Now I know a little bit more about your situation, I will tell you about me as a new pass & what I have learned about agencies. This I hope may help you & others to get your first drive.
I passed my Class 2 test on May 20th 08 (I did not realise it at the time, but the timing was very, very significant) Since then I have done nothing else, but drive for agencies. I am not saying that it has been a breeze, that I have earned loads of money or that I have enjoyed all the work I have done. But I have worked for 25 different companies and have earned enough to live on, and more importantly got experience. The agencies that have used me, now have no hesitation in sending me on any assignment as long as the insurance covers me, because they now have confidence in me as a driver! I think I have only resorted to 7.5 tonne work, on 3 or 4 occasions (one of which was so I could use my newly acquired ADR certificate).
I was told before I took my test that I would struggle to get work due to not having held my licence for 2 years, but I just went for it any way. It is true that some companies have an insurance policy that stipulates that drivers must have held their licence for 2 years and some agencies ONLY have clients with these types of polices, but let me tell you,
To date, I have only had my licence 10 months and the 25 companies I have worked for, does not include the ones that I have had to turn down as I was already booked. I am saying this to try to stimulate that enthusiasm & hope, that gave you the drive to go for it in the first place & also to prove to you that there is hope for you to get your foot on the ladder & get a drive through an agency, even in this economic climate.
Now let me tell you what I have learnt about agency work!
I did not realise it at the time, but I passed my test just before the holiday season and this has more significance to you as an inexperienced driver than you will probably realise right now. The tempo of agency work drastically changes during the holiday season, as all of a sudden there are a lot of opportunities for holiday cover. All the agencies (more or less, within a given area) use the same pool of drivers and that pool does not suddenly increase as soon as holiday season starts. This is the time which is best & you are most likely to get a drive, but you must persuade the agencies to register you ready before hand. It is very advantageous for you if the agency has used you without problems on other work, so I would recommend that you try and get on several agencies willing to do van or 7.5 tonne work to get your foot in the door and give them a bit of confidence in you. If any agency is reluctant to register you, because there is not enough work for their regular drivers, remind them that holiday season is not too far away & you want to be on there books ready. This will remind them of when they were ringing round frantically trying to get drivers before they were booked by another agency. I have recently managed to register with new agencies just on the strength of having done my ADR & HIAB, ready for the Holiday season. They know that at peak season traditionally there are times when they are short of drivers & even more so ADR & HIAB drivers!
Obviously agencies like to put forward the best candidate they can for each job, however, they are in it to make money & they can only put forward drivers that are AVAILABLE! During holiday season, agencies regularly run out of drivers & on several occasions, I had to turn down Class 2 work, even as a new pass. If you are available a situation will arise when you will be given a break. They really don’t want other agencies getting the booking before them & if they can, they will give you that break. I have had more than one agency ring me regarding the same job on several occasions!
Try and make yourself as available as possible to the agency, according to your circumstances. They often call in the early hours of the morning needing someone to start ASAP. This can be a plus for you if you are willing and is something they will appreciate if you say you are. If during holiday season you manage to get enough work without there being any problems, the agencies that use you will soon stop looking at you as a new pass, but a driver that’s OK to use. The fact that you have got your Class 1, you should use to your advantage as they may assume you already have class 2 experience. Don’t lie, but if they don’t ask, let them assume. Be positive & confident, as there greatest fear is you cocking up, so if you are not confident, why should they be! I would recommend that you avoid doing significant multi drop until you do have more experience with commercial driving, as some of these jobs can be very pressured & demanding. Say you prefer to do a smaller number of drops over a longer distance. When I started I did not even know how to use a pallet truck, tail lift or how the curtains opened on a curtain side lorry, but I always asked & found someone to help as and when I needed to, on the job (it‘s not rocket science, but sometimes you just need to be shown, but it‘s easy). If you know anybody who has some experience, OK it with them to call them for advice if you get stuck (PM me if your desperate and I’ll give you my number.
I hope that what I have said will have enlightened you enough not to give up hope & that my experiences show that there are many companies that do not have any such stipulations in their insurance policies to exclude you as a new driver. My hope is that you will be sufficiently encouraged to go for it as I did during