Well its time to look for a new job. cant deal with Terrible farmyards anymore coming home stinking of pig/cow/chicken (delete as required) ■■■■
This was just a couple of snaps from this weeks pleasant working conditions.
This was just next to one of the silos i wanted and needed to drag a pipe through it…
a pool of pig urine, mud and pig ■■■■…nice.
this was the access to one yard doesnt look too bad in the picture but it was about 7 or 8 inch deep mud in places
And this is just how good these “high health” pig units are that we go to that you MUST dissinfect your wheels etc and put on oversuits etc…
This is a pile of rotting animal feed that as been here for about THREE weeks. the smell is terrible and you can imagine the flies and OTHER things that are living here…
i know the feeling, when i worked for my old boss, we would cart the chicken litter out of the farms to the power stations for it to be burnt, the smell at the stations is awful,but you get used to it.
fishmeal is the other one, hardly ever runs out of the bulker fine so you have to tailboard it into the pit, and normally end up caked in it and stinking like a trawler
concider yourself lucky, the last pig farm I went to had dead pigs kicking about turning blue and looking ready to explode
you should have seen the one that had been down a drain for about 5 months, that really was a bag of bones
Oh yes seen that too as well as one farm where a load of stray cats were having a right old feast on a dead pigs face!! i have a picture but its a bit gruesome for here!!
I Used to deliver potato waste to farms and the conditions on some of them were disgusting. Where do you want it was the question. Oh just there was generally the answer and “there” was usually in the middle of a yard knee deep in slurry. The liquid peel was dumped and he would scape it up with the dozer on his tractor along with a couple of tons of cow[zb].
And we wondered where BSE came from. I bet you thought that you were the only one fed a diet of bull [zb]
Not sure about the money but tackle is clean and newish - with fridge work normally they do the tipping and you do the sitting and waiting - I know they have some silly start times and you work to your max 13 / 15 hrs but not over.
Cheers mate, Will keep them as an option but with were i am and all the firms at whitwood/normanton south elmsall etc im hoping i can find something a bit closer…but we will see. a good thing is my 2 years on artics is up at the end of the month so its hould open a few more doors!