Tachograph Pictures Please!

Could someone post a couple of pics of a completed Tachograph pointing out the blatant obvious what to put on it lol…Also explaining the 3 main readings on it please!

Here you go fella, check this out, only a few quid!


Not a very good pic I’m afraid but I’ll try to get a better one for you.

nice to know i bodged it up at the agency now lol…

  • The lines showing the start and finish of the shift should not interfere with the graph.

  • The Surname should always precede the first name.

  • Although the start and finish dates may be the same they are both required.

  • It’s a good idea to get into the habit of taking the odo readings off the tachograph rather than the vehicle dash as the dash odo can often be changed to miles (IMO).


  • The lines showing the start and finish of the shift should not interfere with the graph.

  • The Surname should always precede the first name.

  • Although the start and finish dates may be the same they are both required.

  • It’s a good idea to get into the habit of taking the odo readings off the tachograph rather than the vehicle dash as the dash odo can often be changed to miles (IMO).

Have the rules changed cos when I contacted VOSA about putting start & finish lines on the active side they said NO NO NO it must be on the back as NOTHING was to be marked outside the inner circle even if it did not interfere with the days recording

It’s acceptable to put start and finish lines outside of the graph in fact where I’m working at the moment they insist on it.

It’s not illegal in the UK so long as they don’t interfere with the trace. I don’t normally draw lines but always write EDR/SDR times well before/after the trace if only to back up my timesheet (agy, hourly paid).

I did once forget to write EDR/SDR and got an “infingement” for it!

Thanks Tacho thats great.

I have some with extra fields - namely “CAB” where I used to put an “X” if I had a sleeper cab, and also “t” where I used to put the vehicle’s gross tonnage.

Was I right to do this (it’s what I had been told - um - back in the 80’s :laughing: )?

The latest box I’ve bought doesn’t have those fields though - they are like the red ones in tachograph’s post.


  1. The Surname should always precede the first name.

Are you sure? I thought the wording was something along the lines of ‘surname and first name’ but it doesn’t stipulate in which order.

IIRC Coffeeholic will have the definitive answer. :wink: :wink:

[ I thought the wording was something along the lines of ‘surname and first name’ but it doesn’t stipulate in which order.

I think you’re correct but because it is worded like that people presume the surname must come first although it isn’t an actual rule.

I was always told that it had to be surname first because it’s a Euro-wide thing, therefore when someone has a foreign (to us) name it’s not always obvious which is the first and which is the last name, That was at CPC, incidentally.

I believe it also says - or used to say - that you can use a nickname if you are known by that :exclamation: :question:

The quote below is from The Transport Office, it answers both the name question and the question of putting lines on the chart (next paragraph down)

Completing your chart

Must my surname be entered before the forename on the front of the chart?

The EC regulation indicates that the driver’s name should be entered as surname then first name. In the Department for Transport’s (DfT) view, all drivers should keep to this format to enable enforcement officers to determine which is the first name and which is the surname, in cases where it is not too obvious - such as “Lee Martin”, “Oliver Thomas” for example.



  1. The Surname should always precede the first name.
    Are you sure? I thought the wording was something along the lines of ‘surname and first name’ but it doesn’t stipulate in which order.

IIRC Coffeeholic will have the definitive answer. :wink: :wink:

You just gave the definitive answer, the wording used is surname and first name, not surname then first name. There is no legal requirement as to which order the names must entered but as tachograph points out the surname then first name format is advisable for consistency.

Do you have to write EDR/SDR on it? When did that come in? The company i worked for asked me to do it but is it a legal requirement, as clearly you can see when it started and when it finished?

so if your doing multi drop work do you just put the destination thats furthest away ?

My boss only writes “michel” on his discs,but he owns the firm.

Do you have to write EDR/SDR on it? When did that come in? The company i worked for asked me to do it but is it a legal requirement, as clearly you can see when it started and when it finished?

That will probably make sense to me in the morning :laughing:

No it’s not a legal requirement but some company’s ask for a start and finish time on the chart, it complies with the requirement to fill in data for periods of work.