Hi folks, I’m looking for a definitive answer on the above.
Occasionally I’m am required to start my shift before 0400hrs. I am aware of the 10 hour WTD rule between 2300 and 0400 but my question is are these hours absolute? Like an EU 15 hour spread is absolute in the respect that irrespective of actions performed within that 15 hours that is all you can work.
In the 10 hour rule, is there anything that “pauses” the clock? I.e. a break?
I was always on the opinion that it was non negotiable with no opt out either.
Thanks folks.
From: driverhours.co.uk/hgv-driver-hours/
Work RulesA night work is defined as a duty that takes place entirely or partly between the hours of midnight and 4am for HGV drivers. For PSV drivers the hours differ slightly and are between 1am and 5am.During a night work duty, you may not exceed 10 hours of working within a 24 hour period. This 24 hour period begins as soon as you begin you first duty in a working week. (i.e. After weekly rest has been taken)This 10 hour limit does not include breaks and periods of availability.As a result, you could still legally complete up to a 15 hour shift by having enough Break and POA.Note – You can opt out of this rule through a collective or workforce agreement.
you can still do a 15 hour shift as POA and break do not count toward the 10 hours, they are the stop the clock thng you are looking for. It’s midnight to 04:00 BTW.
Thanks for that. Its what I was looking for. Quite good actually as I have just had the call for tomorrows start time. Lol 3am for a London drop. Strange really as I drive for British Gypsum and I know when I get to London there won’t be a site or merchants open lol.
I was working from the direct.gov page. That states 11pm!
Thanks again.
Darby Flyer:
Thanks for that. Its what I was looking for. Quite good actually as I have just had the call for tomorrows start time. Lol 3am for a London drop. Strange really as I drive for British Gypsum and I know when I get to London there won’t be a site or merchants open lol.
I was working from the direct.gov page. That states 11pm!
Thanks again.
You should read ALL pages not just the 1st one 
- Exceptions to night work limits
The normal limits on night worker hours don’t usually apply:
in the armed forces or emergency services in certain circumstances (eg when dealing with a disaster situation)
to domestic servants employed in a private house
for people who do jobs where they choose how long they work, eg managing executives, freelancers
There are separate rules for workers in road, sea and air transport.
Limits on night work also don’t apply:
in an industry with busy peak periods, eg agriculture, retail, tourism or security and surveillance work
if there’s an emergency or accident
in jobs that need round-the-clock staffing, eg hospital work
if a member of staff has to travel a long distance from home to work or constantly works in different places
if a collective or workforce agreement excludes or changes the restriction on night work
then you follow the links that will bring you to gov.uk/government/uploads/s … europe.pdf
go directly to page 46 out of 54 and you find the bit that says
because if you stay on page 1 you only get the outside cover

and just under that you’ll find the bit about WTD hrs ie breaks