Just a heads up on Channel 4 tomorrow (Tues) 10pm people learning to drive a HGV at a training school in Croydon…to save our Christmas …so the info says
Ah what the hell, I’ve put it on record. At worst it’ll be some background noise for an hour. It’ll be quite interesting to see how people attracted to the job for no other reason than the new rates of pay find what driving a lorry is like compared to how easy they think it is.
Ah what the hell, I’ve put it on record. At worst it’ll be some background noise for an hour. It’ll be quite interesting to see how people attracted to the job for no other reason than the new rates of pay find what driving a lorry is like compared to how easy they think it is.
I think the driving will be the leastvdecusung factor going forwards (or backwards, see what I did there? )
I’d like to see them after the 15hr days and all that jazz that we’ve all been encountered with, some more than others.
Who are the agencies that are taking on new passes I wonder?
There doesn’t seem to be many full time openings for new passes, even at this time of the year, even at low pay like £10-£12ph…
I would be concerned that a flood of inexperienced rookies all hitting the roads at once - might end up killing more of the Great British Public than Covid ever did…!
Watched it.
Basically government funded propaganda.
Talking about how great being a truck driver is and how everything in your house came on the back of a truck. Then some more nonsense about how your country needs you.
Didn’t see anything to show what the job is like though.
Why didn’t they show someone squatting in some bush at 2am in -2c weather because Thurrock MSA petrol station repeatedly goes nightpay only not letting truckers using their toilet and you got nowhere to park to get into the msa to use their toilets because the place is overflowing with trucks parking everywhere including all the way down one of the two lane entrance.
Honestly getting sick of MSAs now. I’m working nights and 60% their is no parking at all. And 75% of the time the petrol station is night pay only.
Watched it, just what I exoected tbh , good pr for the training firm,.other than that nothing much else.
It touched very briefly on the true negative side of the job, but painted a false rosy picture in other aspects of it.
There was the usual midern tv diverse vibe b/s going on right through it as expected …the token woman, token Asian, token black guy,…oh yeh and a vicar ffs, I never saw anybody who actually looked like the stereotypical trucker.
My thoughts all through it were…'‘Oh Jeesus more lambs to the slaughter’ , but hey if they fancy the job good luck to them.
I would hate to go through all that crap again…not that I would if I was in my 20s now, the way that things gave turned out.
I would hate to go through all that crap again…not that I would if I was in my 20s now, the way that things gave turned out.
Amen. Now have four knackered discs in my back. Wish I’d never seen the inside of a bloody truck.
Not sure I should admit you see me briefly climbing into a truck cab 6 minutes or so in…
Luckily for me, I enjoy my day job, and am only looking to further my own skills and think of the “what if”, my day job was hugely affected by the pandemic, and I’d happily drive a truck for a few months if it happens again!
Not sure I fancy it full time though…