I thought the wife didn’t care

At times I feel like the wife doesn’t care , I guess 35 yrs of marriage ( hell ) has taken its toll , lots of regrets
Then a little thing like this ( told her my legs / feet are freezing , bad circulation ) makes me realise she does care ( found in with my clothes ) , chuffed


She’s not stupid she’s got her own life. Doesn’t want you giving it up and being home every night, sound like she got it sorted with the hot water bottle.

What is it a Willy warmer :grimacing: :grimacing:

What is it a Willy warmer :grimacing: :grimacing:

I doubt it, his wife says he’d need a much much more smaller size

I think the steak dinner is inside

It is a cat that you have ran over and now is a flat cat .

I think the steak dinner is inside

Nah thats inside my belly.

50/1 - wife cares
40/1 - wife cares about keeping your steak warm as you missed it AGAIN on Friday
39/1 - wife wants to keep your steak warm for the planner to enjoy in the hope that he goes easy on you
25/1 - you got it to keep the rest of your Kingsize Bombay Bad Boy warm for breakfast in the lay by
10/1 - your planner prefers you in a furry gimp mask
Evens - it’s to sooth your backside after your planner misunderstood the note from your wife ( see 39/1 ) about enjoying your tender rump so he went in a bit rougher than he normally does…


50/1 - wife cares
40/1 - wife cares about keeping your steak warm as you missed it AGAIN on Friday
39/1 - wife wants to keep your steak warm for the planner to enjoy in the hope that he goes easy on you
25/1 - you got it to keep the rest of your Kingsize Bombay Bad Boy warm for breakfast in the lay by
10/1 - your planner prefers you in a furry gimp mask
Evens - it’s to sooth your backside after your planner misunderstood the note from your wife ( see 39/1 ) about enjoying your tender rump so he went in a bit rougher than he normally does…


Odds on…nobody cares