Tacho card says break why?

Hello I am new to this, I drive a class 2 wagon of furniture their are 2 of us in the cab, my problem is I put my tacho card in at 8am in the driver 2 slot in the tacho machine, my partner who’s driving put his in driver slot 1. He did over all about 2 hours driving. We then swopped around at 1230 taking my card out of slot 2 into number 1 and he did the same slot 1 into number 2. My card said I need a brake when I placed it into slot 1 Why? When I haven’t driven and only been on other work for about for about 4.3 hours. I took my break just in case. Can any one help me out

Hello I am new to this, I drive a class 2 wagon of furniture their are 2 of us in the cab, my problem is I put my tacho card in at 8am in the driver 2 slot in the tacho machine, my partner who’s driving put his in driver slot 1. He did over all about 2 hours driving. We then swopped around at 1230 taking my card out of slot 2 into number 1 and he did the same slot 1 into number 2. My card said I need a brake when I placed it into slot 1 Why? When I haven’t driven and only been on other work for about for about 4.3 hours. I took my break just in case. Can any one help me out

Did you book off the previous shift correctly ?

Sometimes people have been known to mess up manual entries and book the whole rest period as work, the same can happen on the new type digital tachographs if you don’t do a manual entry.

At the end of my shift I press the eject button and go through the process of ending my shift like 24 hour day and end country I do all that correct everything else the tacho machine does it for me. But I can not understand why it says break sometimes it’s happened twice, not sure if my card is fuilty

Sorry I should have been more specific, when you insert the card do you do a manual entry for the end the previous shift and the start of the new shift, also is the tachograph type 1 or type 2, if you don’t know which type it is the it’s age may tell us.

It won’t be the card that faulty :wink:

At the end of my shift I press the eject button and go through the process of ending my shift like 24 hour day and end country I do all that correct everything else the tacho machine does it for me. But I can not understand why it says break sometimes it’s happened twice, not sure if my card is fuilty

Top Tip Put the Tacho on rest before inserting and removing your card …
Trust me it helps :wink:


At the end of my shift I press the eject button and go through the process of ending my shift like 24 hour day and end country I do all that correct everything else the tacho machine does it for me. But I can not understand why it says break sometimes it’s happened twice, not sure if my card is fuilty

Top Tip Put the Tacho on rest before inserting and removing your card …
Trust me it helps :wink:

You are supposed to do this with type 2 digital tachographs, my guess is that the OP is leaving a type 2 digital tachograph on other work when the card is ejected and isn’t doing manual entries when next inserting the card.



At the end of my shift I press the eject button and go through the process of ending my shift like 24 hour day and end country I do all that correct everything else the tacho machine does it for me. But I can not understand why it says break sometimes it’s happened twice, not sure if my card is fuilty

Top Tip Put the Tacho on rest before inserting and removing your card …
Trust me it helps :wink:

You are supposed to do this with type 2 digital tachographs, my guess is that the OP is leaving a type 2 digital tachograph on other work when the card is ejected and isn’t doing manual entries when next inserting the card.

that’s why I put it up mate …

a friend of mine had a few infringements until I told him to do this

I am not sure what age the tacho is age I’ve only been doing this job for about 3 weeks now and driving Hgvs for 3 weeks. The lorry is new 13 plate. Nope I don’t have to do manually entries when I start it loads my card and change 24 hour day and the continuation over the ■■■■ to no that’s all I do. My partner who else drivers with me in the cab he has no trouble with his it’s just when we travel long distance and swop over cards I have trouble. If I place my card on break before I start my shift and I finish won’t vosa ask why I have done this?

13 plate’s tacho should be easy enough to follow. Have you tried a YouTube video or a simulator to check you’re doing things right?

Yeah I am doing it right as the person I am working with has been doing it for years and he cannot understand why mine says break now and again

So If I place my tacho on break before I place my card in and before I finish my shift this will help?? Is this legal tho as I haven’t seen this anywhere


At the end of my shift I press the eject button and go through the process of ending my shift like 24 hour day and end country I do all that correct everything else the tacho machine does it for me. But I can not understand why it says break sometimes it’s happened twice, not sure if my card is fuilty

Top Tip Put the Tacho on rest before inserting and removing your card …
Trust me it helps :wink:

So If I place my tacho on break before I place my card in and before I finish my shift this will help?? Is this legal tho as I haven’t seen this anywhere

As you’re driving a 13 plate vehicle the tachograph will be type 2, before ejecting your driver card at the end of the shift put the tachograph on rest.

Also when you insert the driver card at the start of the shift watch that the period between the end of the previous shift and the start of the current shift is showing on the tachograph as rest and not other work.

In case you find that the rest period is not showing as rest when you insert the driver card, here’s a video on how to do manual entries on type 1 Siemens digital tachographs.

Siemens VDO Release 1.4 Manual entries

So If I place my tacho on break before I place my card in and before I finish my shift this will help?? Is this legal tho as I haven’t seen this anywhere

I don’t think there’s much point in putting the tachograph on rest before inserting the card, however you should put the tachograph on rest when ejecting the card, unless you’re going to be continuing work of course.

As you’re driving a 13 plate vehicle the tachograph will be type 2, before ejecting your driver card at the end of the shift put the tachograph on rest.

Also when you insert the driver card at the start of the shift watch that the period between the end of the previous shift and the start of the current shift is showing on the tachograph as rest and not other work.

In case you find that the rest period is not showing as rest when you insert the driver card, here’s a video on how to do manual entries on type 1 Siemens digital tachographs.

