Where’s your favourite roadside cafe (UK, Europe…)? What’s your favourite thing from their menu?
I’m looking at writing an article for our blog on the ‘10 best roadside cafes for drivers’ and would love to feature some of your favourites. It can be butty vans/shops, cafes, pubs, whatever…
The best mentions (with photos of the place and food, if possible) will get a namedrop in the article.
Thanks in advance.
I don’t get about much nowadays but The Pit Stop at junction 17 M4 was always tidy, clean with good hot food and good portions too, ok it wasn’t cheap but still good value I reckon .
The A1 Truckstop Diner, Bourne Road, Colsterworth, Grantham NG33 5JN has to be mine.
I have been stopping here for years and never been disappointed.
Very friendly staff, great portions and a second cup of tea or coffee free. A good choice and some great breakfasts. 
Frans op den Bult next to the A1 in Hengelo in the Netherlands.
€10 for parking, and free if you eat…
The A1 Truckstop Diner, Bourne Road, Colsterworth, Grantham NG33 5JN has to be mine.
I have been stopping here for years and never been disappointed.
Very friendly staff, great portions and a second cup of tea or coffee free. A good choice and some great breakfasts. 
Sounds like a typical truck stop type diner that is creating an obese driver with the statements “great portions” a “second cup of tea or coffee” and “some great breakfasts” those statements alone would put me off going there tbh. I would love to see truck stops having a gym and tanning studio attached to them rather than this.
The A1 Truckstop Diner, Bourne Road, Colsterworth, Grantham NG33 5JN has to be mine.
I have been stopping here for years and never been disappointed.
Very friendly staff, great portions and a second cup of tea or coffee free. A good choice and some great breakfasts. 
Sounds like a typical truck stop type diner that is creating an obese driver with the statements “great portions” a “second cup of tea or coffee” and “some great breakfasts” those statements alone would put me off going there tbh. I would love to see truck stops having a gym and tanning studio attached to them rather than this.
Are you for real? I’ve been noticing some of your threads comments recently and can only conclude that you’re only after an argument or some such. Suggest you go and find yourself a large cold store and ply your knowledge within.
short walk:
Are you for real? I’ve been noticing some of your threads comments recently and can only conclude that you’re only after an argument or some such. Suggest you go and find yourself a large cold store and ply your knowledge within.
Why is that an argumentative statement? You are making out that all truckers are overweight or your being argumentative. I use a gym as do many drivers, I also ride a bike for fitness so why not attach a gym or tanning studio. They attach plenty of McDonalds to them. Have you got up the wrong side of the bed this morning as it seems like it is you edging for an argument with your one sided views. If you don’t agree with someone it is them that are in the wrong, my god get a grip of yourself.
I think he has fallen at the first. dam, dam, dam.
the nodding donkey:
And they’re off…
Yep a handful of posts and the ■■■■■■■■ has started, some folks on here could cause an argument in an empty room I’m sure. 
Well it isn’t me, I simply said I would love to see a gym and tanning studio attached to truck stops. Beats sitting in your cab all night. It is just a facility that is better than a McDonalds or a tacky shop.
I’ve not been able to spend my £money at a trailer in a laybye type place since a bloke whose opinion I really respect told me that if it’s a man behind the counter then it’s usually an ex-con . . . who really cannot get a job, even one of the jobs open to other ex-cons !
Dork Lard:
I’ve not been able to spend my £money at a trailer in a laybye type place since a bloke whose opinion I really respect told me that if it’s a man behind the counter then it’s usually an ex-con . . . who really cannot get a job, even one of the jobs open to other ex-cons !
Why not? If someone’s done their time and trying to go straight, surely it’s in everyone’s interest to keep them in a job and (hopefully) out of trouble.
Captain Caveman 76:
Dork Lard:
I’ve not been able to spend my £money at a trailer in a laybye type place since a bloke whose opinion I really respect told me that if it’s a man behind the counter then it’s usually an ex-con . . . who really cannot get a job, even one of the jobs open to other ex-cons !
Why not? If someone’s done their time and trying to go straight, surely it’s in everyone’s interest to keep them in a job and (hopefully) out of trouble.
If cooks won’t have 'em in their kitchens washing dishes why should I have to say please & thank you to 'em for my food.
If you cannot imagine an ex-con that even other ex-cons can abide . . . then maybe you should get an adult to explain it to you.
