When renewing my HGV licence, i usually have to have a Treadmill test, the last one was 3 years ago…so this renewal it was due again. So turned up at the hospital as usual…and they wired me up for the test…well it was tougher than usual…although its a 9 minutes walking at one pace, then they speed it up…and i was getting a bit breathless…but the worst was the pains up the back of both legs…and with 2 minutes to go, i couldnt carry on…so they stopped it. Normally the graph showing the recording of the stresses placed upon my heart, are just sent off to dvla…but one of the nurses said there is another option…which she will recommend to the consultant on monday…this other test, can only be done if there is a fail on the treadmill, and composes of an AM and a PM visit…firstly they inject a drug to stress the heart…and i assume repeat this in the afternoon, and this is to satisfy dvla with their requirements as is the treadmill test as well. So hopefully i can continue driving…but…this is my last test, as i dont intend to carry on driving after this period…i`m hanging them up at last , and can spend a lot more time in my other home abroad in the sun, along with the missus.
Btw, has anyone else had to do this other test ?
I think the other test is called a myocardial perfusion scan.
A small radioactive serum injected along with another drug that tricks the heart into thinking you have just run for 20 minutes! The radioactive parts allow a cardiologist to see how the blood is flowing through the supply arteries and around the muscle of the heart. I have had this and the results swung it for me as the DVLA were reluctant to let me carry on with my HGV entitlement. After the results of the MPC they granted my HGV back.
If the hospital recommends it, its free, if you ask for it it is about £500 ! Dont forget the whole point of the treadmill test is how your heart responds after exercise, how it quickly returns to a normal heart rate. I too have just had my last medical and treadmill test, I retire in 14 months, but since my bypass I exercise a lot more and eat properly, cut out alcohol and stopped smoking ten years ago.
Twoninety…thats good news i have not failed one yet…until the other day…i was gutted as i only had 2 minutes left…but all signs were perfect…blood pressures, heart rate etc…so i am pleased i get a second chance, my consultant gets the notes on Monday…and hopefully i will hear something next week…i am a bit worried about it though…my heart is not young anymore…and it dont like being stressed out. 
For the last ten years I have stressed out about failing the test and the medical, all the thoughts running through my mind of : What will I do if I dont pass the medical?, what if I lose my licence?, how will I pay the mortgage?
This last medical went like a breeze, everything was OK, I sailed through the treadmill due to my regular exercise sessions. The DVLA sent a letter saying they were assessing my medical state, and the next thing was my HGV dropping through the letterbox!
The only thing … I was actually half hoping they would turn me down. I think I am more than ready to knock it all on the head.
But only fourteen months to go, and that will fly by. I have enough hobbies and projects lined up to see me through the following ten years. I know there will be elements of this life long career that I will miss…but there is an awful lot more that I wont