What's eerie to you during these times?

Anyone else noticing the 28days later type things we thought we’d never see?

Examples for me were looking up at the sky tonight and not a plane in sight…
Never know it before, so used to seeing the flight paths being moved every few days on rotation yet now the sky is literally dead, not one plane over for days, odd military choppers but nothing else.

Then only an hour ago it was seeing a bling machine pulling a tesco trailer, again not something I’ve seen before…
just really felt proper odd lol, so used to the drab white povo spec unit lugging at 25mph in the 30 past my gaff, not tonight though man was tanking [emoji38][emoji108]

So what’s giving you the weirdlys about all this, outside of empty shelves?

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amuse yourself with this link.
the yellow planes are the ones actually flying realtime
click on the plane and itl tell you who,where,why,height,company ectect…
theres plenty.
not surprisingly,america preaches to the world,then carries on as normal ignoring everything.


This is nothing compared to whats to come. Businesses could well be on lock down till the end of the year. The economy is rapidly heading towards complete collaspse, likely much worse than any depression let alone recession we have ever seen in modern times. Today the markets held abit of ground but the trend is worse than anything seen before.

Even if a vaccine is deployed tomorrow the damage will still be significant but a safe vaccine anytime this year is a slim hope. Humanity has survived pandemics before. So we will get through it but society isnt gonna bounce back anytime soon likely for many years. The great plague took out 70% of all human life…oh and guess where that started yep china and eerie enough it first entered europe in… yep Italy lol

Whats really scaring governments around the world IS this virus has already mutated once and has 2 active strains. One more deadly than the other. It would only take 1 mutation for a more deadly strain to adapt to human hosts and this could very well send us back to the dark ages.

Must admit, i didn’t notice the lack of planes in the sky.

Ive noticed people are generally acting differently.
Everyone knows to keep a little distance between eachother.
But noticed whilst out walking the dog in the evening, there doesnt even seem to be any eye contact or anything. People seem to just walk looking down, almost as if ignoring each other is going to help.
Very strange.



And yet this is circa less than 2.

Jesus christ…

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Rich T:
Must admit, i didn’t notice the lack of planes in the sky.

Ive noticed people are generally acting differently.
Everyone knows to keep a little distance between eachother.
But noticed whilst out walking the dog in the evening, there doesnt even seem to be any eye contact or anything. People seem to just walk looking down, almost as if ignoring each other is going to help.
Very strange.


I noticed people are keeping a distance, this is going to make them harder to catch when I need to eat them, I wasn`t expecting that.

amuse yourself with this link.
the yellow planes are the ones actually flying realtime
click on the plane and itl tell you who,where,why,height,company ectect…
theres plenty.
not surprisingly,america preaches to the world,then carries on as normal ignoring everything.


TOP man as usual Mr dog [emoji6]

As suspected its dead over me, now I can prove to my mrs I ain’t tripping [emoji106][emoji16]

It’s weird, even the birds seem to have gone silent too…
I’ve a vibrant colony of wild treasures around me, yet even they’ve all but vanished this last few day’s, weathers not been any colder either?

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk


amuse yourself with this link.
the yellow planes are the ones actually flying realtime
click on the plane and itl tell you who,where,why,height,company ectect…
theres plenty.
not surprisingly,america preaches to the world,then carries on as normal ignoring everything.


TOP man as usual Mr dog [emoji6]

As suspected its dead over me, now I can prove to my mrs I ain’t tripping [emoji106][emoji16]

It’s weird, even the birds seem to have gone silent too…
I’ve a vibrant colony of wild treasures around me, yet even they’ve all but vanished this last few day’s, weathers not been any colder either?

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

You are not tuned in.
Nature knows and the behaviour of certain species has been very interesting this last week and that includes insects…We are going to be gone soon, so relax, lie back and do not boggart the joint.


Rich T:
Must admit, i didn’t notice the lack of planes in the sky.

Ive noticed people are generally acting differently.
Everyone knows to keep a little distance between eachother.
But noticed whilst out walking the dog in the evening, there doesnt even seem to be any eye contact or anything. People seem to just walk looking down, almost as if ignoring each other is going to help.
Very strange.


I noticed people are keeping a distance, this is going to make them harder to catch when I need to eat them, I wasn`t expecting that.


You may wanna nip out an get a couple now…

Just don’t use the panic buy approach ffs as we’re all gonna need one or two if this lasts much longer.

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk



amuse yourself with this link.
the yellow planes are the ones actually flying realtime
click on the plane and itl tell you who,where,why,height,company ectect…
theres plenty.
not surprisingly,america preaches to the world,then carries on as normal ignoring everything.