Dork Lard:
Captain Caveman 76:
Dork Lard:
I’ve not been able to spend my £money at a trailer in a laybye type place since a bloke whose opinion I really respect told me that if it’s a man behind the counter then it’s usually an ex-con . . . who really cannot get a job, even one of the jobs open to other ex-cons !
Why not? If someone’s done their time and trying to go straight, surely it’s in everyone’s interest to keep them in a job and (hopefully) out of trouble.
If cooks won’t have 'em in their kitchens washing dishes why should I have to say please & thank you to 'em for my food.
If you cannot imagine an ex-con that even other ex-cons can abide . . . then maybe you should get an adult to explain it to you.
Spent many years working in a prison, I’m well aware of what you mean. Part of the reason reoffending rates are so high is the lack of opportunities for offenders after release. A result of the media induced hysteria. Believe it or not, prisons aren’t nice places and most offenders don’t want to be there. How crap must things be on the out for them to see it as the better option?
Pitstop is very nice with a good shop too.Very good service too. Was in J29 recently and the chilli con carne was lurvly! Clean place too lots of room.
short walk:
Are you for real? I’ve been noticing some of your threads comments recently and can only conclude that you’re only after an argument or some such. Suggest you go and find yourself a large cold store and ply your knowledge within.
Why is that an argumentative statement? You are making out that all truckers are overweight or your being argumentative. I use a gym as do many drivers, I also ride a bike for fitness so why not attach a gym or tanning studio. They attach plenty of McDonalds to them. Have you got up the wrong side of the bed this morning as it seems like it is you edging for an argument with your one sided views. If you don’t agree with someone it is them that are in the wrong, my god get a grip of yourself.
freightlink asks a simple question about where your favourite truckstop is uk/Europe,markyboy 1008 replies with his favourite stating very friendly staff,great portions,a second cup of tea or coffee and some great breakfasts,you reply stating that it sounds like a typical truck stop type diner that is creating an obese driver with markyboy 1008 statements,he as far as i’m concerned is only praising the truckstop he goes into,nothing wrong with that at all,and UKtramp how do you know that these great breakfasts are not healthy food,you do not know that,and most drivers would not have time to have a work out if they did have a gym or tanning studio attached,and who the hell would go for a tanning session when they are working anyway,you might be able to most drivers would not.
The A1 Truckstop Diner, Bourne Road, Colsterworth, Grantham NG33 5JN has to be mine.
I have been stopping here for years and never been disappointed.
Very friendly staff, great portions and a second cup of tea or coffee free. A good choice and some great breakfasts. 
Totally agree.
Had a fantastic omelette there with a massive salad - cost me 4.25 with the meal voucher discount. Can’t fault it.
freightlink asks a simple question about where your favourite truckstop is uk/Europe,markyboy 1008 replies with his favourite stating very friendly staff,great portions,a second cup of tea or coffee and some great breakfasts,you reply stating that it sounds like a typical truck stop type diner that is creating an obese driver with markyboy 1008 statements,he as far as i’m concerned is only praising the truckstop he goes into,nothing wrong with that at all,and UKtramp how do you know that these great breakfasts are not healthy food,you do not know that,and most drivers would not have time to have a work out if they did have a gym or tanning studio attached,and who the hell would go for a tanning session when they are working anyway,you might be able to most drivers would not.
Speak for yourself, I often get a tanning session whilst away and I can tell you it is very relaxing and something you should possibly consider having. I go to a gym regular it is called looking after yourself. I have no idea of whether or not he was referring to the breakfasts as healthy. Mine is though and the portion size is a bit of a giveaway here, a portion size is key to losing weight or gaining weight. I am very health conscious and a fitness fanatic, but if I were alone in this there wouldn’t be as many gyms about, even 24 hr ones now are now available. I simply said it would be great if there were ones attached to truck stops. You are obviously not into gyms or you would be agreeing. I don’t eat crap and the majority of truck stops serve exactly that, not all but certainly most do, so think I have covered most of your concerns now, anything else just get back to me.
Well it isn’t me, I simply said I would love to see a gym and tanning studio attached to truck stops. Beats sitting in your cab all night. It is just a facility that is better than a McDonalds or a tacky shop.
where was Muck Donalds mentioned? potion size was as was a free refill on a cup of tea/coffee a cup of tea coffee don’t make you fat unless it’s laced with sugar, and many don’t take sugar and sometimes that meal in the truck stop maybe the 1st proper meal of the day since breakfast and should be substantial in size and value for money. gym’s lol yeah just what we need after doing a 13 or 15hr shift