

44 Tonne Ton:

Tesco set to 88/89kph and 85 on cruise. I had a crap fuel record there but always managed 3 stores in the time it took their own guys to do 1. I also made more money than them

Not any more. It’s 50 now.

And at £6 quid a gallon, wouldn’t you drive at less than the limit to save a few quid? I know you have to balance the saving in fuel against the extra hours paid due to longer journey times, but if my maths are correct does a maximum of 33 extra miles make a difference to most operations over 4 and a half hours, if you could run at 56 mph non stop?

Perhaps views from some of the owner operators who pay for their own juice would be interesting?

Not really I do my run as told by my time sheet. I’m usually on the motorway anyway so flat out,I also have a train to meet on the way back on my run so can’t just dillygaf around, plus I get paid for the full shift even if I finish an hour early.