Siemens VDO Release 1.4 Manual entries

So If I place my tacho on break before I place my card in and before I finish my shift this will help?? Is this legal tho as I haven’t seen this anywhere

I don’t think there’s much point in putting the tachograph on rest before inserting the card, however you should put the tachograph on rest when ejecting the card, unless you’re going to be continuing work of course.

Thanks for that I looked at the video and it’s just confused me more do
I need to do that at every time I put my card in? The only two symbols I use in this job between my and the other driver is drive and other work .


As you’re driving a 13 plate vehicle the tachograph will be type 2, before ejecting your driver card at the end of the shift put the tachograph on rest.

Also when you insert the driver card at the start of the shift watch that the period between the end of the previous shift and the start of the current shift is showing on the tachograph as rest and not other work.

In case you find that the rest period is not showing as rest when you insert the driver card, here’s a video on how to do manual entries on type 1 Siemens digital tachographs.

Siemens VDO Release 1.4 Manual entries

So If I place my tacho on break before I place my card in and before I finish my shift this will help?? Is this legal tho as I haven’t seen this anywhere

I don’t think there’s much point in putting the tachograph on rest before inserting the card, however you should put the tachograph on rest when ejecting the card, unless you’re going to be continuing work of course.

Thanks for that I looked at the video and it’s just confused me more do
I need to do that at every time I put my card in? The only two symbols I use in this job between my and the other driver is drive and other work .

Would it be a fair guess to say that you normally put the card in then ignore it while you do something else ?

When you put the driver card in at the start of the shift you will be given an option to do a manual entry, select yes and check that the time from the end of your last shift to the start of the new shift is set to rest, as long as it is you’re good to go so just press OK, if the time from the end of the previous shift to the start of the new shift is set to anything other than rest you will need to change it.

Alternatively just make sure the tachograph is set to rest before you eject the driver card.
But it really is a good idea to learn how to use the digital tachograph properly, you’re probably going to be using one for a long time into the future :wink:



As you’re driving a 13 plate vehicle the tachograph will be type 2, before ejecting your driver card at the end of the shift put the tachograph on rest.

Also when you insert the driver card at the start of the shift watch that the period between the end of the previous shift and the start of the current shift is showing on the tachograph as rest and not other work.

In case you find that the rest period is not showing as rest when you insert the driver card, here’s a video on how to do manual entries on type 1 Siemens digital tachographs.

Siemens VDO Release 1.4 Manual entries

So If I place my tacho on break before I place my card in and before I finish my shift this will help?? Is this legal tho as I haven’t seen this anywhere

I don’t think there’s much point in putting the tachograph on rest before inserting the card, however you should put the tachograph on rest when ejecting the card, unless you’re going to be continuing work of course.

Thanks for that I looked at the video and it’s just confused me more do
I need to do that at every time I put my card in? The only two symbols I use in this job between my and the other driver is drive and other work .

Would it be a fair guess to say that you normally put the card in then ignore it while you do something else ?

When you put the driver card in at the start of the shift you will be given an option to do a manual entry, select yes and check that the time from the end of your last shift to the start of the new shift is set to rest, as long as it is you’re good to go so just press OK, if the time from the end of the previous shift to the start of the new shift is set to anything other than rest you will need to change it.

Alternatively just make sure the tachograph is set to rest before you eject the driver card.
But it really is a good idea to learn how to use the digital tachograph properly, you’re probably going to be using one for a long time into the future :wink:

Just before I finished my shift today I took your advice and placed it on rest before I ejected my card.
As I have now placed it on rest the mode should be ok for in the morning right ?
I think I need to
Have a look at the manually entry and have a look I just dont wanna mess it up and get my self an infringement.

Thank you for your help!
It’s very much appreciated

Just before I finished my shift today I took your advice and placed it on rest before I ejected my card.
As I have now placed it on rest the mode should be ok for in the morning right ?

Hopefully that will solve your problem :slight_smile:

I think I need to have a look at the manually entry and have a look I just dont wanna mess it up and get my self an infringement.

It wouldn’t hurt to check, as long as you’re careful there’s no reason why you should mess anything up.

When I check in a manually entry to see if it has been on rest from my last shift to the start of my new shift and it’s right and I press ok does it take you straight to the start screen of your tacho?? As I’ve been watching films were they have been going through the manually entry inputting they brakes and it’s been going on 3 different sections. If you get what I mean as it’s hard to explain


Just before I finished my shift today I took your advice and placed it on rest before I ejected my card.
As I have now placed it on rest the mode should be ok for in the morning right ?

Hopefully that will solve your problem :slight_smile:

I think I need to have a look at the manually entry and have a look I just dont wanna mess it up and get my self an infringement.

It wouldn’t hurt to check, as long as you’re careful there’s no reason why you should mess anything up.

When I check in a manually entry to see if it has been on rest from my last shift to the start of my new shift and it’s right and I press ok does it take you straight to the start screen of your tacho?? As I’ve been watching films were they have been going through the manually entry inputting they brakes and it’s been going on 3 different sections. If you get what I mean as it’s hard to explain

When I check in a manually entry to see if it has been on rest from my last shift to the start of my new shift and it’s right and I press ok does it take you straight to the start screen of your tacho?? As I’ve been watching films were they have been going through the manually entry inputting they brakes and it’s been going on 3 different sections. If you get what I mean as it’s hard to explain

You don’t need to add breaks, when you get to the manual entry the top line will show the date and time the card was withdrawn and the bottom line will show the current date and time, check that the symbol at the start of the second line is the bed symbol and keep pressing OK until you’re asked to confirm the manual entry.