Recession is here

Came into work today and due to the virus canceling many sporting fixtures, the order we were going to produce today has been suspended. Senior managers are right now having a crisis meeting about how to deal with today’s problem and I dare say, discussing other likely events coming up of dropped orders.

Where I live there is one of the largest deep sea ports in the country and about a month ago (coincidently with Chinese new year) there was a stop put on log exports. The first to feel the pinch were the harvesting crews, then the log haulage boys suddenly got parked up. One guy with two trucks put them both through the auction two days after the announcement was made that the port was no longer accepting export logs.
A lot of guys said he was nuts but when an outfit costs around $100000 and no way for it to do any other work than carry logs, most people would now agree that he pulled a smart move.

The box jockeys are still keeping their heads above water right now as it is harvest time and those exports seem unaffected at the time of writing but come around June they too will be kicking rocks.

The Federal reserve and the Reserve bank of New Zealand have cut interest rates to 0.25% today in a last ditch attempt at holding on but my take on this now is.
It was too late a month ago.

The last time I saw this was when the Beijing Olympics were on and China stopped buying raw materials and paused the world economy. Not in itself the cause of the global financial crisis but a big contribution to it non the less.

We need to stop concentrating on the virus and look towards how, as individuals and local communities are going to cope with the outfall of it as this one looks much worse.

That’s what happens when you listen to people who say the interdependent global economy is good and become dependent for an income on a bunch of live bat eating Commy savages for a living.Who’s only way of buying anything is by us giving them the money first in the form of buying their crap third rate products thereby putting our own on the dole.
You do know that these scumbags are now actually blaming the west for a bioweapon attack against them when it’s more like vice versa.

As for 0.25% interest rates to subsidise someone else’s business.What about the ripped off savers who now can only afford to buy even less stuff when they aren’t having to withdraw the cash to live on.

The only reason the coming recession hasn’t started over the last few years is due to record low interest rates, which has been deliberate to aid our economy, which consists of building more houses yet managing to keep house prices rising (stalled despite), and mass immigration which feeds the housing bubble.

Kicking the can down the road wasn’t ever a valid answer and they know and wanted to be out of office after Brexit, but when the May led Tories despite doing their best to lose the election she called managed somehow to win the thing, the ponzi scheme had to continue they had no other choice, they wanted Labour or a Lib/Lab pact to be in govt (the one left standing) when the music stopped in this grotesque game of musical chairs, winning that election set the scene for the inevitable which is approaching, this virus will cause a developed world recession no doubt about it and we enter it with an unpayable national debt of some £2000 billion already and a personal debt of individuals probably in figures that will dwarf that number.

I have been advising over the last few years here for people to forsake the new cars and foreign holidays, to stop borrowing or using credit cards other than for safer online purchases and paid off insantly, and instead to pay their mortgages off as fast as possible, taking advantage of those low interest rates, like you Andy i reckon the music has stopped…though the amount of money ■■■■■■ up the wall in this budget one could be forgiven for thinking we had no national debt and interest rates were healthy for everyone.

The brave could use these low rates to re-invest in manufacturing in this country, but our govt and leaders cannot be trusted, a prime example if you were a fisherman of some means you would in theory be looking around for one or several trawlers ready to go into action for when we get our fishing grounds back (to be properly protected by our navy or what’sleft of it) and reinvesting in the port areas to handle the trade returning, but our govt and leaders cannot be trusted not to sell those grounds in order we can still import BMW’s without charging duties…no it doesn’t make any sense to me either but that’s the crux of it, its another muddle through mess just like everything our politicians touch.

The only reason the coming recession hasn’t started over the last few years is due to record low interest rates, which has been deliberate to aid our economy, which consists of building more houses yet managing to keep house prices rising (stalled despite), and mass immigration which feeds the housing bubble.

Kicking the can down the road wasn’t ever a valid answer and they know and wanted to be out of office after Brexit, but when the May led Tories despite doing their best to lose the election she called managed somehow to win the thing, the ponzi scheme had to continue they had no other choice, they wanted Labour or a Lib/Lab pact to be in govt (the one left standing) when the music stopped in this grotesque game of musical chairs, winning that election set the scene for the inevitable which is approaching, this virus will cause a developed world recession no doubt about it and we enter it with an unpayable national debt of some £2000 billion already and a personal debt of individuals probably in figures that will dwarf that number.

I have been advising over the last few years here for people to forsake the new cars and foreign holidays, to stop borrowing or using credit cards other than for safer online purchases and paid off insantly, and instead to pay their mortgages off as fast as possible, taking advantage of those low interest rates, like you Andy i reckon the music has stopped…though the amount of money ■■■■■■ up the wall in this budget one could be forgiven for thinking we had no national debt and interest rates were healthy for everyone.

The brave could use these low rates to re-invest in manufacturing in this country, but our govt and leaders cannot be trusted, a prime example if you were a fisherman of some means you would in theory be looking around for one or several trawlers ready to go into action for when we get our fishing grounds back (to be properly protected by our navy or what’sleft of it) and reinvesting in the port areas to handle the trade returning, but our govt and leaders cannot be trusted not to sell those grounds in order we can still import BMW’s without charging duties…no it doesn’t make any sense to me either but that’s the crux of it, its another muddle through mess just like everything our politicians touch.

Couldn’t agree more… I’m ahead of the curve here, and would advise others to wise-up and adjust for the deflationary economy spiral we are now entering.

If Money is no good - TALENT is everything.

We have to pay banks to keep our savings rather less safe than they did a few short years ago.
What to spend money on?
Employers are reluctant to spend it on staff - so they spend it on stock. “Stock” however - needs space to be kept in, as few people would consider sinking their shrinking-account money into such items as palletized goods of all kinds that don’t need to be stored “carefully”, such as chilled food, hazardous goods, or high value nickable items…

It is upto people to look after each other then. Keep that community spirit going even if it means becoming rather more tribal about one’s day-to-day living.

“Avoiding people” for an antisocial git like me - is the easy part. That’s why I am not concerned over this whole coronavirus thing.
What I HAVE got to watch out for though - is this being like “Someone who didn’t vote ■■■■ Party in the 1933 election”…
“Keeping my head down” - is what I need to be doing from here on.
Scapegoats will eventually be sought by the masses - and “those who’ve not lost everything like they have” - often ends up being where it’s at.

Be careful out there everyone!
I await further signs of society breakdown.
It isn’t “Recession” we are in so much as rather “Tribulation” now.

It’ll be interesting what the EU does with a glut of food, a whole lot of “devil making work for idle hands”, and a currency so high that even their neighbors - cannot afford to buy their stuff, let alone keep them at work.
So we have a well-fed “Rent-a-mob” on the rampage - but no jobs, no money, and rotting away food mountains sooner or later. A perfect storm, to which Britain needs to bloody well hurry up and pull up that drawbridge!!

All Britain need do then - is become self-sufficient in Energy and Food (needs a political pole-shift away from this green rubbish…)
Meats - having collapsed over recent weeks, - seem to have now turned the corner.

WIth meat this cheap - it is a BAD time to consider “becoming veggie to stay green”…

FFS we need to get away from this madness - before people get told to “stay at home and starve” - oh we’re already being asked to do that - aren’t we?