If every driver in the uk walked out over pay

If every driver walked out in the uk over pay what would happen. The country would be put on its knees and supermarkets/shops would not be able to operate.

The facts are that it’s ridiculous many on £7.59 an hour for a job that includes

Inspecting a truck fit for use it’s our responceability.
Being responsible for taco enforcement.
Being in some case first at scene of an accident and having little but no training in first.aid and being responsible for that.
Being the admin man with all the paper work.
Driving concentrating on dic? Heads in corsas and 206 trying to get round you when your reversing.

Working 60 hour weeks just to pay your bill etc whilst top bosses take home in excess of 100k per year look on companies house to see for your self

Why is there no official spokesperson for hgv drivers.

Something needs to done

If every driver walked out in the uk over pay what would happen. The country would be put on its knees and supermarkets/shops would not be able to operate.

If my auntie had a ■■■■, she’d be my uncle.

The United Road Transport Union speaks for its members. If you want all the drivers to go on strike over pay then just join the Union and get them to organise it. Should be easy enough, blackmail the country into submission and this time next year we’ll all be millionaires…

Blimey it was only the other day you was shouting about how much you earned and how much you loved the job :confused:

How many 60 hour weeks have you done so far ?

Blimey it was only the other day you was shouting about how much you earned and how much you loved the job :confused:

How many 60 hour weeks have you done so far ?

psml :smiley:

So you’ve found the ON button to a calculator …lmao

started at 5 ended up finishing at 7 so was 14 hr day I was knakerd unloaded 6tons of gear on me tod but looked into this and must of been on time and a half as 225 is nice dosh it was

Think the pennies dropped

Oh look Digit I found you this…youtube.com/watch?v=w9lmCpIzhFo

Don’t get me wrong mate I do love it the £225 was to god to be true o well my bad I do enjoy it but do you not agree that we as drivers and in charge of such equipment should be paid a bit more. In my position beggars can’t be choosers I’m young I need experience but it needs to be put that drivers should be on a bit more. It’s not 1970s any more roads are mental busy the population is growing we are responsible for a lot. Train drivers are paid more but yet there on a f ing rail with a brake and a control room changing the lines to put them in the right direction.

Thanks I will check out these people do they have a web site

Every driver wouldn’t walk out, some are doing very nicely thankyou, generally those in specialised work who couldn’t be replaced instantly, though even those lorries are as simple to steer as any, it;s only the actual tipping operation that might take a few days to teach.

Why do you think the job and vehicles have been dumbed down/automated to the present levels, its so as no skill is required, so in the event of a walkout any passer by can jump in your lorry and do your job…which by your own admission in another thread a child could do.

Eventually a driver won’t be in the cab at all, with each further automated generation of new vehicle you all seem to welcome :unamused: , you sign your own redundancy notices.

Thought you said you earned £200 for one day on another thread …jacka[zb]nory time again is it…

Like the other post about government handing out licences like lolly pops. Your right you know even I passed in an auto drive a manual every day but still would you note free a demanding roll.

Do you think the crisis will hit and government will do it? Do you think people will take it up? Do you think dole lifers will all become hgv drivers? Would they even have the patience or ability to drive the truck? I think actually government would waste a lot of money.

I think they tried to do this with job centre and it failed. However the give out student loans!


It turned out agency paid me for induction but they did say in interview that they weren’t paying for the induction

How about dd cd dr and all other endorsements.

If u had a crash your 8 Pound per hour career can be over.

…" being responsible for taco enforcement…"

Mexican food is not a legal requirement.

Mexican food is not a legal requirement

might not be to you but I love a good Mexican…only end of the weekends… gives me terrible squirts afterwards … need at least 12hrs to clear out my system lmao

I have just visualised your post Swampster. I am no longer enjoying my evening snack lol.

If every driver walked out? But it won’t happen drivers have never stuck together.
However train driver have stuck together, that’s why they’re paid better.

so whats the weather like up there on planet dring?? :unamused:

If every driver in the UK walked out over pay
You’d only have Chuffin idiots Muppets ad DicKs working

Making the rest of us looking like GODS


If every driver walked out in the uk over pay what would happen. The country would be put on its knees and supermarkets/shops would not be able to operate.

The facts are that it’s ridiculous many on £7.59 an hour for a job that includes

Inspecting a truck fit for use it’s our responceability.
Being responsible for taco enforcement.
Being in some case first at scene of an accident and having little but no training in first.aid and being responsible for that.
Being the admin man with all the paper work.
Driving concentrating on dic? Heads in corsas and 206 trying to get round you when your reversing.

Working 60 hour weeks just to pay your bill etc whilst top bosses take home in excess of 100k per year look on companies house to see for your self

Why is there no official spokesperson for hgv drivers.

Something needs to done

All well and good but if people still take the jobs that pay that low then what incentive is there for companies to offer higher wages? If nobody took the jobs then people will eventually figure out that offering more money means more people will want the jobsIf only it was that easy.

Driving concentrating on dic?

If you stopped concentrating on dic when driving you could free yourself from one of your six listed responsibilities