TOP man as usual Mr dog [emoji6]

As suspected its dead over me, now I can prove to my mrs I ain’t tripping [emoji106][emoji16]

It’s weird, even the birds seem to have gone silent too…
I’ve a vibrant colony of wild treasures around me, yet even they’ve all but vanished this last few day’s, weathers not been any colder either?

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

You are not tuned in.
Nature knows and the behaviour of certain species has been very interesting this last week and that includes insects…We are going to be gone soon, so relax, lie back and do not boggart the joint.

Trust me I’m more than honed, mosquito appeared in the car yesterday, duly nailed it.

Large black bumble in the garden, only one I’ve seen in months.

Two wasps Tuesday morning, nowt since, one ant Monday morning, again nowt since, even my spiders outside have vanished… Not good.

As for bogharting… I can’t, I may be called into action as just maybe new drivers will get their shot from all this [emoji57][emoji38]

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

amuse yourself with this link.
the yellow planes are the ones actually flying realtime
click on the plane and itl tell you who,where,why,height,company ectect…
theres plenty.
not surprisingly,america preaches to the world,then carries on as normal ignoring everything.


Holy ■■■■ I just tracked one over my house an watched it go over[emoji38][emoji38]

I’m quitting stobart spotting this is the shizzle [emoji23][emoji23]

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk




amuse yourself with this link.
the yellow planes are the ones actually flying realtime
click on the plane and itl tell you who,where,why,height,company ectect…
theres plenty.
not surprisingly,america preaches to the world,then carries on as normal ignoring everything.


TOP man as usual Mr dog [emoji6]

As suspected its dead over me, now I can prove to my mrs I ain’t tripping [emoji106][emoji16]

It’s weird, even the birds seem to have gone silent too…
I’ve a vibrant colony of wild treasures around me, yet even they’ve all but vanished this last few day’s, weathers not been any colder either?

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

You are not tuned in.
Nature knows and the behaviour of certain species has been very interesting this last week and that includes insects…We are going to be gone soon, so relax, lie back and do not boggart the joint.

Trust me I’m more than honed, mosquito appeared in the car yesterday, duly nailed it.

Large black bumble in the garden, only one I’ve seen in months.

Two wasps Tuesday morning, nowt since, one ant Monday morning, again nowt since, even my spiders outside have vanished… Not good.

As for bogharting… I can’t, I may be called into action as just maybe new drivers will get their shot from all this [emoji57][emoji38]

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

I thought I was one of the few to spot the Black Bumble Bee, but it was the Barn Owls in the rain that did my swede :confused:
But to be honest, the animals are behaving as though they expect us to be gone soon…Animals usually know.





amuse yourself with this link.
the yellow planes are the ones actually flying realtime
click on the plane and itl tell you who,where,why,height,company ectect…
theres plenty.
not surprisingly,america preaches to the world,then carries on as normal ignoring everything.


TOP man as usual Mr dog [emoji6]

As suspected its dead over me, now I can prove to my mrs I ain’t tripping [emoji106][emoji16]

It’s weird, even the birds seem to have gone silent too…
I’ve a vibrant colony of wild treasures around me, yet even they’ve all but vanished this last few day’s, weathers not been any colder either?

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

You are not tuned in.
Nature knows and the behaviour of certain species has been very interesting this last week and that includes insects…We are going to be gone soon, so relax, lie back and do not boggart the joint.

Trust me I’m more than honed, mosquito appeared in the car yesterday, duly nailed it.

Large black bumble in the garden, only one I’ve seen in months.

Two wasps Tuesday morning, nowt since, one ant Monday morning, again nowt since, even my spiders outside have vanished… Not good.

As for bogharting… I can’t, I may be called into action as just maybe new drivers will get their shot from all this [emoji57][emoji38]

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

I thought I was one of the few to spot the Black Bumble Bee, but it was the Barn Owls in the rain that did my swede :confused:
But to be honest, the animals are behaving as though they expect us to be gone soon…Animals usually know.

You should have said, I’d have popped the kettle on an we could have watched it together…[emoji38]

Barn owls in the rain…not During daylight hours surely?

We’ve had a ‘worm moon’ only last week, yet the climates not been at all suitable for emerging, yet this just doesn’t feel right at all, as you say it feels Alot deeper to me.

■■■■ Wierd seeing asda shut at 6pm too, feels like the good old days of shops being shut on Sunday which was lovely [emoji108]

Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

This is nothing compared to whats to come. Businesses could well be on lock down till the end of the year. The economy is rapidly heading towards complete collaspse, likely much worse than any depression let alone recession we have ever seen in modern times. Today the markets held abit of ground but the trend is worse than anything seen before.

