Sadly I failed my Class 1 test today.
Before Monday this week I had never driven anything other than my standard car…
So the 1st day of driving an artic was an extremely ‘unsettling’ experience (not helped at all by my trainer / although following me speaking to the training company about this they were extremely helpful in swapping me to a different trainer - Who was literally the best I could’ve dreamed of having as my trainer!)
Whilsy day 2# was also pretty unsettling in terms of the feel of driving artic… By day 3# + 4# I had gotten an understanding about ‘the theory’ of how to operate the handling of such an extrmemely elongated vehicle (*despite it still feeling so horrible to drive vs a car due to the massively higher centre of gravity in a lorry | Thus basically constantly feels to me the same as how it’d feel ‘‘trying to drive a bus while sitting on the top deck!’’)
*I was awarded a pass for my Class 1 reversing-test | Although I am extremely crap at reversing (even in a straight-line), so know for 100% certain that I wouldn’t actually be upto the required standard to reverse a lorry in a commercial depot.
I doubt anyone wants to read an essay though - So will try keeping this as short as possible now:
• I failed my Class 1 test today (with 3 majors).
1 was for forgetting to turn-off my indicator after setting-off from 1 of the ‘‘please pull-up by the side of the road’’ elements.
1 was for when I was driving down a dual carriage-way, approx 5 cars were merging onto the road from the left :: I saw them all in-advance, and so dropped my speed to approx 48/50mph (down from 56mph), to ensure they all had a gap to merge in infront of me (as they were set to do based on their speed vs my limited-max)… However when the final of the ones who was able to safely merge infront of me did, for 1-2 seconds the gap infront of me/behind them wasn’t the unsual large gap I like to keep | But I got a major for not ensuring a safe gap was kept.
The real major was the mini blindspot-mirror (*attached sticking off the edge of my driver-side main mirrors) clipped the same mirror of a static drainage-lorry by the side of the road, snapping my mirror off.
I spoke with the training centre upon my deturn to the depot, as they suggested I could try Class 2 instead.
(They have offered me 8-hours training in a Class 2 lorry + test :: For just under £850 total)
The issue I am having though is deciding the best route to progress from here…
As the only reason I went for Class 1 (rather Class 2) was purely because it seems that only 1-2% of Class 2 jobs are ‘‘Minimal drops RDC/trunking’’ type work :: With the other 98-99% of the jobs being ''Multi-drop/With lots of heavy manual-labour involved).
The reason I personally am seeking to become a lorry driver is purely because I deeply enjoy driving around the country.
I do currently have very cushy job (work security for the NHS | 30k per year salary for a 28.5 hour week /12-hour shifts) :: But quite simply have lost all interest in the security industry, however do have a massive passion for driving.
I don’t however have a passion for ‘‘hours per day of manual-labour and/or having to stop every 20-minutes for a delivery’’.
*Thus am very cautious about quitting a highly-paid 2-3 days per week, ultra-secure job, that I have no passion for anymore :: Just to end-up in lower-paying, very insecure job, which also wouldn’t be something I actually enjoy.
(My ultimate dream job would be driving the highways traffic officer cars or cash-in-transit vans | But sadly both of those require a manual driving-license, which I don’t have + I found manuals horrendously tedious to drive when I did lessons & attempted the test, thus I had to branch-out to the HGV sector instead)
As things stand I have:
• Passed all my theory exams + CPCs… ect
• Got my Class 1 reversing-certificate passed (although I’m utterly useless at actually reversing an artic).
• Done 4-days (20-hours) of Class 1 on-the-road training.
~ Paid-out £3,000 for the above ~
But I am now really unsure how would be best for me to proceed from here??