
I’ve had enuff, at another depot, a driver who recently smashed into the back of a stationary truck at 40mph after having had 4hrs sleep/rest in the previous 48hrs has just returned to work to face a bill for the damage to the truck. He’s got no sick pay to show for the 6wks off & tells us he didn’t even get a ‘get well soon’ card from the greedy, ■■■■ poor excuses we suffer as directors.

Most of our drivers are specially selected as people who “ask no questions” and are prepared to turn the blind eye to the goings on as its a fantastic job & VERY well paid.

Do VOSA listen & act on whistleblowers info■■?

I don’t have any hard evidence of previous goings on but their business model is based on illegal driver hours and would be impossible for them to easily change.

oh dear , now dont tell us who they are but , give us a clue where is your depot and wheres the other one so we can start the guessing game

And since when have drivers been insurance companies, it is not down to the driver to pay the bill

not sure really

if ther has been chart fiddling the vosa chap will spot it , the one that is at shefield is [zb] hot

language edit: if it need stars to get past the auto censor that’s the clue it’s not allowed :wink: …Denis F

I don’t have any hard evidence of previous goings on but their business model is based on illegal driver hours and would be impossible for them to easily change.

if you’re going to publicly accuse somebody you need that hard evidence !

Has that company got insurance? :unamused:

belive me.
The Industry isn’t anymore interested to get bad Promotion with ilegal Lories on the Road

I’ve had enuff, at another depot, a driver who recently smashed into the back of a stationary truck at 40mph after having had 4hrs sleep/rest in the previous 48hrs has just returned to work to face a bill for the damage to the truck. He’s got no sick pay to show for the 6wks off & tells us he didn’t even get a ‘get well soon’ card from the greedy, ■■■■ poor excuses we suffer as directors.

Most of our drivers are specially selected as people who “ask no questions” and are prepared to turn the blind eye to the goings on as its a fantastic job & VERY well paid.

Do VOSA listen & act on whistleblowers info■■?

I don’t have any hard evidence of previous goings on but their business model is based on illegal driver hours and would be impossible for them to easily change.

What did it take for you to realise all this was wrong, a driver getting a bill? If the driver had hit not a stationary truck but a car there may now be dead people involved? Well their familys at any rate. If you have hard facts then post it up if you are prepared to stand by it. Report them to VOSA too, yes they have to follow it up. Its your choice, you either want to say something or you don’t.

I go with Mike C stand up and tell VOSA in the end if one of the drivers plows into a car of bus stand of children and adults how would you feel.

I don’t have any hard evidence of previous goings on but their business model is based on illegal driver hours and would be impossible for them to easily change.

Chas, we all know of at least a couple of company’s that run illegal, and some on here have probably worked for them (and may still do so). We could all ring VOSA and say XYZ Ltd is running illegal. I wouldn’t be surprised if VOSA already know that XYZ Ltd is running illegal and either can’t prove it or are in the process of proving it.

If you really want to nail this company take notes on everything over a decent length of time, collect as much proof as you can, and then contact VOSA.

If you’ve got something for them to work on they are much more likely to take you’re complaint seriously and follow it up…
…but you’re going to have to be prepared to stand by your accusations.

One thought to ponder on is that any company that is running illegal will be past masters at watching their back.


I’ve had enuff, at another depot, a driver who recently smashed into the back of a stationary truck at 40mph after having had 4hrs sleep/rest in the previous 48hrs has just returned to work to face a bill for the damage to the truck. He’s got no sick pay to show for the 6wks off & tells us he didn’t even get a ‘get well soon’ card from the greedy, ■■■■ poor excuses we suffer as directors.

Most of our drivers are specially selected as people who “ask no questions” and are prepared to turn the blind eye to the goings on as its a fantastic job & VERY well paid.

Do VOSA listen & act on whistleblowers info■■?

I don’t have any hard evidence of previous goings on but their business model is based on illegal driver hours and would be impossible for them to easily change.

I can’t get my head around this one, you say most of your blokes are employed on a nod and a wink … were you?
you call your management greedy ■■■■ poor excuses you have to suffer, but then tell us its a fantastic job on VERY good money, if you think they’re ■■■■ poor I can show you a lot worse

yes vosa will act, but while they are screwing whoever your ■■■■ poor bosses have got in position to take said screwing, get ready to part with some of your VERY good money for every time you’ve done, whatever the nod and wink implied cos they’ll do you as well, whistleblower or not