Even if a vaccine is deployed tomorrow the damage will still be significant but a safe vaccine anytime this year is a slim hope. Humanity has survived pandemics before. So we will get through it but society isnt gonna bounce back anytime soon likely for many years. The great plague took out 70% of all human life…oh and guess where that started yep china and eerie enough it first entered europe in… yep Italy lol

Whats really scaring governments around the world IS this virus has already mutated once and has 2 active strains. One more deadly than the other. It would only take 1 mutation for a more deadly strain to adapt to human hosts and this could very well send us back to the dark ages.

Well youre a ray of sunshine arent you?

We read that there has been a spike of cases in Harrow, which has a large Asian population.
With Asians having somewhat more resistance to things like the common cold than most - they could be “Supercarriers”.
Watch out to see if any spread from Harrow goes via the other local high density asian districts, as seems likely…

I would have thought that any mutated strain - is going to be more likely in an area with high population density, high density of naturally immune citizens, and of course “not far from the airports” both Northolt and Heathrow. You’ve also got the prospect of staff being stood down that WORK at these airports, going home locally to increase the population density still further. The same citizens are also the ones working at local NHS facilities, sealing the fates of many who’ll go to hospital only to end up catching the virus there

It ain’t good folks - but why wasn’t there a total border lockdown to start with, at very least from the far east - if world governments are now taking it so seriously?
Are world governments now regretting taking a different approach to China and Russia where the spread is all but done already?
“Debt Consolidation” is trending on-line…
WTF? At a time like this - and people still think “paying their debts” is more important than defaulting to survive?
Richard Branson is being pushed to flog some “Island” to raise money to help out…
Who’s gonna buy his Island though? There’s only the prospect of fellow billionaires in that particular marketplace, and in any case - Money ain’t no good any more - is it?

Our governments have gone to under-reacting, refusing to pull up the drawbridge even using Brexit as an excuse - and the moment the first cases arrive in the UK via our overly-long open borders… It is too late.
Catching and surviving is now the key. Not gonna do people much good if the economic damage chosen as the path by our establishment - now ends up killing more people than the virus itself now - is it? :frowning:


This is nothing compared to whats to come. Businesses could well be on lock down till the end of the year. The economy is rapidly heading towards complete collaspse, likely much worse than any depression let alone recession we have ever seen in modern times. Today the markets held abit of ground but the trend is worse than anything seen before.

Even if a vaccine is deployed tomorrow the damage will still be significant but a safe vaccine anytime this year is a slim hope. Humanity has survived pandemics before. So we will get through it but society isnt gonna bounce back anytime soon likely for many years. The great plague took out 70% of all human life…oh and guess where that started yep china and eerie enough it first entered europe in… yep Italy lol

Whats really scaring governments around the world IS this virus has already mutated once and has 2 active strains. One more deadly than the other. It would only take 1 mutation for a more deadly strain to adapt to human hosts and this could very well send us back to the dark ages.

Well youre a ray of sunshine arent you?

:laughing: He ain’t the sort of guy you’d would want visiting you in hospital… :laughing:

Anybody else remember this series from the 70’s and the eerie intro?

Does it remind you of anything?


I nipped into Tesco last night with my 7 year old. Hes been told hes not at school until whenever (and then told actually he is still going to school because me and the mrs are now “key workers” apparently), hes had all his swimming lessons cancelled until whenever, hes also had his birthday party cancelled until whenever. Not big deals really but to a young kid its all a bigger deal and unsettling so I decided to treat him to a chicken nugget meal from McDonalds but on the way we’d nip into tesco to get some bits and bobs if available.

Anyway the way people were looking at him was horrendous. Like he was carrying a pathogenic bomb. That’s what I’ve noticed, everyone seems to look at others differently.

Anybody else remember this series from the 70’s and the eerie intro?

Does it remind you of anything?


Yeh, I posted this a couple of weeks back - even pointed out how it was a chinky-looking scientist who both created it in a lab - and then spread it around the world via the airlines… :frowning:

The “Survivors” were those who were naturally immune - NOT those who had managed to “keep away from it”…

Further “disease victims” in the series - were dying from things like Typhoid and Cholera…

The period of greatest danger - will be the month of April for the vast majority of us.
I strongly suggest that people boil their water - before being told to by the authorities… :bulb:

Coming round the M25 Heathrow way at 4:45 this morning, I saw a wide load convoy of 4 lorries, and lots of flashing ambers and convoy vehicles. Each lorry was carrying a very wide corrugated building like structure, and my mind wandered onto whether they were makeshift morgues heading to some rural army field. Gave me the shivers. Hopefully they were something less grim than that.