■■■■■ ideas into their heads!
I heard the maximum working day was actually being increased to 23.5 hrs. And driving time being reduced to no more than 4 hrs a day.
On past form of EU regs that bit might be true although the 4 hours driving would need at least 45 minutes break which can only be taken in 15 minute segments spread equally across the 4 hour period.
As for the 23.5 hours overall shift that won’t include the extra 45 minutes breaks needed to extend the day to that amount.
Also,from April 1st,due to health and safety concerns,ratchet straps and chains can no longer be used to secure loads.
Instead,all drivers will be issued with high strength Blue Tack to secure their loads.
For those drivers allergic to Blue Tack (like me),their wagons or trailers will be retro fitted with pallet magnets
Can anybody clarify, I’ve been told that drivers are no longer able to reduce a daily rest period to 9 hours (from 1st April2015) and must take a minimum of 11 hours every night? Anyone got the gospel on this
tachograph laws in this country have changed THREE TIMES IN THIS COUNTRY! 1974, 1984 AND 2007
that is gospel!
crack on to Macon!
happy new year
I heard that on April 1st Dozy is coming off of pre-modand by midnight he’ll be back on
Nah, remember that the moderators dont work quickly.
Exceptions can be made
I have it good authority that any major changes to drivers hours regs will be told to only one trolly dolly so it can be spread to others at RDC waiting rooms.
If you put a metal sheild in the shape of a Sheriffs badge, this shows you are a member of the Quakers and Freemasons secret handshake elite club.
The Police and Dvsa will never stop you.
If they so, roll up one trouser leg, stand on one foot,while singing Oh come all ye faithful.
You are then told to leave the weighbridge.