Enraged cyclist knocks lorry driver unconscious

ipswichstar.co.uk/news/copdo … _1_3283611

taking one for the team :laughing:

I bet he got out giving it large and got told! :smiley:

wow what is going on today with cyclist’s
on how they act on there own you tube videos and for what we see this confirm’s the government need to come up with some way to identify them

and wow reading though the comments I love how there’s a debate on road tax and how the 2nd side to the story is the lorry probably cut up the cyclist pulling over good to see the mentality of some people :blush: Bring back natural selection

sounds like a coward coming at the driver from behind

sounds like a coward coming at the driver from behind

Thats what i thought. Looking at the report it suggests the cyclist has slammed the door on him as he was getting back in. Either way there doesn’t seem to be any toe to toe involvement.

My door is always locked so I’d have plenty of time to reverse over the ■■■■■ Obviously I’d be giving him the coffee beans too while laughing lol.

Newlad. I lock my doors while driving in populated places.
You never know if a nutter is on the lose.
A while back in Bristol there was a chap with a knife trying to open passing car doors.
And if carrying high value loads,it is best to lock cab doors when moving.

They get what they deserve sometimes!

And, of course, we drive down narrow roads just for fun, not delivering or collecting stuff that people want :unamused: :unamused:

They get what they deserve sometimes!


He did have that coming. He also seemed to be riding pretty well for someone who had their foot run over. I’ve nothing against cyclists per say, I ride occasionally, although I do follow the rules of the road and don’t expect everyone else to bow down to me :laughing:

Cyclists in London seem a breed apart though, I seriously think in London they need a registration plate of some sort. Yes, enforcement is difficult, but what something has to be done.

There’s plenty of idiots in trucks when you venture into London too. Unfortunately I seem to be getting a lot of work into Central London over the last few months and there’s some first class aholes driving around in rigids and 7.5tonners. I’ve excluded van drivers because every one of them’s an ahole on the road !!! :laughing:
As for cyclist I’m in agreement. They bleat and cry about trucks in the city yet most of them seem to think their invincible cycling and squeezing themselves up the near side of a truck and ignoring many rules and safety aspects of the road. As for traffic lights, they’re just invisible to your cyclist in London.
I’d be quite happy if there was a total ban on artics in London, nice to visit as a tourist but somewhere I hate having to go to.

Some cyclists are frigging idiots. I live out in rural leicestershire and every weekend there are cyclists everywhere, come rain or shine. The usual lycra clad types in bright colours. Fair play to them for being active but they dont care about other road users. Time and time again i see them ride 2/3/4/5 in a line and not single file, I remember one day i held back for ages as it wasnt safe to overtake then when i did overtake one of them stuck his foot out and tried booting my car mirror off. I don’t think he will trying that trick to anyone anytime soon :wink:

More than likely that driver got out giving it large and got his ■■■ handed to him :laughing:

It takes 2 to tango.

More than likely that driver got out giving it large and got his ■■■ handed to him :laughing:

If having the door slammed on him when his back was turned is having his ■■■ handed to him then fair enough. My idea of him having his ■■■ handed to him would be a straight punch up face to face and him getting knocked out.
The cyclist seems like a coward attacking him when his back was turned then riding off.

I read somewhere recently that nobody pays Road Tax. The tax is a vehicle tax.The only person that has a right to the road is the pedestrian.
johnny Ethrington did the door trick outside Paris a few years ago.Had a prob with a foreign driver so stopped on the hard shoulder. John was driving a RHD.The other driver walked up to the cab door,then John swung it open & knocked the guy out. :laughing:

When Road tax was first introduced, the money it raised was ring fenced for spending on the road network.

When Winston Churchill was Chancellor before WW2, he did away with this ‘hypothecation’ and put up road tax (now called vehicle excise duty).

Now about 48 per cent of what’s raised in road tax and fuel duty is spent on the roads.

Cyclists often say ‘road tax doesn’t pay for roads.’

That may be true for cars, but not for trucks, as truck VED is largely determined by axle weight…ie the more wear the vehicle imposes on the road the more it pays in tax.

And it will be even less true later this year when the Lorry Road User Charge is introduced…they cycling lobby will find it very difficult to argue that a Road User Charge is not imposed for using the roads!

Don’t know about this particular incident but was out this morning in the car turned right at a roundabout and a cyclist decides he doesn’t have to give way to the traffic already on said roundabout. My exit road, and the one the cyclist wants is a dual carriage way so I take the outside lane to give him room. OK but the road has a lot of standing water across the nearside and into the offside lane that he has to ride through.

Mr Angry follows me home, about half a mile, and remonstrates with me while I’m getting out the car ON MY DRIVEWAY. Blah dee blah “I should report you” says he. “Please do” say I “you’re trespassing”. Why are some people so angry that they have to make life difficult for others.

Most bikers are are on a mission in UK . Go to Thailand where size is everything ! Bikes don’t screw with four wheels.

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As for the incident, don’t know wasn’t there but I’d wager the cyclists story would be different. Personally I don’t get too stressed with road users when I’m on the bike, if I have a close call I just put my thumb up & say thanks, they usually know when they have driven like a ■■■■. A bit like the tipper last week that pulled next to me at a set of red lights, so close his mudguard brushed my shoulder. He knew I was there because his mate, a cletus the slack jawed yokel look alike, was laughing & pointing, very mature.
As for the tax cyclist say road tax doesn’t pay for roads because, as alluded to earlier, it’s not been around since 1927. As for paying for roads depending on the damage caused then I’m in. It’s been tried in other countries and found to not worth the expense, it costs more to administer the schemes than revenue brought in, a bit like the current system with hybrid cars, they don’t pay VED yet have to have a tax disc! What’s the point of that?