Smoking some weed?

How long does it stay in your system for drug tests at work?

I don’t smoke the stuff but I’ve recently liked the idea of going to Amsterdam and immersing myself in the culture but bit concerned about trying anything that may get me in trouble at work.
I do agree that you shouldn’t smoke cannabis while driving a vehicle but I’ve also heard it can still in your system long after the effects have subsided.

Reading the Jeffrey Archer books in prison he says 4 weeks.

I would say it’s risky if your place tests in the event of an accident

Amsterdam is a tourist ■■■■-hole.

Go to Rotterdam, Den Bosch, Utrecht, or the most beautiful city of them all… Leiden.

Puff stays in your system for weeks, and like prostitution, is both a fleeting high and supports organised crime and terrorism. I’d avoid both.

21 days

Depends on the potency and the person. But it’s a matter of weeks rather than days if a blood / urine sample is taken. If it’s a hair sample it can be found months after it was consumed.
Spent a few years as a teenager smoking it. My best mate shaved all the hair on his body including his eyebrows to avoid a hair sample being taken and him being sent back inside :laughing:.

Reading the Jeffrey Archer books in prison he says 4 weeks.

I would say it’s risky if your place tests in the event of an accident

probably a little more detail than you needed to of added - but what are you in for ? and whats it like?

Bluey Circles:

Reading the Jeffrey Archer books in prison he says 4 weeks.

I would say it’s risky if your place tests in the event of an accident

probably a little more detail than you needed to of added - but what are you in for ? and whats it like?

Probably need to concentrate a bit more on what I type :blush: :blush:

Reading the Jeffrey Archer books in prison he says 4 weeks.

I would say it’s risky if your place tests in the event of an accident

That’s about right that’s why cocaine and heroin are more popular. They can be diluted out of your system in around 24 hours.


Reading the Jeffrey Archer books in prison he says 4 weeks.

I would say it’s risky if your place tests in the event of an accident

That’s about right that’s why cocaine and heroin are more popular. They can be diluted out of your system in around 24 hours.

Blood tests will show what has been recently used.
Urine tests will show what`s been used over a slightly longer time.
Hair tests can, as said, detect drugs 90 days or more after drug use. It takes a few days for the drug to appear in the exposed hair, but it remains there.
Cannabis seems to stay longer in blood and urine than other drugs.

“Drug detection times
Please use these figures as a guide only:
Alcohol: 3-5 days in urine, 10-12 hours in blood
Amphetamines: 1-3 days in urine and around 12 hours in blood
Barbiturates: 2-4 days in urine and 1-2 days in blood
Benzodiazepines: 3-6 weeks in urine and 2-3 days in blood
Cannabis: 7-30 days in urine and up to 2 weeks in blood
Cocaine: 3-4 days in urine and 1-2 days in blood
Codeine: 1 day in urine and up to 12 hours in blood
Heroin: 3-4 days in urine and up to 12 hours in blood
LSD: 1-3 days in urine and up to 2-3 hours in blood
MDMA (ecstasy): 3-4 days in urine and 1-2 days in blood
Methamphetamine (crystal meth): 3-6 days in urine and 24 - 72 hours in blood
Methadone: 3-4 days in urine and 24-36 hours in blood
Morphine: 2-3 days in urine and 6-8 hours in blood” … ur_system/

“A hair follicle drug test, also known as a hair drug test, screens for illicit drug use and the misuse of prescription medication. During this test, a small amount of hair is removed from your head using scissors. The sample is then analyzed for signs of drug use during the 90 days preceding the test. It’s typically used to test for:
opioids (codeine, morphine, 6-acetylmorphine)”

Not sure about urine test but it can be detected in blood for a long time after as I discovered. I had a good friend who used to smoke it regularly and I used to passive smoke it when I went to his house and never thought anything of it. I ended up in hospital a few years ago seriously ill and the nurse said they had found trace amounts of it in my blood tests. I hadn’t been to his house for over a week before I was in hospital and didn’t smoke it myself so I would imagine if you smoke yourself it will be detectable for weeks after. I stopped going to his house when I got out of hospital as its not worth risking my licence

Not sure about urine test but it can be detected in blood for a long time after as I discovered. I had a good friend who used to smoke it regularly and I used to passive smoke it when I went to his house and never thought anything of it. I ended up in hospital a few years ago seriously ill and the nurse said they had found trace amounts of it in my blood tests. I hadn’t been to his house for over a week before I was in hospital and didn’t smoke it myself so I would imagine if you smoke yourself it will be detectable for weeks after. I stopped going to his house when I got out of hospital as its not worth risking my licence

that’s worrying. a good friend of mine has MS and smokes some weed.i don’t touch the stuff,but go round her house most days to help her out with her pretty nasty Alsation dog…would i be in danger of failing a drug test? :confused:

Cant see why the last 2 posters cant just fess up and admit yer both junkies … :wink:

Not sure about urine test but it can be detected in blood for a long time after as I discovered. I had a good friend who used to smoke it regularly and I used to passive smoke it when I went to his house and never thought anything of it. I ended up in hospital a few years ago seriously ill and the nurse said they had found trace amounts of it in my blood tests. I hadn’t been to his house for over a week before I was in hospital and didn’t smoke it myself so I would imagine if you smoke yourself it will be detectable for weeks after. I stopped going to his house when I got out of hospital as its not worth risking my licence

I had the same concern once, as at the time I passively smoked small amounts at a girlfriend’s house. So I looked at the company’s drug policy, and found that the testing kits were calibrated to a set tolerance, allowing for trace amounts from passive smoking.

It’s smart to think about the potential consequences before diving into something new.

I used to enjoy cannabis, but I switched to Red Vape because of how long it can linger in your body, potentially causing issues with employment. Vaping has been a great alternative for me, offering a similar experience without the worry of failing a drug test.

There’s no place for drug users, recreational drug users or any other drug users in road haulage


Aren’t drivers the same as the rest of the population?

About half of adults drink alcohol at least once a week.
Alcohol is a drug and affects driving ability. The fact it is legal does not make it less of an issue.

Maybe all drivers should be teetotal, but I doubt that will be happening anytime soon.

as you know i very rarely drink and if i do i will stay at a friends.

Howeve4r i dont think drivers should be tee total. Maybe some kind of breathalyzer (even as i write that i can hear rob rolling his eyes) The issue is the vast majority of drivers are sensible and wouldn’t come back rolling drunk and think they can drive after 11 or less hours. There are however a few that ruin the soup as was commented on on another post the other day.

I was making the point to Peirre that alcohol is a recreational drug, and is in wide use in the UK.

He is making an interesting point that maybe no recreational drugs should be used, but they are widely used.

I am not saying cannabis or anything else is OK, I am saying the problem is bigger than just illegal drugs.