Too old for a career change?

Howdy all. Long term lurker, first time poster as they say.

I currently work in a corporate environment as a Business Analyst in the South East which I have done for the past 20+ years and to be honest, I’ve had enough of it and wanting a change of career.

I have an opportunity in 2017 (forward planning I know!) where the companies contract is likely to not be renewed and redundancy is probable, at which stage it as a chance to do something different.

Been looking at getting my Class 2 ahead of 2017 and doing agency work at weekends if possible to get experience, subject to available working hours of course, but don’t know if this is also a really practical exercise doing it part-time.

Forgive my for my ignorance, my question is whether is starting as a driver career at 45 is too late to become a driver? I’m guessing not but you know how you doubt yourself!

Many thanks in advance one and all.

No mate go for it,I’ve just past my class 2 going on to do class 1
I’m 50

Cheers Wally :slight_smile:

I took up driving for a living at 41, did both my tests the same year. Did a bit of cover on the class 2 motors there, moved them full time 12 months later, then took the plunge and went class 1 tramping in January. Don’t regret it one bit.

Never too late, Tony Bradfield is 83 years old and was an owner driver doing Morocco round trips, he retired a few weeks ago.

Passed my Class 2 last November, 3 days after my 46th Birthday…Been with same agency (and same company) since 1st December.

Thanks Gents for your comments - gives me reassurance that it is something viable to do now :slight_smile:

Same here mate. Just passed cat c and will be doing c+e in July. I’ll be 45 this August.

at 45 you’ll just be a spring chicken among lgv drivers! go for it :slight_smile:

I’m doing class one and I’m 40 years old , go for it never to late for a change . Although it is a bit daunting going into another industry after so long or out of your comfort zone it’s refreshing to learn something new .

I passed my Class 2 a couple of years ago, training with Wagon and Drag and going for my artic licence later this year, I’ll be 56 in September

If you come from a professional office environment into trucking then expect some quizzical looks, disbelief and critical remarks.

I’m about the same age as you and decided to dip my toe into trucking last year after 30 years in an office. I took Class 2 and Class 1 back-to-back , now I’m driving artics part-time via an agency for 2-3 days a week and in the office another 3 days per week. No-one understands me, either in the truck depot or in the office, they all think I’m barking mad. The office workers can’t believe I drive trucks for fun, and fellow truckers can’t comprehend why I would jack in well paid office management work for long hours and often stressful times of a life behind the wheel.

I can’t explain it, but it sounds like maybe you are one of the few who can understand.

So no, it certainly isn’t too late to make the change, and if you can see out your remaining years of employment doing something you like instead of doing something that simply pays good money then maybe you’ll retire a happier man.

Good luck to you! :slight_smile:

Get on with it young man :wink:

Get on with it young man !

And good luck :wink:

And good luck. :smiley:

Same as Paul Nowak for me. Started on class 2 last year(41 years young) and gone onto artics this year.

Passed my C test last week at the grand old age of 57. Folks I know have one of two reactions: shocked disbelief (minority) or “gosh, I wish I had the courage to do that”. Waiting for my licence to come back from the DVLA then off round to the local hauliers to see who wants to take this old git on…please form an orderly line :laughing:

If you go for it, pass both categories now. Even if you don’t drive (much) for the time being, by 2017 you’ll have held licences for two years - helps with finding work.

Don’t know where in the south east you are but Nicholls junior haulage are doing a deal, where by if you pay and pass class1 with who they recommend, you will get brought on by them as a rookie, I couldn’t believe it and called them its true, there at swale way Euro link estate, but wont pay for your training, that’s your baby, and I have promised family I wont train in h g v till we have seen a terminally ill relative away, but slightly gutted as may not be available when this has passed.
By the way I am 53 took 3 trial drives and all said 20 hrs. So well possible, Nicholls guys said 53 is no hurdle if I intend to work to retiring age which I do.

Thank you all again for your inputs and reassures me that I’m not doing the wrong thing. I live in East Sussex and fed up. My wife comes from Northumberland so plan is to sell up and move back up North again, become mortgage free with minimal monthly outgoings.

@ ORC - "if you can see out your remaining years of employment doing something you like instead of doing something that simply pays good money then maybe you’ll retire a happier man."

That’s exactly it. You have one life and I would rather do something that I enjoy and rather than continuing to do something I’ve grown to detest. I’m not bothered about climbing the proverbial career ladder here and the back stabbing that it entails - although the 35 hour weeks and free weekends are nice :wink: - but want to enjoy my job. I’ll have done 25 years with them when 2017 comes along and so want something decent again for the next 25 years.

@ Zeethron - congratulations my friend and all the best

@ dave_890 - thanks for the pointer towards Nicholls. I’ll have a google to see where they are in relation to where I live. Wonder if this is a realisation of a lack of drivers as I keep reading in the press?!?

Thanks again all - this is why I like such forums as your usually not alone in your position.

Better get that medical lined up then to get the ball started!