Kill or Chill

Thank god after 20 years in this business Ive mellowed with age a bit. I try not to let things get to me too much, although that is easier said than done. My own opinion is that to do my profession competently, I have to try and stay calm and focussed at all times, either on the road, or at delivery points. I am the first to admit that Ive went home more angry with my own actions, than that of the plonker I was dealing with. So heres the big question ?, What is your honest opinion of yourself. ( This should be fun !! ). Are you KILL :imp: or CHILL :laughing: !!!

95% Chill.

Chilled, but do not suffer fools or foolishness

Although I am quite pleased to read in my local rag that a copper is getting done for using a radio whilst at the wheel :stuck_out_tongue: Despite his special training he is just as much a menace as me :smiley:


:imp: :laughing:

Sorry guys, made an error in the title. It should have been KILL or CHILL. HOW COULD I DO SUCH A THING, WHY DID I START THIS THREAD, THATS IT, IVE HAD ENOUGH IM OFF !!!

I have very little patience and am pretty short-tempered too, so that’s a bad combination. Like Malc, I don’t tolerate stupid people at all either. I used to get pretty aggressive in my younger years but I’ve mellowed out a lot now and manage to turn a blind eye to most things. I had to calm down for my own good - a year back I nearly got locked up for ripping a bus driver apart at Manchester airport after he ran me off the M60 at Stockport and drove off without stopping even though he knew he’d run into me :imp: .

At least you know your doing it Rob. Some guys, and possibly girls don`t, and could get themselves into a bit of bother,

very short fuse :frowning: but not proud of it

in my youth very very short fuse,chilled out a lot now and if you dont agree with me i will see you outside at dawn :smiley:

what about those that kill and deep freeze :smiley: and save for later

very short patience. though i,m chilling more as the years get clocked up.
i do not suffer fools at all.and cannot be arsed with small talk.

90% chill :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

but when it’s the 10% kill I go overboard bigtime :blush: :blush: :blush:

Denis F:
but when it’s the 10% kill I go overboard bigtime :blush: :blush: :blush:

Same with me and the 5%. When I go, I go big time and get my self into major grief, and even knowing that doesn’t stop me. It’s all or nothing.

99% Chill :sunglasses:

Only thing i can’t tolerate is rudeness, i can accept pretty much anything else.
If i had a pound for everyone who had said “i’d love to wipe that smirk off your face” then i’d be a rich man.

very short patience. though i,m chilling more as the years get clocked up.
i do not suffer fools at all.and cannot be arsed with small talk.

Is that why we get on so well Tezbo :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: :astonished: :smiley: :laughing: .

Chill with other drivers, Kill with failed copper security men and plain nasty RDC staff

I think I’m fairly laid back ,though I must be fooling myself because somehow I let any anger fester and build over a few days then,as Jammymutt say’s,I spit out my dummy. :imp:

Last time one of the dispatchers was on the receiving end.I felt so bad afterwards,when I got home I had to phone him up and apologise. :blush:

Being on the gas truck means I have to avoid driving in an aggressive manor and be professional,which I am pretty good at, though on some level having to let all those cars carve me up and barge in all day long must grind on my psyche…which goes back to the first paragraph. :laughing:

90% marshmallow,10%gunpowder.

Been a lot calmer since the manslaughter charge was dropped and the medication is a lot better now.

Depends on the weather! Or her indoors.Or the ■■■■■■■■■ i meet every day.More and more chill but still seeking my personal chill zone where nothing can get in… :wink:

99% chill, probably because i’m not very good at fighting so tend to avoid situations which would press me to fisticuffs, although I don’t think i’ve ever really lost it with anyone to see what I would do, too much smoking dope in my youth I suppose! Also, you only have to catch someone wrong with a fist, kill them then you’re down for life.

Most bad driving doesn’t bother me, I just laugh when I see other car drivers and truck drivers tearing about as if their arses are on fire even though there is something in front they can’t get round, tailgating of cars by hgv’s even when there’s nothing the car can do ■■■■■■ me off though. Don’t get me wrong i’m the first up to 130 in my car if there is nowt about but in heavy traffic what’s the point? If someone is in your way just undertake them if they won’t move over, don’t intimidate them out of the way.

Heard recently some people were doing the old middle lane hogging in a car, some young bint comes past in the fast lane and to show her frustration pulled over right in front to prove a point, unfortunately misjudging and hitting the front off side of the other car which caused the driver to loose control and kill everyone on board. Bet she’s having a good time living with her loss of temper.