I thought the euro was on its arse

when a currency goes weak, you are supposed to get more of it to the pound.
when the euro was introduced we got around 1.40 to the pound. it then stayed around 1.25 for years.
we are now at 1.08 euros.
am i wrong in thinking that the exchange rate shows a strong euro?

when a currency goes weak, you are supposed to get more of it to the pound.
when the euro was introduced we got around 1.40 to the pound. it then stayed around 1.25 for years.
we are now at 1.08 euros.
am i wrong in thinking that the exchange rate shows a strong euro?

Hi Phil,

Using your figures, it shows either a stronger £ or a weaker €, or maybe a bit of both.

i’ve just found this site.

thisismoney.co.uk/money/mark … -weak.html

That’s weird, I was just looking at the same site, but for a different reason - just to remind those of us with private pensions how Brown screwed us to help the public sector:

Brown's tax raid on pensions | This is Money :imp:

When I last flew with ryanair, they were charging in flight £ to € at 1 to 1. they charged the man behind me £1.50 for a twix! and he paid €1.50


when a currency goes weak, you are supposed to get more of it to the pound.
when the euro was introduced we got around 1.40 to the pound. it then stayed around 1.25 for years.
we are now at 1.08 euros.
am i wrong in thinking that the exchange rate shows a strong euro?

Hi Phil,

Using your figures, it shows either a stronger £ or a weaker €, or maybe a bit of both.

Hi Dave

The pound used to be stronger against both the Euro and the U.S Dollar however it Fell against both of these at the beginning of the recession meaning we now get less of each which is why despite the price of Oil (Dollars) being low fuel is still costing more than in before the recession. During the recession the Euro was “Supposedly” stronger than the Pound and the Dollar so Strengthened against both which is also why our exporters are doing better as they are more competitive because of the exchange rate.

Phill is right in suggesting a strong Euro but many believe that it is only strong due to being artificially supported (aka Conspiracy Theory), but it does seem strange that whatever seems to happen the Euro never seems to really drop back nearer its original worth. :confused: :confused:



I think they being levelled even on purpose to make the case of swapping us to the euro.

The euro is strong because the ECB is raising interest rates. They will almost certainly raise again next week. The Bank of England is holding rates down at abnormally low levels even though inflation is (take your pick) between 5 and 8%. This is effectively devaluing the pound. The BOE are frightened to death that if they put rates up (which they should) millions who have over borrowed will default on there mortgage. They also seem to think that it will allow GB plc to become more competitive and export more. So the answer is it’s a deliberate policy to weaken sterling. Good time to be earning euro’s though.


When th Euro first came in it was 1.78 euros to the £.


When I last flew with ryanair, they were charging in flight £ to € at 1 to 1. they charged the man behind me £1.50 for a twix! and he paid €1.50

Thats nothing to do with the euro, it’s because ryanair staff cant work out the conversion rate, as for paying £1.50 for a twixt, well I would have walked out :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:


When I last flew with ryanair, they were charging in flight £ to € at 1 to 1. they charged the man behind me £1.50 for a twix! and he paid €1.50

That reminds me of a pre Euro story:

An Irish lad who worked for me used to regularly take Fridays off so he could hitch hike back to Dublin for a long weekend. I asked him one day whether he got a good rate changing his Pounds for Punts. He said that his mother did him a big favour and gave him a straight swap. At the time a Punt was worth about 80p.

I think they being levelled even on purpose to make the case of swapping us to the euro.

Do you think that after Iceland and Greece that a British Politican will stake their career on the UK joining the Euro?

I read the ‘Sun’ mate and even they say we’ll never join.


I think they being levelled even on purpose to make the case of swapping us to the euro.

Do you think that after Iceland and Greece that a British Politican will stake their career on the UK joining the Euro?

I read the ‘Sun’ mate and even they say we’ll never join.

Is that the font of all wisdom “the sun” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Maybe it won’t happen just yet, but what about if the pound drops to less than the euro, it won’t be such a hot potato then !


Whatever you might think of it ‘The Sun’ is the most influencial and effective newspaper in the UK.

It is written by the most expert and best paid Journalists in Europe. If you think that it is simply a ‘rag for the masses’ you are actually more foolish than your posts.


The Euro is on its arse.

Tracey on page three told me, she also wants world peace and to work with children :stuck_out_tongue:

I know it is quite popular in Liverpool for lighting fires.

Nice try Wheel Nut,

The best way to beat your enemy is to recognise who your enemy is in the first place.

That headline in your jpeg came out when I was a kid. Buy a copy tomorrow and read it carefully. Eventually you will see what I mean.


Nice try Wheel Nut,

The best way to beat your enemy is to recognise who your enemy is in the first place.

That headline in your jpeg came out when I was a kid. Buy a copy tomorrow and read it carefully. Eventually you will see what I mean.


I’ll believe it when I see the German and French government saying on the BBC news that they are leaving the EU and starting up a new one with just them as members and with the old Franc and Mark brought back as currency. :open_mouth: :laughing:

Nice try Wheel Nut,

The best way to beat your enemy is to recognise who your enemy is in the first place.

That headline in your jpeg came out when I was a kid. Buy a copy tomorrow and read it carefully. Eventually you will see what I mean.


It may be the biggest selling paper,

it may even be the most influential paper, but as has been proved over many years since Rupert Murdoch became involved after Bouverie Street, it’s only purpose is to raise money for the News Corporation.

The Bible is the biggest selling book in the world and some people believe and live their life by all that is written in it. The Qur’an comes second apparently.

Strangest fact; although the bible is the biggest selling book, it is also the book most often stolen. :open_mouth:

Back to the point though, anyone who only reads one newspaper can never have the full facts and statistics, as everyone of them have their own agenda.

Yep, vital information only. Serious journalism at its best :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused: