Complete cock on A9

Today working my way back from the Highlands on the A9 I pulled out from Blair Atholl heading towards Perth. There was a lorry coming up the hill but I had plenty of time to get out. Now bearing in mind it’s 50mph I was up to 50 before he was anyway near. So he then accelerates and is about a bees ■■■■ from behind the caravan. He then harrasses me until the dual carriageway. Couldn’t see company sadly. I only hope he went over on the average speed camera and cops a ticket

I am embarrassed to for this fellow driver. And people wonder why there are multiple pileups.

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Caravan Utilising Nomadic Traveller pulls out in front of an artic and then claims the truck driver is a ■■■■. :unamused:

What a total helmet.


Caravan Utilising Nomadic Traveller pulls out in front of an artic and then claims the truck driver is a ■■■■. :unamused:

What a total helmet.


Or to be even less charitable caravan utiliser typically spends less on a cheaper lighter less powerful towing vehicle to spend the money saved on a larger heavier caravan.Accelerating to 60 mph on the entry slip would have been the obvious solution to the supposed scenario.Given a heavy enough towing vehicle to provide sufficient stability and enough power to do it.Something with more than 4 cylinders and at least rwd or 4 x 4 being essential in that. :bulb: :wink:

it would appear that
1…this aint going to go the way your trolling for…and
2…merely by admitting to being a " Caravan Utilising Nomadic Traveller " as previously definately aint going to go the way your trolling for… :smiley:

And those replies are useful and impressive. Me a troll, that’s rich.

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well its sat night,primetime for trolling…it used to be fri evenings until dozy got caught out… :slight_smile:


Caravan Utilising Nomadic Traveller pulls out in front of an artic and then claims the truck driver is a ■■■■. :unamused:

What a total helmet.


Or to be even less charitable caravan utiliser typically spends less on a cheaper lighter less powerful towing vehicle to spend the money saved on a larger heavier caravan.Accelerating to 60 mph on the entry slip would have been the obvious solution to the supposed scenario.Given a heavy enough towing vehicle to provide sufficient stability and enough power to do it.Something with more than 4 cylinders and at least rwd or 4 x 4 being essential in that. :bulb: :wink:

Why would i accelerate to 60mph on a single carriageway.

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1 because its the limit,and why wouldnt you.
2 even though its a limit,then its also a target and a limit to be exceeded wherever possible. :unamused:

P Stoff:


Caravan Utilising Nomadic Traveller pulls out in front of an artic and then claims the truck driver is a ■■■■. :unamused:

What a total helmet.


Or to be even less charitable caravan utiliser typically spends less on a cheaper lighter less powerful towing vehicle to spend the money saved on a larger heavier caravan.Accelerating to 60 mph on the entry slip would have been the obvious solution to the supposed scenario.Given a heavy enough towing vehicle to provide sufficient stability and enough power to do it.Something with more than 4 cylinders and at least rwd or 4 x 4 being essential in that. :bulb: :wink:

Why would i accelerate to 60mph on a single carriageway.

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So you didnt slow him down, he was likely going way above 50mph…

Someone needs to brush up on highway code.

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1 because its the limit,and why wouldnt you.
2 even though its a limit,then its also a target and a limit to be exceeded wherever possible. :unamused:

Except of course when towing the S/C limit isn’t 60mph is it?

I would say your heading title of this post is actually you. What an absolute ■■■■■■.

No excuse for bullying other motorists even if you did use the ‘C’ word.
But bearing in mind you should know 50 on your speedo is 47-48 on the approaching trucks speedo.

If it was me I’d have been up to 55 sharpish and watch the truck carefully as some knob jockeys are on the limiter anyway. But that’s just me, in an ideal world I prefer the ■■■■■ in front of me. :wink:

But…how many trucks do you think keep to tht 50 limit…im betting most are on the limiter on open SC roads. Pulling out in front of someone and then doing a road commander style dead on 50 will always have someone knocking on the back door…


1 because its the limit,and why wouldnt you.
2 even though its a limit,then its also a target and a limit to be exceeded wherever possible. :unamused:

Except of course when towing the S/C limit isn’t 60mph is it?

It’s so much better to adhere strictly to the limit and merge from the slip road at the same/similar speed as the truck is going.Rather than just run up to 60 mph on the entry slip to avoid a potentially much worse and more dangerous conflict situation. :unamused:

P Stoff:
Why would i accelerate to 60mph on a single carriageway.

I said on the entry slip.In which case why wouldn’t you assuming it’s the difference between a safe merging v a dangerous one ?.

Here’s a clue there are loads of muppets out there who often try to deliberately block merging traffic but that doesn’t remove the onus on the merging driver to either give way or merge safely regardless.In this case you’ve at least got his 56 mph limiter reducing that potential.In which case why not use that advantage to merge safely and avoid any conflict ?.

On that note why would a driver,who was supposedly happily running along at a supposed 50 mph,suddenly now want to run faster than that just because you’re joining the road ahead of him ?.

However are you saying that he only closed up the seperation distance well after the entry slip and the point where you’d merged ?.In which case that’s a totally different issue and isn’t how your description reads.

No excuse for bullying other motorists even if you did use the ‘C’ word.
But bearing in mind you should know 50 on your speedo is 47-48 on the approaching trucks speedo.

If it was me I’d have been up to 55 sharpish and watch the truck carefully as some knob jockeys are on the limiter anyway. But that’s just me, in an ideal world I prefer the ■■■■■ in front of me. :wink:

To be fair to the OP there’s a real problem out there now of anarchy on the roads in which some drivers are often rightly paranoid about strictly adhering to the ridiculous speed regime.Combined with others who couldn’t give a zb until the third NIP in as many weeks arrives in the post. :bulb:

But…how many trucks do you think keep to tht 50 limit…im betting most are on the limiter on open SC roads. Pulling out in front of someone and then doing a road commander style dead on 50 will always have someone knocking on the back door…

Wrong Andy pandy. Only the brain dead ones do things like that and they are the ones that give us all a bad reputation.
Irresponsible prix.

50 on your speedo isn’t 50 you should know this.
He won’t get a ticket you can sit on the limiter from Perth to Inverness if traffic allows.


1 because its the limit,and why wouldnt you.
2 even though its a limit,then its also a target and a limit to be exceeded wherever possible. :unamused:

Except of course when towing the S/C limit isn’t 60mph is it?

ok mr smartypants,it then definately just becomes a target… :slight_smile: