Insecure oranges

Seen on the old A1 just up from Sandbeck way , somebody knows they are missing.
I want all your witty and feeble answers please.

Picking all those up wont be very a-peel-ing
Sorry lads. But on the plus side,ive set the bar nice and low! :laughing:

Picking all those up wont be very a-peel-ing
Sorry lads. But on the plus side,ive set the bar nice and low! :laughing:

That’s just taking the pith

You know when you’ve been tangoed…

Hope the driver is thick skinned for when the peelers come knocking on the door. :blush:

You know when you’ve been tangoed…

Hope the driver is thick skinned for when the peelers come knocking on the door. :blush:

LG wins so far…

Hope it doesn’t attract David Dickinson to the scene…

Speaking of Tango’s - was it Tango that used to use that running belly on the TV ad years ago? Thought that was quite a funny ad.

we pay our drivers oranges not peanuts

The driver who lost those clearly couldn’t concentrate. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Sorry :blush:

“The future is Orange”
Keep 'em coming

Hope there’s no one squashed under there.

If it’s David Dickinson, we wouldn’t be able to tell anyway :smiling_imp:

you pay oranges, you get orange utangs

Keep em peeled.jpg
Keep 'em peeled!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Theres no end to the talent on here.
regards dave.

Can anyone help, been rackin me brains all day…what was his name who left Take That after Robbie Williams …Jason somebody ? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: I can’t remember his name.

Can anyone help, been rackin me brains all day…what was his name who left Take That after Robbie Williams …Jason somebody ? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: I can’t remember his name.


The future is not bright, and it’s definitely not cranberry!

Was that "The Orange Blossom Special"Not much point wearing an orange hi-viz on that job though.I wonder if the driver has a zest for his job.

Thats just taking the pith :smiley: :smiley:

Celtic supporter driver.

some things get on my pip