Kemball lays off container drivers

Oh well, blaming Coronavirus makes a change from blaming Brexit I suppose.

How ■■■■ is that?!?

Harry Monk:
Oh well, blaming Coronavirus makes a change from blaming Brexit I suppose.

To be honest Coronavirus is affecting the container game.
We have been dead with the Chinese New Year and now the Coronavirus.
I know a few firms that have cut overtime etc as it’s really quiet.

Harry Monk:
Oh well, blaming Coronavirus makes a change from blaming Brexit I suppose.

brexit is just soooooooo last week…its coronavirus for everything for the forseeable future.

having said that,my mates a taxi driver at belfast international airport,he went out yesterday for his normal shift and come home with nothing… earnings…nobody is travelling,laughable or not,but the planes were basically empty.

This is just the beginning of the issues for container hauliers in the uk linked with China closing down due to the coronavirus…

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yorkshire terrier:

Harry Monk:
Oh well, blaming Coronavirus makes a change from blaming Brexit I suppose.

To be honest Coronavirus is affecting the container game.
We have been dead with the Chinese New Year and now the Coronavirus.
I know a few firms that have cut overtime etc as it’s really quiet.

But this is because of lack of consumer demand in the UK market, not because 3,000 people have died in a country whose population is 1.4 billion.

This virus has got the stock markets all over the place.

This virus has got the stock markets all over the place.

I blame boris

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I was regularly getting 2 or 3 days a week, but had to go to the US for February and I have been back a couple of weeks and had 1 day, as the haulage game is dead apparently, I see nothing to dispute that…Thankfully my own business is infection control, so we wont talk about that. :open_mouth: Seriously though, I import from China and the USA, I am not getting excited about ordering anything, as I think there is a spike right now for my own stuff and that will die off in two weeks I reckon, but the haulage situation will be much worse, as most folk are keeping themselves to themselves and not really going out and spending, they dont even want delivery drivers delivering if they can avoid it, people are scared because they are ignorant.

This will not end well for so many business`.

Go freight also folded the other week too [emoji20]

Sadly I feel there is waaay more to this than the virus itself.

I do believe though that as a planet we all need to be sitting down and having a real think about our whole way of being, interaction and sustainability in all aspects of daily life.

You’ve only to look at what’s happening with the climate, Argentina I believe is ablaze, floods everywhere, Americas been having a ton of storms, plus over here, plagues of locust never seen before across Africa…

Mankind’s gotta start sorting itself out.

Mind it’s only three billion years till the hot rock in the sky consumes earth so meh why worry I suppose [emoji849][emoji16]

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Go freight also folded the other week too [emoji20]

Sadly I feel there is waaay more to this than the virus itself.

I do believe though that as a planet we all need to be sitting down and having a real think about our whole way of being, interaction and sustainability in all aspects of daily life.

You’ve only to look at what’s happening with the climate, Argentina I believe is ablaze, floods everywhere, Americas been having a ton of storms, plus over here, plagues of locust never seen before across Africa…

Mankind’s gotta start sorting itself out.

Mind it’s only three billion years till the hot rock in the sky consumes earth so meh why worry I suppose [emoji849][emoji16]

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Stop trying to induce panic, it’s five billion years. :wink:

… plus over here, plagues of locust never seen before across Africa…

I never realised Essex was in Africa!!


… plus over here, plagues of locust never seen before across Africa…

I never realised Essex was in Africa!!

Yeah apologies there fella, you can tell where I dwell by the placement of that comma [emoji849]

Is it 5 billion?

Aaaah in that case I’ll leave folding the washing till tomorrow [emoji106]

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You made me laugh anyway so thanks for that

I’m not a fella btw, I’m a girlie. Do you need help with the folding? :laughing: :laughing:

You made me laugh anyway so thanks for that

I’m not a fella btw, I’m a girlie. Do you need help with the folding? [emoji38] [emoji38]

Dear God my sincerest apologies there, genuinely I’m so sorry about that, force of habit [emoji20]
everyone’s just bloke, fella, gov, boss, Geeza, chap…

My social interaction with the brighter of our species amongst the hairy arsed brigade of haulage has been sadly somewhat limited(you’d never know I bet…)… so good old assumptions have become the par for course [emoji20]

I was aware Albion walked amongst us gorilla’s, again purely found that out coz I’m a clown… [emoji849]

Again, genuine apologies there my good lady, and as for the kind offer of assistance…

There is not a way to decline that generous and wholly undeserved offer without further digging my own trench, or causing more offence[emoji19][emoji38]

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Go freight also folded the other week too [emoji20]

Sadly I feel there is waaay more to this than the virus itself.

I do believe though that as a planet we all need to be sitting down and having a real think about our whole way of being, interaction and sustainability in all aspects of daily life.

You’ve only to look at what’s happening with the climate, Argentina I believe is ablaze, floods everywhere, Americas been having a ton of storms, plus over here, plagues of locust never seen before across Africa…

Mankind’s gotta start sorting itself out.

Yeah right.Forests somehow spontaneously igniting all over the world.Trees being burnt instead of coal.Nuclear disaster being seen as a better option than a bit of CO2 ( which the aforesaid trees convert into oxygen ).Houses built of timber frame and hardboard in tornado areas and heavy concrete in earthquake areas.

As for the road transport industry dying on its feet.£6 per gallon for fuel nearly all tax who would have thought it.No problem remove most of the payload for batteries charged at 20p per kwh + road fuel tax.At least until the inevitable nuclear power station disaster.That’ll fix it.

Chinese eating live bats and catching bat disease then the airlines happily transporting it around the world instead of stopping all flights.

Stupidity beyond belief is all I’m seeing here.

There’s really no need to apologise. It’s good to laugh :smiley: :laughing:

There’s really no need to apologise. It’s good to laugh :smiley: [emoji38]

I expect you to haunt my every post and laugh directly in full public view at any further comment I make from this point onwards, and to do so at your leisure with full scorn an ridicule of the highest calibre.

It is the least I deserve. [emoji20]

Or failing that, think of me currently re loading the machine as its definitely better too fold the clothes after they’ve been washed ffs [emoji849]

Alas, a house wife’s work is never done as they say so I’d best get back in duty [emoji16]

Again, my sincerest apologies for any offence I may have caused you [emoji20]

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Thread ruined