Lorryspotting Finland

Scania had a “timber tour” touring along Finland this autumn and when they arrived to Tampere I went there to have a look, like also these guys did. Lorry on the right is R620 with bit unordinary crane and load securing equipments for a Finnish logger.

I went to test drive with this R730. It was only lorry on tour with air suspension so that would be the chassis I’m most familiar with. Ride was quite smooth and there was plenty of power available for 61+ tonnes GVW (there was overweight :laughing:). What I’m not sure, and didn’t remember to ask, is if the load was wood chips for which this lorry is made or some other load (like concrete elements) as this felt like it would’ve had “low load” instead of a “high load” when going around corners.

Another R730, this time with steel suspension.

This guy had stopped to the Scania tour to have a test drive and to eat some free pea soup offered by Scania. It also meant you got a nice break for free :stuck_out_tongue:

Old 93 seen last Friday on Tampere bus station.

Another oldie, 143-400, also seen last Friday.

Then some picture from yesterday morning.

Plenty of grip available.

Tag axle artic trying negotiating a junction.

Scrap hauling outfit with a V8 and a hook lift.

Driver of this 8x4 Trakker has lifted his rearmost axle into air to get moving from this slightl incline.

This doesn’t need any words, I guess :sunglasses:

And finally we got some snow ploughing. 94 with a 300 horses is enough for this job inside the town area. Note the second plough under the belly.