10hr drive

Once the truck is in the yard can it be shunted about without a card in the machine? Is this allowed as some guys that move the trucks dont even have a liscence at my work
Something about it being private land and bot accesible to the public or is this just bs

Yes they can be shunted about without card in because there is no way to say who did it

Legally speaking a driver with a digi should use it to do that but its usually impractical - spend more time inserting and removing procedures than moving a truck in many cases

As long as a driver with a digi has all the time on duty recorded then nobody worries about things like shunting around a yard for a possibly a few minutes a day

This is referring to shunting other vehicles rather than the vehicle the driver is using all day

I know of a couple of drivers who have regularly pulled their cards when half hour away from their yards and they have never being pulled up for it by their bosses.If the tacho unit was downloaded every so often and that data sent to the analasysts, then surely this would show up wouldn’t it?



If it’s only 5 mins,pull your card and drive last few yards into yard with no card,if asked shunters too it in for you after you bailed out

Can the lorry be traced for driving without a card and for how long the card was pulled.

Yes. In the case of digital tachos the digital tacho head also records and stores data which is supposed to be periodically downloaded by the company and this includes periods where no card is inserted. You can’t use the “it was the garage” excuse as workshops have to have a workshop digi card.
In the case of paper cards, the zig-zag near the centre records distance. From that they can work out if you actually did the mileage you claim you did.

The workshop card is for calibration purposes of the unit only and as such is only issued to VOSA approved tacho centres on an employee by employee basis.

I may be wrong here, but I do not believe that a fitter has to have a drivers card inserted when out on road test. If however the vehicle is presented for MOT, the drivers card should be used.

I know of a couple of drivers who have regularly pulled their cards when half hour away from their yards and they have never being pulled up for it by their bosses.If the tacho unit was downloaded every so often and that data sent to the analasysts, then surely this would show up wouldn’t it?

Yes it would show up but that doesn’t necessarily mean anyone’s going to do anything about it.

I know of a couple of drivers who have regularly pulled their cards when half hour away from their yards and they have never being pulled up for it by their bosses.If the tacho unit was downloaded every so often and that data sent to the analasysts, then surely this would show up wouldn’t it?

If the vehicle has been shunted around without a drivers card inserted, if you are one of those who do a printout at the end of the day, you should see the times, at the bottom of the print out, which show when the vehicle was moved.

I would imagine that they allow for X amount of missing mileage but when the missing mileage is in the region of the vehicle being driven for half an hour without the card inserted, then questions should be asked.


Holy “didn’t read the OP” properly!

Lol stupid rules , it’s all stobarts and tescos fault :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that many if us have been caught out by the ‘just over nine’ timer, particularly with the first edition of the digital tacho. My suggestion would be to have a maximum of ten hours drive in any one day, and a maximum of 45 hours in any one week. Often a long tip, or load, or a multi part job might mean that the driver is out of spread over before he has reached his maximum permitted driving hours on a given day.

Allowing more than one ten hour drive could utilise this time and maximise the vehicle usage.

I think that many if us have been caught out by the ‘just over nine’ timer, particularly with the first edition of the digital tacho.

I reckon we all have. My personal view in regards to VOSA is as already mentioned in that if you’re doing it very rarely and not by a lot then they’re likely to let it slide. Its the repeat offenders and those taking the mick with how much they go over they’re interested in.

The courts would be extremely full if they prosecuted everyone for every infringement.